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Worlds' Apocalypse Online

Chapter 472 - All Beings vs All Things (3)
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Chapter 472: All Beings vs All Things (3)

Translated by: La0o9

Proofreader: Arya

The majority of the islands were destroyed by the Realm Demon Trees.

So much dust was kicked up from the destruction that it had filled the air.

But this dust was quickly turning from their original brownish yellow color to a dense black.

Because the space of the air was being compressed.

All the dust was being gathered.

Some of the highest floating islands began to release wave after wave of light before exploding into shockwaves.

This was their suspension formations malfunctioning.

Usually, a suspension formation would be set at a particular height.

As long as the suspension formation was still active, the island would maintain the set height.

But facing the immense power of the collapsing space, the suspension formations couldn’t handle it and fizzled out.

In just a few seconds, many islands began to fall like asteroids toward the ground.

The carp floated on the surface of the water, staring at this.

It was thinking of a solution.

I know that Rakshasa’s Daughter has [Mystery of All Things Equal]

But Rakshasa’s Daughter doesn’t know about my [Mystery of All Beings Equal]

This was my biggest advantage.

While thinking, the carp simply waited.

It was waiting for the final moments of the world’s collapse.

No one knew exactly when that would be.

If and when that time comes and the other Rakshasa candidate still hasn’t show up, then the position of Rakshasa will officially become his.




The islands started to crash into each other.

As space shrank more and more, the islands began to collide more frequently.

The carp casually swam around the water, watching the end of the world.


The entire world will be destroyed.

The carp continued to swim around.

Time passed by.

All of a sudden, the carp looked up intently at a spot in the sky.

A crack had opened up there.

This crack was the sign of spatial warp.

The carp quickly noticed that.

Who would return to a collapsing world at this point in time?

The answer was obvious.

The carp twisted its body and swam down, hiding itself underwater.

He knew well that the battle had only just begun.

The crack in space opened to become bigger.

A woman wearing a fox mask appeared from the crack.

Rakshasa’s Daughter.

As soon as Rakshasa’s Daughter appeared, 7-8 skin bags noticed her existence.

Good food!

The skin bags quickly moved.

They attacked Rakshasa’s Daughter at an unrecognizable speed.

Without saying a word, Rakshasa’s Daughter turned into a rock.

The rock quickly got away from the crowd of running cultivators, hiding in the dust.

It was falling straight down towards a certain direction.

The skin bags only blinked for a split second and the food that was in their mouths was not gone.

A lot of the skin bags quickly left and gave chase to the fleeing cultivators.

But a few sharp-eyed skin bags noticed and pursued the rock.

They tried everything they could to probe the rock.

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But this was nothing but a rock.

They can’t even eat this thing.

The skin bags begrudgingly left.

Now safe, the rock continued to fall downwards.

Rakshasa’s Daughter managed to notice the situation in an instant, turned into a rock and also selected a good direction to fall down to.

All the skin bags in the sky ignored her now.

Rakshasa’s Daughter sighed from relief.

Luckily I prepared the appropriate countermeasure since that death where I got warped to the quarantine zone of the space vortex.

The opponent had used the same trick again.

Of course I wouldn’t be fooled again.

Although I’m now ragged and bloody, I’ve returned.

The only regret is that the 4 Cryptic realm cultivators were sent away by the escape formation.

No one had ever survived after using that formation ever since it was created.

They were 4 Cryptic realm cultivators!

Such subordinates would’ve been extremely useful hands to have after a little bit of nurturing.

The loss was too heavy.

If I’m unable to become Rakshasa, my defeat will be extremely unsightly.

Thinking of becoming Rakshasa, Rakshasa’s Daughter sighed deeply again.

With the [Mystery of All Things Equal], I should easily win this test.

No matter who the opponent is, no one can win against the realm demon.

I only need to turn into an object and wait until they get eliminated.

At least that’s enough consolation.

The rock kept falling down.

It was heading towards a lake island.

As well as the last remaining floating island in the sky.


The rock fell into the lake and sank directly to the bottom.

Although the world was about to end, the bottom of this lake was as calm as it always had been.

The rock silently sat at the bottom of the lake, bored while waiting for the test to end.

Then again, who is my opponent anyways?

Where did the sudden competitor pop up from?

Could it be Qi Yan?

It might really be him.

He’s the only one who managed to make me give up one Rakshasa’s life.

The rock was silently thinking.

A carp slowly swam past the rock.

Noticing the carp, the rock’s thought drifted off a bit.

These pitiable fishes are still enjoying their time, not knowing that this was already the final moments of this entire world.

A few dozen seconds passed.

The rock was surprised.


Why is the other guy not dead yet?

If the winner was already decided, the white fox would definitely show up.

But the white fox was nowhere to be seen.

What kind of opponent could survive for so long in front of those conscious offshoots?

With Qi Yan’s level of power, he couldn’t possibly achieve that.

The rock was now a bit curious.

Right after, it realized something.

How careless, I could’ve just watched the battle in the sky without being noticed by the realm demon.

Thinking that, the rock turned into a tree branch shaped like a man.

The reason why this tree branch was shaped like a man was because he hadn’t quite mastered the Mystery yet, so there were some parts where he messed up.

Of course, under normal circumstances, this wasn’t an issue.

The tree branch started to float up from the bottom of the lake and surfaced.

It observed the bloody massacre in the sky, wanting to find its opponent there.

While it was doing that, the water rippled a bit.

The tree branch noticed a particularly large crocodile looking at it.

The crocodile was easily 5 meters long.

The crocodile came to the surface of the water and lazily floated there.

After glancing at it a few times, the tree branch ignored it.

It’s just a crocodile, there’s always a lot of them in swamp water.

Wait a minute, why is the crocodile getting closer?

