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You Are My One and Only

Chapter 48
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Patricia only managed to read Isaac’s text after bringing the triplets home, and just as she wanted to

ask him if he could take some heat or how he’d like the stew prepared, his second message came.

With that, she hurriedly deleted her question and asked, ‘It’s a paid leave, right?’

This was her number one concern; she didn’t mind not having any breaks since she owed him so much

money, after all.

Just the thought of Poppy’s potential medical funds getting stolen got her feeling awful, so she wanted

to use labor to punish herself.

Now, not only would she have to work hard to pay off her debts, but she’d also have to put in extra

effort to help Darcie pay off Poppy’s medical bills.

Meanwhile, Isaac had just come out of the shower. While drying his hair with a towel, he checked his

phone and replied to her text, ‘Of course.’

Patricia replied instantly, ‘You’re the best, President Arnold! xoxo.’

Does this mean I’ll be getting every Sunday off thereafter? She thought that Isaac was pretty nice, and

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he was a decent boss the more she thought about it.

However, the man frowned upon seeing the words ‘xoxo’.

Damn it, you woman. How dare you seduce me through the phone?

After dinner, Patricia went to the hospital with lunch boxes. When she entered the ward, she found

Darcie eating takeout that she had probably gotten from the hospital’s cafeteria. Judging from how

reluctantly she was eating, it probably didn’t taste good.

“Miss Patricia.” Poppy smiled upon seeing the visitor.

Likewise, Darcie looked toward the door when she heard Poppy’s barely audible ‘Miss Patricia’. “Tricia,

what brings you here again?”

When Patricia saw Darcie’s puffy eyes, she knew the woman had been agonizing over money earlier.

With that, she sat next to Darcie and handed her one of the lunch boxes. “I’ve brought some of Mrs.

Zimmer’s cooking. They are all your favorite dishes.”

After that, Patricia took Poppy’s lunch box out, intending to feed the little girl.

“I can feed myself, Miss Patricia,” Poppy said with a smile, so Patricia put the lunch box on the overbed

table so the little girl could eat while sitting on her bed. Poppy was rather spirited that day, but it still

pained Patricia to see the little girl was now skin and bones due to her illness.

On the other hand, Darcie ate at the table beside them. Josephine’s food was up her alley, and while

she ate, she said to Patricia, “Mrs. Zimmer sure knows how to cook. Now, this is what I call food.”

She had been eating so much takeout lately that she had the urge to puke just by looking at it.

Meanwhile, Patricia sat on the edge of the hospital bed. “Darcie, I wanted to pawn my ring and use the

money to pay for Poppy’s medical bills. However, a thief snatched it right out of my hands earlier


Darcie’s eyes widened upon hearing so. “Theives nowadays are getting more and more savage. To

think they’d rob in broad daylight.”

At that, her gaze dimmed a little. “At the end of the day, it’s all my fault. I’ll buy you one when I have the

money again, Tricia.”

Patricia never told anyone how the ring came into her possession, for the story was rather absurd.

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Even she wasn’t sure if it really happened or that she was dreaming. Surely, it was real when she had

gotten triplets from the incident, right?

However, she just couldn’t bring herself to say it out loud.

“Darcie, my neighbor can lend us half a million. I’ll borrow from them to treat Poppy’s illness. We can

slowly repay the debt together after that.”

Tears began pooling in Darcie’s eyes upon hearing so. “Thank you for helping me, Tricia. I’ve been

selling my house lately. We’ll be able to pay the debt after I get the money from it.”

She had pleaded and begged many people earlier that day, but none were willing to lend her any

money. She had even gone as far as begging on her knees, but none of her relatives bothered

themselves with her.

She couldn’t blame them, for she knew they saw Poppy’s illness was like a black hole, constantly

needing large sums of money to cure the little girl.

Worst yet, Darcie couldn’t save any money with her current state. As such, it was within reason that

they dared not lend her any money.

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