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You're Out Daddy

Chapter 514
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Chapter 514

He was about to fire a shot when his hand became weak. His entire body turned stiff as blood trickled

out of the corner of his mouth.

Seeing that, Gavin hurried over. “General Will...”

Despite his fury mere moments ago, Will slumped into the chair and stared at Boss. His eyes were as

wide as saucers, but he couldn't move his limbs.

“General Will, what's wrong with you? What happened to you?” Gavin asked hastily.

He glared at Boss and demanded, “What did you do to General Will?”

“I stood here and didn't move an inch. What can I do?” Boss responded.


Suddenly, Will parted his lips to say something. At once, Gavin leaned down and put his ear by Will's


After hearing what Will had to say, he glowered at Boss and whipped his gun out to point it at the


Boss remained unfazed. Despite having a gun pointed in his direction, he chuckled out loud.

“You'd better think through before firing the gun,” he reminded.

Gavin sneered, “I don't have to think twice to punish a traitor!”

“Then, should you call your family before firing the gun?” Boss responded.

Hearing that, Gavin froze and shot him a sharp look.

“Boss, how dare you harm my family!” he declared furiously.

Boss merely flashed a languid smile. “I didn't harm them. All I did was invite them to my place and

provide them with food and accommodation. They are happier there than in your little house.”

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Gavin's hand was shaking as he held the gun.

Boss went to him. “As long as you help me take over General Will's position, I promise they will be fine.

I will even send your kid to study overseas.”

“Dream on!” Gavin retorted.

Boss was still calm. “Don't reject that fast. Think about it. What did you get from working for General

Will? Money, a house, or a family?”

“I won't be a traitor!” Gavin merely stared at him.

“A traitor?” Boss snickered. “That is a negative term, but I think humans have the right to their own

judgments. If he is a good leader, you can insist on following him. However, do you still think he is a

good leader after what he did over the years?”

Gavin did not gratify him with a response.

“All these years, he led the people of the Vermillion Base to wreak havoc and did all sorts of evil deeds.

Do we want that?” Boss questioned.

Still, Gavin said nothing. He disagreed with Will's decision but couldn't do anything to stop the man's

actions for the past few years.

“You were loyal to him, but do you know what he did to you? I don't think so. Remember how your son

died in the war? Do you think he sacrificed to save General Will?”

Stunned, Gavin whipped his head up to stare at Boss. “What do you mean by that?”

Boss chuckled lightly and said in a low voice, “Back then, they didn't sacrifice to save General Will. It

was General Will who abandoned my sister and your son there to avoid those people. Hence, he was

the reason they died.”

Gavin's eyes widened, but he quickly shook his head. “No, you're wrong. That was just an accident.”

He then turned to look at the man slumped in the chair; distrust evident in his gaze.

“The kids were fine in the base, but why did they leave with General Will suddenly? Many people were

with them, but why did they have to die? Have you never thought, hated, or suspected anything?” Boss

asked slowly.

“No. General Will won't do that. Why would he do that?” Gavin remained doubtful.

“If I'm not mistaken, your son was good in his studies. There was a spot to study overseas, and he was

supposed to get it.”

Gavin stared straight at Boss.

Boss continued, “Who got the chance to study overseas after your son died?”

Gavin turned over his shoulder to look at the man in the chair.

“General Will's son got the spot,” Boss said, “that accident was nothing but an intricate plan. My sister

was dragged into the mess and died as she was on good terms with your son!”

It felt like a lightning had struck Gavin.

He couldn't believe that the man he had been loyal to for years had done that to him.

He shook his head and insisted, “I was the one who gave up the spot to General Will!”

“Yes. Your son died, so who else could you give the spot to? Who were you loyal to?” Boss looked him

straight in the eye.

Gavin fell silent as he had nothing to say in retaliation.

Indeed, he had his suspicions back then. Right now, his questions and coincidences were answered.

Everything Gavin believed in was destroyed to shreds. His hands holding the gun were trembling


Boss went over to him and placed his hand on Gavin's shoulders. “Gavin, it doesn't matter if you trust

me or not. You can investigate the matter yourself. I can provide the evidence and witnesses you need.

I could've gotten rid of you today, but I didn't do that as I admire you. I know what you're like, so I hope

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to get your help. Nevertheless, you are free to reject me. As my sister was friends with your son, I will

let you go. You are free to make your own choice!”

Gavin spun around to look at him.

Boss bore a serious expression as though Gavin's answer was of utmost importance to him.

“Don't worry. I will take good care of your family. If you refuse to stay and help me, I will help you leave

with them. I won't make things difficult for you,” Boss promised.

Gavin looked at him before turning to look at Will in the chair. He seemed conflicted.

A while later, Gavin parted his lips to ask, “Are you sure?”

Boss nodded.

“Okay, I will help you. However, if I discover you lied to me, I'll do everything in my power to destroy

your reputation!” Gavin vowed.

Boss' lips curved as he said, “It's a deal, then.”

Gavin was still overwhelmed, but he couldn't stop himself from asking, “How will you deal with Gen...


Boss turned to Will. “Tell the public that he collapsed from an illness and is now in a coma. I will take

over his position.”

“Will they trust you?”

“You're here, so they will trust me,” Boss replied.

Gavin was surprised. Suddenly, he saw Boss in a different light.

He seemed reckless, but he is in fact, a sly man.

“You've been waiting for this moment for years, right?” Gavin asked.

“Yes. I've been waiting for this day to come ever since I discovered the truth!” Boss told him.

Gavin said nothing.

“Go. They will trust what you say,” Boss urged.

Without a word, Gavin rose to his feet and headed out.

“Oh, by the way, send some men to find J and the rest. Do everything you can to find them!” Boss
