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Worlds' Apocalypse Online

Chapter 879 - Heaven And Earth
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Chapter 879: Heaven And Earth

Translator: La0o9 Editor: La0o9

From the wind.

A figure slowly appeared.

Using the Chaotic Elemental Bombardment Plate, Gu Qing Shan regained his original form, escaped from the battle, and arrived next to the Immortal King as a gust of wind.

He reached his hand out and took the Heaven sword.

“Don’t worry, senior, the sword is in my hand”

Gu Qing Shan solemnly told him.

As the Immortal King looked at Gu Qing Shan, then at the Heaven sword in his hand, the look of desperation and unwillingness he had earlier vanished.

The Immortal King squeezed out one last smile and struggled to speak: “It’s good that you’re here”

He slowly closed his eyes, lowered his head, and passed on.

The Age of Old of humanity ended together with the Immortal King’s death.

Everything was over.

As he looked at this old man who orchestrated everything, Gu Qing Shan felt various emotions welling up within his chest.

But he only took a deep breath and pushed them back down.

After going through so much bloodshed and struggle, traveling everywhere within the Age of Old, weaving between the monsters’ schemes and humanity’s struggles, he had now arrived at the most crucial moment.

I can’t lose myself just yet.

Everything is still not over.

The final results are still dependent on my efforts from this point onwards.

Several blood-red lines of text appeared in the void of space:

[You’ve obtained the Heaven sword]

[You’ve completed the Order’s evolution Quest]

[The Demon King Order will begin to evolve shortly, the Demon King is about to arrive]

The blood-red text vanished.

Followed by the [Demon King Order]’s voice:

[As the Order has obtained Order Origin power of the same level from the prototype, this evolution has been completed]

[As you have already dealt with the Abyssal Fate Weaver, the Order suggest that you immediately sacrifice the newly completed Intermediate-class Demon Lord to alter combat responsive strategy]

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“What do I get after I sacrifice it?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

The [Demon King Order] answered: [You will obtain the first war function of the Order. Ever since the Kindling stage, none of the Order’s functions have truly been unlocked, this would be the first time for Your Excellency]

“Then sacrifice it now” Gu Qing Shan said in his mind.

[Understood, the Demon Lord has been sacrificed, the Demon King Black Flag will soon be activated] the [Order] replied.

It only took a few breaths’ worth of time from the moment that Gu Qing Shan took the sword to the [Order]’s evolution, despite how long it seemed.

A thunderous roar sounded from the sky above.

Gu Qing Shan looked up.

The Soul Shrieker and Abyssal Demon Dragon had decided to unleash their attacks at the same time towards the Indestructible Giant.

They had already noticed what was happening on the ground.

But since Gu Qing Shan was only a Three Thousand Worlds realm cultivator, he wasn’t a concern for them.

For these two terrifying Abyssal monsters, the Heaven sword being in his hands wasn’t at all different from it being in the Immortal King’s hands.

The first thing they need to be concerned with is killing the Indestructible Giant!

Since the Soul Shrieker and Abyssal Demon Dragon were still wary of each other, they were charging at the Indestructible Giant at a relatively slow pace.

The Indestructible Giant’s fighting spirit once again reached the peak as he gave off a desperate atmosphere.

The giant raised his sword up high, as if ready to make his final gambit.

Seeing that, the Soul Shrieker and Abyssal Demon Dragon moved even slower.

They both had their own goals to achieve, so they did everything they could to maintain a synchronized speed and made sure that the other party wouldn’t attack them from behind or not attack at all.

Gu Qing Shan silently observed this as various thoughts danced around his mind.

From the entire battle just now, it could be seen that the Soul Shrieker was a highly intelligent monster.

It’s still holding back.

It was still keeping the 7-colored spear a secret.

But what caused Gu Qing Shan to feel even heavier was that...

The current Soul Shrieker was only an avatar of the real Soul Shrieker.

While its true body was still inside the Abyss.

Why hasn’t its real body come here?

And there are still a lot of suspicious points regarding the Abyssal Fate Weaver.

The only good news is that...

Gu Qing Shan’s gaze fell onto the Abyssal Demon Dragon’s body.

During the entire battle, a layer of ashen mist had been drifting around the Abyssal Demon Dragon and was occasionally absorbed into his body.

If too much ashen mist was absorbed into his body at the same time, the Demon Dragon would slightly shiver involuntarily.

This small issue couldn’t escape from the Soul Shrieker’s eyes, and it was also noticed by Gu Qing Shan.

Apparently, the Demon Dragon’s assimilation into the Abyss had run into some problems and made it so that its mind wasn’t quite as bright as it was before.

Regardless of what happened, the Demon Dragon was still a powerful weapon of war that was assigned the task of keeping watch over the Abyssal Fate Weaver’s true body. Even if some sort of problem had occurred during the assimilation process, it had still gotten stronger.

This was the real reason why the Soul Shrieker had kept the 7-colored spear hidden all this time.

