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Worlds' Apocalypse Online

Chapter 665 - Be careful of my Blade
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Chapter 665: Be careful of my Blade

Translated by: La0o9

Edited by: Dr.Lock

Proofreader:? Arya

A few lines of text quickly appeared on the War God UI.

[To conquer or be conquered, that is the question]

[Title: Starflame War God, equipping this title will grant you the Specialty Skill: Conquer]

[Conquer: When you use this skill, all selected enemies will be forced to attack you for a certain justified reason]

[Note: This still is a Mystic-type, Causality skill, unavoidable]

Gu Qing Shan proceeded to equip the [Starflame War God] title and selected all the Black Demon Goats as the targets.

—–as Gu Qing Shan glanced at the War God UI to select the title.

On the plains, in an area immediately between several fortresses, the hordes of Black Demon Goats had gathered.

A Black Demon Goat who appeared to be the leader stepped out and began to rouse its kins.

“Baaah, baa baa, baaahh! Baa baa baa—— bah baa bah baa!”

(We can’t keep going like this, all goats! Gather—– and prepare for a unified strike!)

Under its command, more and more Black Demon Goats gathered to form a huge force.

Seeing several hundred thousand Black Demon Goats gathering at once, the leading Black Demon Goat nodded.

It pointed at the nearest fortress and shouted: “Baaaaah!” (Charge!)

Right at this point, Gu Qing Shan activated [Conquer]

The rousing giant horde of Black Demon Goat suddenly stopped.

Something unexpected happened——–

7-8 large Black Demon Goats suddenly dashed out with weapons in their hands and stabbed the Black Demon Goat leader all at once.

The Black Demon Goat leader looked down, slowly at the weapons that went through its body.

It then looked towards one of the Black Demon Goats and struggled to ask: “Baa ba, baa baah?” (You too, Curly?)

The Black Demon Goat coldly responded: “Ba baa baa baa, baa baah” (Justice must be served, injustice must be punished)

It pulled back its weapon, then proceeded to stab the Black Demon Goat leader’s vitals again.

And again, and again!

The Black Demon Goat leader collapsed to its knees, then completely on the ground.

It died.

The horde of goats went silent.

——-their king had died.

The horde’s attacks stopped.

They gathered towards their leader’s corpse.

The novices’ attacks from the walls of the fortress also had to stop.

A single Black Demon Goat might not be very strong, but when all the Black Demon Goats on the plains gathered in one place, that was a different story entirely.

The power that could be shown by the countless gathered Black Demon Goats wasn’t something to be trifled with.

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The novices also couldn’t recklessly leave their fortresses to attack the giant horde of Black Demon Goats either.

“What are the Black Demon Goats doing?”

The various races of novices all felt confused as they watched.

At this time, in the center of the horde of Black Demon Goats, the Black Demon Goat named Curly stomped on the dead leader’s corpse and shouted: “Baa ba, baa baa bahh baa, baah baa baa baa!” (He deserves to die, he is the one that led our attacks on the fortresses as he pleased, but never once succeeded!)

The horde of goats became rowdy.

One of the goats asked doubtfully: “Baa baa ba, baa bah bah baa” (But we can only attack the fortresses to gain the power of blood, there was simply no other way)

This was a realistic question, as well as the harsh truth.

To evolve, a Black Demon Goat could only attack the fortresses, there simply wasn’t any other way to obtain the power to evolve.

The other Black Demon Goats nodded in agreement to this.

They looked at Curly, wanting to see what it had to say.

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Curly then took a deep breath, raised both hooves and spoke to all the Black Demon Goats: “Baa, baah bah baa ba…” (My name is Curly, and I have a dream…)

It performed its speech with vigor, then finally pointed its hoof upwards, pointing at the faraway fortress on the mountain.

“Bah baa bah baah baa baa…”

Curly was shouting every word.

(The mountain is easy to defend and tough to attack, it can become our new home!)

(Once we obtain that fortress, the races of other worlds will have no choice but to attack our fortress!)

(The situation will reverse itself!)

It then pointed to itself: “Baa baa ba bah, baaaa!” (Your new king now commands you, attack!)

The horde of goats boiled with excitement!

They have never even thought about the possibility of obtaining a fortress for themselves, let alone a mountainous one!

Curly is right, our race needs a powerful barrier to protect ourselves.

The horde shall construct a new Black Demon Goats nation there!

“Baa baa!”

“Baa baa!”

“Baa baa!”

“Baa baa!!!”

They roared in fury.

They began to charge towards the fortress on the mountain.

Their actions and the following commotion was quickly noticed by the other fortresses.

“What’s going on!? Why are they leaving!?” a novice?shouted in shock.

He was worried——- if the horde of goats went away, how would they kill them? How would HE gain the attention of the [Order]?