The crocodile was now staring straight at the tree branch without moving.

The tree branch was a bit anxious.

The hell you’re looking at?

I’m just a tree branch!

While it was thinking, a few skin bags flew past the surface of the lake.

The branch gave up on wanting to kill the crocodile in one hit.

If he happened to be found out, that would be a huge loss for no gain.

While the branch stayed stationary, the crocodile suddenly swung its tail, knocking the branch away.

While the branch was cautious of being bitten, it didn’t watch out for this move.

At this point, the tree branch was really just a tree branch, it took some time to consciously activate the Mystery.

The tree branch flew and fell onto the sandbank by the lake.

It finally realized what happened

Did I just get swatted away by a crocodile!!!

Should I look out for the crocodile?

The tree branch laid still, gathering power, waiting to attack.

But the crocodile had already calmed back down, swam around the surface of the lake for a bit before diving back down.

The crocodile left.

The tree branch slowly calmed down and justified what just happened.

From the looks of it, that dumb oaf thought that I was an intruder!

While it was thinking, a wolf jumped out of the bush.

As soon as it saw the tree branch, the wolf rushed over and bit it.

There were still a lot of skin bags in the sky chasing cultivators.

The tree branch can’t risk being exposed by killing this beast right now.

Just then, the tree branch suddenly realized something.

…how embarrassing.

I didn’t perform the Mystery well enough.

I still look like a human too much even after I turned into a tree branch, that’s why these beasts noticed me.

After this, I’ll definitely spend more time practicing the Mystery until I master it.

As the tree branch decided that, it disappeared without a trace.

On the sandy shore of the lake, among the trillion grains of sand, another grain of sand silently appeared.

The wolf lost what it was biting, became confused a bit as it looked around, then begrudgingly left. historical

It should be fine now!

I’ve hidden among all this sand, nothing else can do anything to me!

The grain of sand sighed and said to itself.

While it was thinking that, a Meltfire ant crawled over as its antenna searched the path ahead.

Meltfire ants were a type of ant that loved to eat rocks and sand.

They use their special saliva so corrode sand and rocks, then stick them together to form their nest.

As the grain of sand saw the Meltfire ant, it felt a bit uneasy.

What’s going on today?

Something is up…

The grain of sand became much more cautious.

Luckily, the Meltfire ant didn’t target it specifically.

It was calling out to its friends.

The grain of sand sighed.

That’s right, it’s only calling its friend, they only want to make an ant nest, not directly targeting me.


Make an ant nest…

The grain of sand went silent.

Without a hesitation, it suddenly turned into a heavy rock.

This sudden change caused the Meltfire ants to be surprised and turned to run away.

The Meltfire ants quickly got out of the rock’s sight.

The rock waited for a while longer.

But no other animals came to bother it.

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Could it really be a coincidence?

The rock decided to wait a bit longer.


The surface of the lake split apart all of a sudden.

A bloody tree branch appeared from under the lake.

The Realm Demon Tree.

It finally struck this island.

Cracks started to spread out from the lake.

The water was quickly being drained.

A large whirlpool was forming.

As the casually swimming fishes felt the change in the current, they started to scatter everywhere.

The water wasn’t draining evenly.

The island was tilting.

The rocks and sand tumbled downwards.

The lake water splashed everywhere, flowing towards the edge.

The final floating island had been destroyed by the realm demon as well.

From above, you could see the rocks and sand also being sucked into the realm demon’s body.

Regardless of whether they were a living being or an object, as long as something touched the realm demon, they would be consumed by the writhing mass of flesh.

There were already no more floating islands in the sky, even the final island was struck by the realm demon and had collapsed.

The rock had been waiting for this moment, so it finally breathed out from relief.

Looks like nothing unusual happened.

If I knew, I would’ve just stayed at the bottom of the lake, why bother turning into a tree branch.

But it’s not too late yet.

Right now, I’m still a rock, so I can just sit here until the last moment of the world’s end and win.

But the rock didn’t know that a Six-eared Flower Deer was dashing through the island at great speed where it couldn’t see.

It was running with all its might, increasing its speed more and more.

It reached the very limit that it could!

From above, you’d only see a brown streak dashing quickly through the air.

At that very moment, the Six-eared Flower Deer reached the sandy banks.

The rock also noticed it at the same time.

And the rock understood something.

This deer coming towards me, something must be wrong with it!

All the animals up to now were definitely up to something!

But the deer’s speed was so great that the rock only managed to see the deer just as it reached it.

The deer disappeared.

A great black bear instead replaced it, roaring as it struck the rock with all its might.


The rock shot out like a cannonball.

One second right before the floating island fully collapsed, it was sent flying!

But this was the only floating island left, below it was nothing but the true body of the realm demon!

The flying rock panicked.

I definitely can’t fall down, otherwise the realm demon will eat me.

It suddenly changed into a leaf, fluttering past the countless branches of Realm Demon Trees.

It carefully retracted its presence, not even using inner sight in fear that it might alert the realm demon.

At that moment, the leaf noticed the change in the wind current.

It coordinated its leafy body to be swept upward by the updraft.

And it naturally flew up.

It was fluttering and hovering in the sky without using a single strand of spirit energy

He was the leaf, and the leaf was him.

Finally, some temporary safety.

The leaf silently breathed out.

So my opponent can turn into animals!

With such a unique power, no wonder he hasn’t died yet.

The leaf silently decided.

Since I already know your trump card, let me show you mine!

While the leaf was thinking that, the area around it turned dark.

From above, you could see a hawk gliding through the air suddenly descended.

It reached out with its sharp claws and caught a fluttering leaf.

The hawk’s claws sliced through the leaf.

The leaf was easily bisected and swept to either side by the wind.

Victory was decided.