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Second Chance Luna

Chapter 104
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Chapter 104

Jason was slowly losing his mind. They found Phoebe’s phone in seconds after a sweep of the area as they removed the bodies and he

gripped it tightly because it was the only thing still containing her scent. He

~ ~

needed to stay calm. Phoebe was counting on him

Luke stood over the hood of the SUV with a laptop on top of it. He wore headphones and a mic as he coordinated with various teams and

they expanded their search. It was clear neither target was at the stadium and now they needed to find them

nad settled short time ago. Unless they had thrown out her Q shoes then it was

nounced the address located in Lower Mount Royal

“Mean anything to you?” Jason demanded of Thomas still kneeling on the grand

“Y-yes,” Thomas sighed, “that’s one of our properties.”

“Not anymore,” Jason snarled. He was tempted to kill him and be done with him but he didn’t want to tip off Phoebe’s captors. “I want it


“Chris? Em?” Luke suddenly stiffened. “You have sights on Achan? Where?”

Jason’s breath hitched. Once he had Phoebe safe again he would end the prince in the most painful way possible

Luke hesitated before announcing, “Looks like he’s headed to the same place.”

Chapter 104 ad

Jason growled. So much the better. Now he could get Phoebe back and take care of Achan in one fell swoop. He glanced at Thomas then to

the guards

“Keep him contained. I don’t want him alerting them we are on our way,” Jason leaned close, glaring at the alpha, “but know this...if I find

Katrina there she will not be breathing much longer.”

“.no, please...”

“I'm out of patience with her little games,” Jason snarled, “you should have kept her on a tighter leash. Let's go! I'm getting my Luna, now!”

“Jason! Please!” Thomas called as he was dragged away. He would wait in one of the Blue Moon's holding cells for his own fate. But Jason

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was in no mood to be generous

The others hurriedly climbed into their transportation and the vehicles tore out of the area to reclaim their pack’s Luna and now Queen

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Luke continued to coordinate with their remote teams to surround and secure the area. When all was ready he gave the word to begin


Blood Moon warriors quietly paced their patrol areas. It was a rather boring detail considering all the excitement was currently at the

stadium and they eagerly waited to hear the results. They heard nothing and spotted no shadows before darts loaded with wolfsbane and

tranquilizers struck them and then fell unconscious. It would have been easier to kill them but the breaking tethers of their deaths would

have alerted the rest

Once the perimeter was secure the others moved in. An SUV with a reinforced front end rammed the gate and Blue Moon warriors clad in

tactical gear descended in force. They made no sound, demanded no surrender as they shot every target in front of the time with darts to


Chapter 104 aid them unconscious and prevent them from sounding alarm. Upstairs and down were quickly secured before Jason even set

foot inside but there was only one thing he wanted. Now that he was on sight Lobo tuned every sense to their mate

She was here and for their sake she better be unharmed

Following the faint trace of her scent, he arrived at the basement door

It was large, heavy and reinforced. It would take hours to cut through it but Christina already secured the key. Though she wanted to send a

team down first one look at her alpha and she knew Jason would go alone. The door swung open soundlessly and he descended into the

darkness beyond with Lobo bristling to be let out


“Have care what you say..she is my w**el” Achan’s voice called out like a bell and tolled his doom

“Say that again... dare you!”

Jason’s aura preceded him flooding the lower level before he reached the last step. Those below struggled to remain on their feet including

Achan. The only one who seemed perfectly comfortable was Phoebe who immediately stood and moved closer to the bars

«. Jason.”

He looked at her. His gaze immediately warmed at the sight of her seemingly unharmed before he glared at the silver bars keeping her in

her small cell. Glancing at the trio in front of him, he snarled

“Keys! Now!”

His command rolled over them and Katrina stiffly moved forward, keys in hand. Jason snatched them from her before his other hand

gripped her neck


Chapter 104 lid

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us now and continue your journey!

The word barely left her before her lifeless body collapsed on the floor

He spared her no glance, turing to Phoebe’s prison and unlocking the

door. She stepped out and into his arms. Her arms snaked around his waist as she pressed herself against him

“Iknew you'd find me,” Phoebe sighed as his embrace settled around her

“Always, angel,” Jason allowed himself a brief moment of satisfaction

He hated the thought of using her as bait but as Emily pointed out, Phoebe was bait whether they used her or not. Precautions had been

taken in the form of three trackers, including one she needed to swallow

He buried his nose in her mane breathing deep to fill his lungs with her scent: lilac and sage...and /emon?

Was that their pup’s scent? Wasn't it too soon? Was the pup trying to let him know it was fine? Was that even possible?

Jason kissed her forehead before turning his attention to their audience. He wasn’t certain if he was surprised to see Camilla there or not

It looked as if she had faced her own beating but he had no room for sympathy or pity. She wasn’t leaving this basement alive

“Phoebe, my angel, please go upstairs,” Jason gently intoned


He gently cupped her face, kissing her gently, “Please. You don’t need to see this.”

Phoebe took a deep breath before nodding. She turned to the stairs only to pause. Looking at Achan, she suddenly marched toward him

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before claiming the book he dropped on the sofa at Jason’s sudden entrance

The prince smiled but she didn’t spare him another glance. Whether the book was truly Eris’s journal or not she would figure out later but


Chapter 104 wouldn't leave it here

“Afraid your dear alpha will find out the truth?” Achan asked as she returned to Jason’s side

“That's the difference between you and me, Achan,” Phoebe finally looked back at him. “Jason and I have no secrets. We face everything

together regardless of what the future may or may not hold.”

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us now and continue your journey!

Achan sneered

“And another thing,” Phoebe couldn't help herself, “you are not leaving here alive. Pm sure Jason will make it as painful as possible, but you

should know..'m already carrying his pup. So you risked all of this for nothing.”

Achan sucked in a breath, glancing at the hand she carefully placed over her stomach then to Jason who smirked at him. Without another

word, Phoebe headed upstairs and was quickly enveloped in the protection of her pack while Jason turned his full attention at those who


“Camilla! Inside,” Jason ordered gesturing to the cell Phoebe recently vacated

She couldn't resist his command and jerkily entered. He slammed the door closed, locked it and tossed the keys across the room. With her

contained he spared her no further thought as he stalked closer to the prince trying desperately not show his nervousness. But Jason wasn’t

fooled. He smelled fear and his wolf was ready for blood

“So what next, Jason?” Achan asked. “Shall we duel for all to see in our final epic battle of good and evil?”

“1 don’t think so,” Jason calmly said, “you don’t deserve an audience and, more importantly, it wouldn't be much of a battle since your wolf

is already dead.”

Chapter 104

“..H-how did you know that?” Achan paled, showing true emotion for the first time

“My Luna is very perceptive,” Jason smirked, “and you should have known better than to come after her. You should have run when you had

the chance.”

There was almost no warning as Jason stepped forward before suddenly doubling over as his wolf took over

It would have blood tonight