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Eight Uncles' Beloved Treasure (Lily)

Chapter 600
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Lilly held Bettany’s hand, hopping and skipping along as they headed to the MPV that Blake had

booked beforehand.

The MPV was big enough to hold seven to eight people, and would take them straight to Bondee


Blake had also booked a B&B that opened right up to a view of the seagulls.

“I’m rooming with Lilly this time!” Bettany walked along with her sling bag, Blake carrying her suitcase

behind her.

Blake was pulling along two suitcases and a backpack, as well as an adorable bag in the shape of a

strawberry… Lilly’s.

Blake, the mover on duty, said, “Old Mrs. Crawford, you can’t let Old Mr. Crawford stay by himself.”

Hugh walked over casually. “We’ll both room with Lilly.”

Blake said, “There’s only one bed in that room.”

Bettany said, “That’s fine. He can take the couch.

Hugh said, “What?” His smile froze on his face.

Blake, being left with no choice, upgraded to a bigger room last-minute.

The B&B owner smiled at him. “You’re in pretty good luck! The booking made on the biggest room just

got canceled. It’s a seagull room, too.”

Lilly was curious. “What’s a seagull room?”

The owner could not help but give the little pigtails on her head a light pinch.

“You’ll find out once you’re inside!”

The owner said, opening the room door.

Lilly widened her eyes in shock and joy. “Whoa!”

The room was enormous, with a gigantic floor-to-ceiling glass door that took up an entire wall facing

Bondee Beach.

The door opened up to two swimming pools. There was a group of seagulls soaring above the deck.

Lilly padded over, and the seagulls were within reach at once. The seagulls were used to seeing

tourists, and called out as they flew over.

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The owner smiled as he reminded them, “Seagulls aren’t afraid of people, but you shouldn’t feed them.

The food you throw out, along with their poop, will only pollute Bondee Beach. The seagulls will also

get used to being fed, and lower their hunting skills.”

Lilly nodded. “OK, OK!”

The B&B owner wished them all a good trip, and left.

Lilly sat by the pool, taking out her phone to give her brothers and sisters a call.

“Look, it’s a seagull!” Lilly raised the phone up high.

Hannah was so envious she was close to tears, complaining bitterly. “It’s not fair! Why can’t I skip

class, but kindergarteners can? I want to go too!”

Liam’s voice rang from the background. “Tomorrow’s Monday, where are you going? Have you done

your homework?”

Hannah stopped talking.

Having caught King Libra, Josh and the rest were now back in school with their lives back to normal as


Lilly comforted Hannah. “Come on, Hannah, I’ll take you here next time! We can all come!”

Hannah finally relented, pouting at the screen. “Bring me a souvenir.”

Lilly asked, “What would you like?”

Hannah said, “Not much, just get me a seagull!”

Lilly was speechless.

Josh’s hand appeared, pushing Hannah to the side. “All you think about is seagulls, huh? Why don’t

you try flying yourself?”

Josh’s face finally showed up on the screen. “Lilly, did you get any ghosts?”

Lilly nodded. “Yeah, I got a rebel ghost!”

The siblings chatted on and on, as if they had countless things to talk about.

A long time later.

Josh asked, “Drake, wanna talk to Lilly?”

Drake’s voice came back calmly. “It’s not like she’s never coming back. I’m fine!”

Josh said, “Alright. I’ll hang up, then.”

Drake was speechless.

The call actually ended.

On Drake’s phone was a group video call of him and his schoolmates studying together.

xo.com fast update

Ivan’s voice came through the phone. “What’s up?”

Drake hummed. “Not much. My sister’s at Bondee Beach, she was on the phone with them.”

There was a pause, with no reply for quite a while.

Lilly played with the seagulls for a whole hour, before getting ready to find a place to eat.

Only for them to run into a familiar-looking woman at the lobby.

She was fashionably-dressed with sunglasses on her face. It was the woman from the train.

She was currently throwing a huge tantrum. “I clearly booked the room! Why are you telling me you

gave it to someone else?”

The B&B owner said, “You just cancel your booking on the app. Of course I gave it to someone else.”

The woman slammed her bag on the counter, fuming. “I know I canceled it on the app, but why didn’t

you even bother calling me to make sure? My finger slipped and I canceled it by accident, I didn’t even

realize it happened!”

The owner did not know what to say.

“It couldn’t have been by accident. There’s a double confirmation required when you cancel your

booking, and you need to authorize both of them and key in your password before it’s confirmed.”

The woman flared up even more. “Are you saying I lied, then? I’m making all of this up? Fine! Well, it’s

only been an hour since I canceled my room. You can’t be out of the room completely so soon!”

She had seen the room online. It was huge, with a big bedroom and two swimming pools as well as a

balcony with a sea view… perfect for her travel vlogs.

It was expensive, too. One night alone cost eight thousand dollars, and most people would not be able

to afford it.

She saw another room with a sea view as well, and the pictures looked pretty good too. It was only a

little over a thousand dollars, and she thought that there wouldn’t be much of a difference as long as

she was able to see the seagulls…

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Only for her to reach and realize that her vlogs would not look hardly as good from over there.

Thus she canceled her booking over there and came back, only for her pre-booked room to be gone.

The B&B owner had seen his fair share of bad customers, and was more than used to this sort of


He said bluntly, “You canceled it, so it’s canceled. You can book another room, we have other rooms

available too.”

The woman refused to budge. “Who took my room? Tell them to give it to me! They just checked in

anyways, I can compensate them a hundred dollars!”

The owner was speechless.

These people could afford a room that cost over eight thousand dollars per night. As if they would care

about a measly hundred dollars!

As they were talking, the owner saw Lilly and the rest walking out. He smiled at them. “Heading out for


Bettany nodded.

The woman said, “Are these the people staying in my room?”

The owner had lost his patience with her. “They’re staying in one of the B&B’s rooms. It’s not your


The woman was fuming. This family again!

They were everywhere! It was bad enough that they disrupted her sleep on the train, now they had

taken her room too!

“That room was supposed to be mine! I don’t care, don’t give me excuses! Either think of a way for

them to give me the room, or I’m making a report!”

The owner said at once, “Go ahead. It’s your right to complain, I can’t stop you.”

The woman fully lost it. “What kind of attitude is that? Is this how you treat your guests? How do you

even do business around here?”

She had a high income, and considered herself to be one of society’s highest contributors. Of course,

she was a top customer.

The B&B owner should obviously do as she wanted!

This was a new money family, anyways! Did they even deserve to stay in a place so classy? What a
