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You Are My One and Only

Chapter 78
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Patricia frowned in response. No, you can’t possibly already dock my salary my first hour into the job—

wait! At that, her eyes lit up.

“Bonus? There are monthly bonuses?”

Isaac took in her surprised look. I swear this girl is a leprechaun incarnated. She’ll leap in joy whenever

she’s given money.

Thus, he nodded in affirmation. “Of course. Arnold Corporation has a reward and penalty system.”

The revelation got her to seventh heaven. So I won’t only be getting a thirty-thousand salary but also

bonuses, especially an annual bonus. Ahhh! I have to latch onto Arnold Corporation until the triplets

grow up!

Isaac took a sip of the coffee—he didn’t say anything even though Patricia took the liberty of adding

milk to it—and smiled as he riveted his fathomless gaze on her joyous countenance.

“President Arnold, it’s my first day at work, so I don’t exactly know what I’m supposed to do. Can you

please spare me this once?”

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Isaac quirked a brow, seeing how sincere she looked. “Alright, but only this time.”

At that, Particia dashed to her desk at once and took a notebook before returning to him. “Please tell

me what I should do as your personal secretary, President Arnold. I’ll definitely get it done perfectly.”

She would bend over backward for the high salary and the sake of her babies’ good life.

“As my personal secretary, you have to take care of my most private affairs: styling my outfit taking

care of my meals and medicine, following me to social engagements, picking me up along with my

chauffeur…” listed Isaac after taking another sip of the coffee she made, which he thought tasted pretty


Patricia noted it all down. Though she thought this sounded more like a caregiver’s job, she would still

do it for the sake of money.

After that was sorted, Isaac got busy, and a manager would come in to report work every now and

then, to which he would listen attentively and give some pointers.

With no substantial work to do, Patricia just watched him work away or reproach his employees with

her hand propped against her chin, thinking he was the overlord of Arnold Corporation.

When noon came, Patricia went up to Isaac, who was typing away with one hand and holding a

cigarette in the other at his desk.

He first attended a two-hour meeting that morning, then saw the various departmental managers for

more than an hour after that. His day sure was super packed; no wonder his morning was worth tens of

millions! It looked pretty worth it to her.

“President Arnold, would you like me to order you lunch, or would we be eating at the employee


Isaac checked the time upon hearing so to find it was already 12.15PM. With that, he took a roguish

drag and said, “The employee cafeteria.”

It was her first day in the company, so he should show her around. At least she had to know where the

cafeteria was.

Patricia nodded in response. “Oh, okay. I’ll head over first, then.”

“We’ll go together,” announced Isaac, seeing that she instantly turned and walked away.

Patricia wanted to play dumb, but how could she when he spoke loud and clear? Unless she was truly

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deaf, or no one would believe her at all.

Alas, he was the boss and the man giving her her salary. The one with the money called the shots—

she could only do as he said.

Meanwhile, Isaac grabbed his phone and fiddled with it while striding toward her.

The two arrived at the employee cafeteria on the second floor. The cafeteria was massive, and many

were lining up. She had to say, Arnold Corporation sure had a lot of employees.

After entering the cafeteria, Patricia stood in line like everyone else, but not Isaac. He went straight

ahead, picked out what he wanted to eat, then took a table by the window.

Patricia was one of the last few to arrive at the cafeteria, so by the time she took her food, all the tables

were taken.

She scanned the floor while holding her serving tray. Everyone was in their little groups, but she knew

no one. Alas, she had no choice but to sit across from Isaac.

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