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Accepting My Twin Mates by Unwise Owl

Chapter 108
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Accepting My Twin Mates Chapter 108
Chapter 105 – Taking Selfies?
“Let’s go, daddy,” Catalina slapped my ass out of nowhere, pulling me into the club and leaving my wolf to short-circuit in
Tusaeiduni alalhat ealaa eadam qatl hadhih almar’a, (goddess, help me not kill this woman), I sent a silent prayer up to the
moon, for however much good it would do.
“You slap my ass again, woman, and I’ll snatch your hair off,” I hissed in a low voice to the aggravating she-wolf yanking me
“Good luck because I don’t wear extensions or a weave,” she snorted, flicking her long dark hair over her shoulder and taking out
a small mirror from her clutch to clear up her smudged red lipstick. “This is all me, chico.”
“I don’t know what any of those are, but I’ll snatch them off too.”
‘Quit making threats that you’ll do f**k all with and drink this,’ she grabbed two flutes of champagne from a passing tray of the
wait staff and thrust one into my hand. The pale gold fizz sloshed up the glass and over my hand. ‘Take a leaf out of your
brother’s book.’
She inclined her head subtly over in the direction of my twin, as I switched hands with the glass and flicked the champagne off.
Across the room, Adrian had handed a similar-looking slender flute to a glowering Astennu.
‘Aste looks more inclined to stab him in the eye with it,’ Baniti shot a burst of laughter, his irritation completely forgotten, for now.
‘You’re a heartless b***h to do this to my brother,’ my lips peeled back in a suppressed grin. I couldn’t help but find my poor older
twin’s predicament quite funny.
‘I know, I totally am. We needed something to make Evie laugh when we find her.’

Catalina’s whole demeanour tilted on its axis, her smirk slipping. ‘She was one of the few people that could bite back and didn’t
treat me like an airhead daddy’s girl. Not once did she try to suck up to me to get something. She was a real friend, even after
everything I did.’

Not bothering to wait for me, Catalina disappeared through a cloud of smoke from a small boisterous group too lost in their own
conversation to notice anyone around them. When I caught up to her, she was biting into a small mint-scented dessert, following
it immediately with a second.
“Goddess, that’s better,” she chased the mouthful with the remainder of her drink, wincing as the two flavours mixed on her
palate. ‘Anything to get that guy’s taste out of my mouth.’
‘I didn’t peg you for knowing how to smoke?’ I was quite impressed by how she had held back her choking.
‘Oh, I don’t. I coughed my lungs up when I got away from that guy outside,’ she glanced over my shoulder towards the double
doors we had broken in through. ‘Speaking of which, we should hide further in the club. I don’t want him finding me for his
‘It was a gutsy move, I suppose.’
‘You’ll come to learn I’m full of gutsy moves,’ she wrapped herself around my arm to play her part, while I swiftly pulled us away
and around the curved bend in the club in the opposite direction my twin had gone. ‘Now let’s find where they’re fighting these
rogues so we can get the hell out of this cesspit.’
‘...And find my Evie and pup,’ my entire mood sobered in an instant with a mighty whine echoing in my head from my wolf.
‘We’ll get her back, big guy,’ Catalina sent a jab to my side.
I assumed it was a friendly gesture of solidarity, but all it did was send a spasm through my body. Her eyes narrowed at my
reaction and her mouth fell open, transforming into a huge devious smirk.
‘You are ticklish!’
She moved to poke me again, but I caught her index finger and aimed a counter-jab right back, knowing she was just as ticklish
too; thanks to our first break-in to Finley’s place with her brother, Thiago.
‘Don’t start a fight you won’t win,’ I threw her hand down and cast my eyes about the space and over the heads of the other
mingling people. ‘So instead of trying to poke me, look out for a blond guy about your dad’s age, maybe older, with a beard.’

If that ibn al kalb (son of a dog) Frenchman was here among the people partying, he would rumble us the moment he spotted us.
‘You seen Marceau yet?’ My twin must have read my mind.
‘No, and we’re still looking for this fighting pit to appear,’ I almost felt like throwing my hands in the air with frustration. ‘I know it’s
here, I can feel it. We just have to suffer this bullshit a little more. Better dealing with Catalina and Adrian here, than dealing with
Isaac at home, right?’

Catalina was the last person I wanted to be spending an evening with, only beaten by the man that used to be my father. The
person I should have been spending my evening with was my nour el-ain, stroking and fawning over her belly in front of a roaring
fire and telling the pup growing in her womb how much I loved him; even if fatherhood scared the s**t out of me.
Satisfied that Marceau wasn’t within eyesight at the very least, I turned back to Catalina to suggest checking out the edges,
when I noticed she was busy posing in front of her phone nearby the bizarre suspended hoop performers.
‘Is she taking selfies?’ My wolf was as floored as I was.
‘What are you doing?’ I snatched her wrist to halt her time-wasting. ‘We’re meant to be investigating!’
‘I am, by pretending to take selfies.’
And far from stopping, she pulled me into the frame, pressing close into my cheek no matter how hard I tried to pull away without
drawing attention. But instead of it being our picture on the screen of her phone, it was the crowd around us and she was
zooming in on their faces.
‘Do you think this is the only place trafficking wolves?’ She stared at the screen, flicking through the photos she had taken and
scrutinising the images. ‘This Marceau guy, do you seriously think he’s pitting his fighters against each other or do you think he’s
pitting them against other owners? Some of those owners could be here, even if he isn’t.’
‘That’s... actually smart,’ Baniti muttered. ‘Why didn’t we think of that?’
‘Because all we’re focused on is our mate and I don’t care if that makes us selfish. After everything we’ve lost, I’ll be damned if
we lose her. She and our pup are our priority to find.’
‘This is great that you’re doing this and all, but we need to find a lead on Evie and I’m not seeing anything around here that
screams cage match,’ I gestured to the display on a podium. A naked woman, painted gold, rolled and tumbled in acrobatics on

a suspended coil that spun in a nauseating spiral.
‘Ugh, quit looking,’ my wolf’s stomach churned. ‘The spring thing is giving me motion sickness.’
Catalina was about to open her mouth, but a single word carried over the cacophony of noise; lycan. I slapped my hand over her
mouth, straining my ears to hear the conversation.
‘What is it?’ She pushed my hand away, joining me to lean into the discussion behind us somewhere. ‘What are they saying? Is
that Arabic?’
‘Yeah,’ I tried to casually steer us nearer, without looking as though we were eavesdropping. ‘They’re talking about going down to
catch the end of the fight with the lycan and collecting their winnings. They’ve seen him fight plenty of times here... it has to be
‘We think we have a lead on where the fight is in this place,’ I mind-linked Astennu quickly, adrenaline flowing through me. ‘Let us
go ahead and scout it out. We’ll tell you when to follow.’
‘Got it. Adrian and I will keep our distance until you give the word.’.