Gu Qing Shan was shocked by this realization.

So there was such a huge difference between the Abyssal monsters.

The Soul Shrieker was the strongest entity who sought the Heaven sword.

Even a mere avatar was able to fight the Demon Dragon head-on.

Then its real body...

Gu Qing Shan sighed, then suddenly recalled the Creator.

He was an even more unimaginably powerful entity.

Gu Qing Shan focused his thoughts and called out: “Luo Bing Li, hurry!”

While the two Abyssal monsters were still being deceived, this would be the only opening he had, if he doesn’t save the Earth sword now, what was he waiting for?

A girl in a traditional Chinese silk dress appeared from the Heaven sword and whispered something into Gu Qing Shan’s ear.

Like other Divine Armaments, only when the weapon spirit informs the wielder of their abilities would the wielder truly understand how to use this weapon.

As Luo Bing Li explained to him, Gu Qing Shan slowly understood.

“I’m glad this was a Temporal Oasis”

Gu Qing Shan muttered.

Because this was a Temporal Oasis, everything here was detached from the true timeline.

So there was no issue for something that used to exist to be here.

As long as its past self wasn’t inside this Temporal Oasis, neither of itself would be selectively erased by the Law of Time.

Only if both the past and future self exist in the Temporal Oasis at the same time would the Law of Time randomly erase one of the two selves to ensure the stability of the Temporal Oasis.

The Earth sword of the Age of Old had already been taken away by Xie Gu Hong and been brought to the lower realm.

So there was only a single Earth sword right now inside the Temporal Oasis.

The Earth sword in Gu Qing Shan’s hand.

He tapped his Inventory Bag without hesitation and took out a long box, then opened it.

The Earth sword.

The Earth sword was still dormant.

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The time-suspension technique had been weakened to its very limit, the faint rippling waves of energy immediately crumbled away at Gu Qing Shan’s touch.

Gu Qing Shan held the Heaven sword in one hand and the Earth sword in the other.

The twin swords began letting out a harmonized vibration.

Originally, the Earth sword’s body was full of cracks and could shatter at any moment, but within this harmonized sound of vibration, like a miracle, all the cracks were swiftly vanishing.

It was being repaired at a visible rate!

At the same time, in front of Gu Qing Shan’s eyes on the [Order] UI, his Soul Points value was swiftly decreasing.

But Gu Qing Shan didn’t care about that right now.

“I’m glad, I finally managed to save you” historical

He softly spoke with a tone full of joy.

The Earth sword’s mountainous heavy voice resounded: 「 How unimaginable, you actually managed to find the Heaven sword, it seems I won’t have to die after all 」

Gu Qing Shan replied: “Of course not, you are my sword, before I give you permission to die, don’t you even think about doing so”

The Earth sword went silent briefly before replying in a low voice: 「 We’ll chat later, the Heaven sword and I will need to awaken now 」

As soon as it said that, a blinding glow appeared on both swords.

In front of Gu Qing Shan’s eyes, beside the blinding light, he couldn’t see anything else.

The blood-red UI also glowed brightly as lines of blood-red text appeared in front of his eyes to display the detailed situation of the Earth sword’s repair and the follow-up reminder:

[You have obtained the Abyssal Soul Artifact, the main body of the Abyssal Weapon, Evil-warding weapon of the Bottomless Abyss, the Guardians against ultimate extinction, the Swords of Changing Fate, the Key to infinite worlds, the legendary twin swords: Heaven and Earth]

[Because you obtained both the Heaven sword and Earth sword at once, the Heaven sword has fully awakened]

[Soul Artifact: Heaven sword]

[This sword has the following abilities:]

[Heaven’s Choice: At any moment that your attack hit an entity, you may immediately add 3, 6, or 9 of the exact same attacks]

[Note: The number of added attacks depend on the amount of Soul Points you expend]

[Chaotic Flow: At any moment that the Heaven sword strike an entity, you may force that entity to skip to any moment in time of your choosing]

[Note: You will need to expend Soul Points proportional to that entity’s strength to activate this ability]

[Special note: Each time you use Chaotic Flow, you must wait for 10 days until you can activate this ability again]

[Heaven’s Twin: When you obtain both the Heaven sword and Earth sword, the abilities of the twin swords would fully awaken]

[Because you obtained both the Heaven sword and Earth sword at once, the Earth sword has been fully awakened]

[Soul Artifact: Earth sword]

[This sword has the following abilities:]

[Earth’s Choice: Slay and extinguish any entity]

[Note: The more powerful the entity you want to slay, the more Soul Points Earth’s Choice will require]

[Sanctuary (Passive): When attacking, this sword’s weight can be heavier than its target anywhere from 2-fold to 1001-fold, the weight can be adjusted as you wish, but while you wield it, it will only weigh as it originally does]

[Earth’s Twin: When you obtain both the Heaven sword and Earth sword, you can spend Soul Points to trigger one of the twin swords to repair the other]