He then leapt off the fortress and tried to chase after the retreating horde of goats.

“Don’t you dare ru———”

His shout was cut off.


He crashed straight into the defensive barrier around the fortress, stuck there without being able to fall down.

…seems like that crash was quite severe.

A few other novices noticed that the horde of goats had entered the range of their fortress and quickly urged his close allies to fly out from the fortress with him.

—–then they ran back with their tails between their legs.

It was impossible, there were too many Black Demon Goats here that if they couldn’t rely on the defensive capabilities of the fortresses, they weren’t a match for them.

The horde quickly ran past the area of this fortress as well.

All the fortresses on the plains could do nothing but watch as the horde went into and out of range.

——–what the fucking hell is going on here?

All the novices had the same dejected thought.

No one could understand the Black Demon Goats’ language, so no one knew that a coup d’etat serious enough to change the fate of Black Demon Goats had just occurred.

On the other side.

On the treacherous mountainside.

The novices of this single fortress here began to cheer.

They excitedly took out their weapons, rubbing their knuckles together and excitedly waited for the horde’s arrival.

Ning Yue Chan had already finished donning her Yong Zhen General armor.

She looked at Gu Qing Shan and smiled as she asked: “How did you do that?”

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Gu Qing Shan didn’t answer her straight and instead said: “Since this is the first time you’ve left your original world, I have an advice for you”

“Go on”

“There are billions of worlds in the 900 million World Layers, there will always be some unique skills of some races that we simply can’t figure out or anticipate, I hope you will understand this and be careful in battle from now on”

Ning Yue Chan went silent briefly and replied: “I understand what you mean”

Not too far away, the horde of demon goats had already passed through the barrier of the fortress and entered its range.

Ning Yue Chan glanced at the Black Demon Goats and put on her mask.

Her chiming voice came from behind the metallic mask.

“——-However, I also think those creatures should also understand one thing clear”

“Which is?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

“They should be careful of my Blade”


With her Blade in hand, Ning Yue Chan leapt straight from the wall of the fortress into the horde of Black Demon Goats.

From afar, all they could see was a streak of white light that fell from above straight into the midst of the Black Demon Goats before being swallowed up by the infinite black.

A moment of silence.

Intense Blade qi filled the air.

Layers upon layers of sharp Blade slashes erupted all around, attacking the Black Demon Goat horde.

The screams and cries of the goat resounded.

The Blade was merciless, with a gleam of metal, it had continued forward towards the middle of the horde.

The rest of the Black Demon Goats reacted. historical

They began to charge towards this Blade, wanting to completely eliminate this reckless individual.

But her Blade was too fierce.

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Anything that tried to stop her was quickly cut into pieces before being blown away.

Severed limbs flew, a rain of black blood filled the air.

Almost like a storm of death had formed in the middle of the Black Demon Goats horde.

The Blade went forward, then forward again, then continued forward!

Countless Black Demon Goats cried of fear and fury——– although everything was happening rapidly, quite a few Black Demon Goats managed to understand what was going on.

They realized the truth.

——-that the enemy had immediately noticed where their King was hiding!

The Black Demon Goats quickly retreated to the middle, wanting to protect their new Goat King!

They went all-out like a tsunami, rushing towards where the storm of Blades was heading, attempting to stop her advance.




Ning Yue Chan continued to advance.

But no matter how strong she was, she was only one person.

Under the constant pressure of numbers by the Black Demon Goats, the force of her Blade couldn’t help but wither, slowly unable to keep up.

“Not good” Gu Qing Shan’s expression changed.

When he wanted to dash out, a clear chiming voice resounded in the middle of the Black Demon Goats horde.

“You shall die, or I will!”

The girl shouted her battle cry.

The shine of her Blade became more intense!

A sharp, unwavering Blade that never backs down!!!

In that single moment, all obstacles that tried to stop her Blade were destroyed and blown away.

She quickly advanced all the way to the center of the Black Demon Goats.


Her Blade gleamed again.

The new Goat King was struck by the slash and bisected.

The horde went silent.

The King is dead.

The King is dead!!!

The novices?who rushed out together with her also couldn’t help themselves but stop.

That was too awesome…

What kind of ridiculous tactic was that, this woman didn’t even care for her own life during that attack!

A second later, the horde of Black Demon Goats cried out in a desperate but furious tone

They all attacked at once, wanting to kill this woman with the Blade!

You dare to assassinate the king, human, you’re dead!

But a flash of light came from inside the horde of Black Demon Goats.

The very next second, the girl wearing the snow-white armor within the encirclement of goats disappeared.

——-she disappeared without a trace.

No matter how hard the horde of Black Demon Goats looked, they couldn’t find her.

The novices were also shocked.

Someone suddenly realized what happened and exclaimed in shock: “She passed! She was selected by the [Life Order]!”