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Second Chance Luna

Chapter 100
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Chapter 100

As s00n as Lobo’s paws touched the ground he was out for blood and Jason wasn’t holding him back. Once the prince’s wolf was on its

feet, it leaped forward and attacked. The prince swiped at him but Lobo barely felt the claws through his thick fur as he sank his teeth into

the gray shoulder

Though they had shut down their bond and turned off their emotions, Jason still felt Phoebe’ rising anxiety even after he stepped into the


The silver should have cut them off completely but somehow he still felt her. He wasn’t sure if their bond was simply that strong or if it was

She was worried. She wanted to reach out to him for reassurance but she was holding back and he couldn't afford to split his concentration.

Tt was killing him to keep this distance between them but he had to focus

This was about protecting her. He was counting on Luke and Mona to be there and support her

Be patient, angel. 'm coming back to you

Jason could only hope she would forgive him

Lobo shoved the prince aside and they circled each other before charging in again. The prince was smaller with a lanky build that spoke of a

wolf focused on speed. It was clear his goal was short quick strikes trying to wear down Jason’s stamina

Lobo snarled at the thought they would crumple so easily. They were a big wolf but they were also fast. As they charged Lobo suddenly

veered and spun around to grab at the scruff of the prince’s neck then threw him to the ground. They were rewarded with a pained yelp

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Chapter 100

He lifted the prince up and slammed him down again hearing a satisfying crunch and knew he succeeded in breaking ribs before wringing

him into the ground before he tossed him aside. The prince yelped again before dragging himself to his feet to face Jason again

Lobo prowled the perimeter of the circle watching with shining amber eyes. There was something off about his opponent. The prince didn’t

seem to be fighting for his life in the slightest

As s00n as he was on his feet the prince charged again. Lobo pulled back at the last moment then sank his teeth into the prince’s haunches.

He dragged him back into the center of the ring. Lobo would not allow the prince to set a single claw outside the ring until he was finished.

He slammed the prince into the ground again and wrung him before flipping him over and tossing him aside again. Lobo backed off

watching his enemy as the prince struggled to rise to his feet

“What is wrong with him?’ — Jason couldn’t help but wonder. Why wasn’t the prince taking this seriously? Did he not want to win? What

was the point of challenging him if Nolan simply intended to throw his life away? Did he even want to survive?

The prince struggled to get his feet under him for another charge as his gaze looked longingly at the royal box. It was only a moment but

nothing was lost to Lobo’s gaze. Despite the risk he also glanced at the gathered royalty. Why was the prince fixated on them?

The king wasn’t even looking at the fight. His hate filled gaze was centered on Phoebe a fact he would pay for once this duel was over. The

queen kept her head hung low while the princess acted like she was on holiday, waving to Jason whenever she thought his gaze lingered in

her direction. Behind them the first prince had his leering gaze trained in the same direction as the king. He was another that would have a

short life


Chapter 100 There was only one person watching the fight and that was Beta Corwin

The beta was watching with the intensity of a lover..or a mate

The realization made Lobo stumble and he almost missed the prince’s

next attack. Luckily he recovered quickly and ducked at the last moment, snapping at the prince’s leg and sinking his teeth into flesh. With a

growl, Lobo yanked him around and whipped his head to snap the prince’s limb before backing off again

Mates? Were the second prince and beta mates? Was that the hold the first prince had to force his bother to challenge him? If the king

knew the beta would not still be alive. So it had to be the prince

Phoebe. Yes, that was why she was so anxious. She had the innate ability to sense the mating bonds of others, even broken ones. There was

no way she would have missed this connection. If the prince died the beta would crumple as the bond, even incomplete, severed. If the

prince didn’t die the beta certainly would. The first prince was at least as ruthless as his father and would not tolerate failure

Lobo allowed a moment of pity for them as the prince struggled to his feet one paw hanging. The prince would not forfeit. He was willing to

trade his life for his mate. Jason could respect that, but he was also fighting for his mate. He would not lose. There was only one way to end

this, only one way he would allow it to end

And it was time to end it

The prince staggered as he gasped for breath and gathered himself

There was a pained look in his gaze as the crushing reality of never being able to claim his mate fell on him but in order for his mate to live

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and have a second chance he had no other choice. He had managed to warn Corwin beforehand and told regardless of the outcome of this

duel to run

Run and live

Chapter 100

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Gathering himself Nolan lunged once again going for Jason’s throat and praying the Blue Moon Alpha would make it quick for him and his

mate. Lobo stood as still as a statue watching the prince’ final rush. It was practically in slow motion and almost as laughable

Lobo barely moved as he dodged the haphazard charge and sunk his teeth into the prince’s neck. He shook him like a ragdoll and then

threw him to the ground only to pick him up and repeat the savage gesture. The prince cried out sharply then lay unmoving

Lobo backed away as Ansel hurried into the ring. Checking the prince, Ansel stood and announced, “He breathes.”

Ansel stepped back as another elder brought a large hourglass

Together they flipped it and waited as the sand ran down. It would take three minutes for the time to run out. That was how much time the

prince had to rise and continue the fight. It was also three minutes he would have to recover without medical assistance. He could easily

expire in that time as his breath rattled in his chest

Lobo moved back waiting for the prince to either expire or stand again. But he wouldn't. He kept a wary eye on the first prince waiting for

any sign or gesture he would enter the fray as time slowly ran down

As the last grains fell, Ansel straightened, “Prince Nolan is unable to continue. The victor is Alpha Jason!”