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Worlds' Apocalypse Online

Chapter 462 - The drums and the breathing
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Chapter 462: The drums and the breathing

Translated by: La0o9

Proofreader: Arya

After saying such a self-satisfied thing, Shannu looked at Wang Hong Dao.

Wang Hong Dao’s expression was now very grim.

“Even if it’s two against one, both of you are no match for me” he said.

“Why is the elder so sure?” Shannu asked.

“I’ve trained with the Blade longer than the both of you have lived”

He drew the long Blade off his back.

The jet black Blade was surrounded with agonizing screeches as it was drawn.

Even the sound of the battle drums were overshadowed.

Taking a closer look, you’d see grey shadows drifting about the shaft of the Blade.

After lingering for a short moment, when the shadows found no spirit energy to sustain themselves, they slowly disappeared.

This Blade was long and slender, rather than a weapon to be used in close combat, it was closer to a medium used to unleash spells.

The Corpse King Blade.

Finally, another person who could make Wang Hong Dao draw this Blade showed up.

Gu Qing Shan stared at his blade, muttering: “I’ve never seen such a strange Blade”

Wang Hong Dao stroked the shaft of his Blade, mumbling: “Those who met this Blade are all dead”

“This Blade contains unimaginable power, unfortunately, I can’t use spirit energy now”

While saying so regretfully, his presence suddenly changed.

“No matter, it’s been so many years since I last truly used Blade techniques”

Immense killing intent rose from Wang Hong Dao’s body.

At this point, he was already forced into a corner, forced to give up all his calculations and use his Blade skills to risk his life in a battle with the opponent.

At this very moment, he finally seemed like a real Blade user.

Gu Qing Shan stopped his feet.

He stood still in place, not moving forward.

“Gongzi?” Shannu sent her voice asking.



Shannu also stopped with him.

They were about a half a dozen feet away from Wang Hong Dao.

Wang Hong Dao was already fully prepared for one final melee combat.

But Gu Qing Shan didn’t advance at all.

He just stood there with his sword, seemingly looking for a weak spot in Wang Hong Dao’s guard.

Wang Hong Dao held his Blade tightly, using it as a shield to block in front of himself.

Dong! Dong! Dong! Dong! Dong! Dong! Dong!

The battle drums did not cease.

As Wang Hong Dao carefully listened to the sound of the drums, his unwavering presence that appeared just now slowly disappeared.

He was smiling triumphantly.

“18 breaths’ worth of time left, you won’t kill me”

Wang Hong Dao raised his Corpse King Blade to block in front of himself.

He continued.

“I’ve been calculating how long is left all this time. In just 15 breaths, the quarantine formation will be repaired, when I’m able to use spirit energy again, I’ll make sure you stay alive just enough to feel every last spell I have on this Blade”

This was a provocation.

Wang Hong Dao quickly began to calculate again.

Because there really wasn’t that much time left.

15 breaths more, as long as I can endure for that long.

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This brat will be nothing against the power of a Cryptic realm cultivator like myself.

Gu Qing Shan completely ignored his words.

It wasn’t until Wang Hong Dao confirmed the time that remained that he started to move.

He took one step forward

Shannu followed suit.

Both of them sped up in an instant.

Wang Hong Dao raised his Blade to receive them.

Dong! Dong! Dong! Dong! Dong!

The drumming was becoming more rapid.

The killing intent that filled the air became so dense that it was getting hard to breathe.

Without any flashy lights or effects, the two swords and the Blade directly clashed.

The Blade drew a gleaming arc to block in front.

Both swords moved forward and pursued it relentlessly, attacking 36 times in a short moment.

Not backing down, the Blade was also moving quickly, weaving back and forth between the two swords’ attacks.

Taking advantage of a gap, Wang Hong Dao forced both Gu Qing Shan and Shannu back.

Over 1000 years of training certainly did bring his Blade skills up to its peak.

Gu Qing Shan and Shannu couldn’t help but step back. historical

The Blade drew another arc, but didn’t pursue them and instead returned to cover its master.

Wang Hong Dao also purposefully took a step back.

This was the most beneficial decision for him right now.

Because he already had a good grasp on his opponent’s level of swordsmanship.

Wang Hong Dao’s heart slowly calmed down.

Only 10 breaths left, there’s no need to risk and try to end it right now.

As long as I can protect myself and endure for 10 more breaths.

As soon as that time is up and the quarantine formation resumes operation, I’ll be able to use spirit energy.

At that time, killing this brat will be as easy as weeding the grass.

This is an assured victory!

Wang Hong Dao was determined.

Gu Qing Shan and Shannu both dashed forward again, swords swinging.

Wang Hong Dao held his Blade and took a defensive stance.

For the next few moments, swords and Blade clashed countless times, not leaving a single gap in between each strike.

Dong! Dong! Dong! Dong!

The drumming suddenly started to slow, no longer as rapid as before.

5 breaths left!

Shannu stepped back, Gu Qing Shan stepped forward.

Their two swords alternated attacking.

Wang Hong Dao swung three times in a row to parry their attacks and took a step backwards.

The opponent also can’t use his sword techniques, and without spirit energy, he can’t even form a sword phantom.

Blocking such attacks was easy, if I really couldn’t then I can just retreat.

Without sword phantoms to extend the reach, as long as I keep retreating, their attacks will ever only miss.

There were only a few breaths’ worth of time left, no need to risk anything.

Dong! Dong! Dong!

Shannu stepped forward and swung downwards.

The sword and Blade clashed again.

Wang Hong Dao abruptly used some strength to push Shannu back.

Always retreating also isn’t a good idea, some attacks are necessary to make sure that there’s still room left to retreat.

Dong! Dong!

The drumming slowed greatly.

2 breaths left

Wang Hong Dao was silently laughing.

Time’s almost up!

When Shannu was flying backwards, Gu Qing Shan stepped forward.

He attacked.

Wang Hong Dao hesitated, parrying with his Blade while retreating.

The final breath!

The sword suddenly sped up!

Wang Hong Dao’s pupils dilated.

So fast!

So fierce!

This attack trounces every attack that came before it combined.

As if every attack before that was to lull the opponent into a sense of false security, building up to this final strike.

This strike was unavoidable!

Dong! Dong! Dong! Dong! Dong!

The drums resounded for the last few times before going completely silent.

The floating island regained its silence.

Total silence.

Wang Hong Dao and Gu Qing Shan stood still across from each other.

“You… why didn’t you dodge…”

Wang Hong Dao coughed up some blood with an expression of disbelief.

His Blade had pierced Gu Qing Shan’s chest all the way through.

Gu Qing Shan said nothing.

The Earth sword had also fully pierced through Wang Hong Dao’s body, so deep that Gu Qing Shan’s hand was already touching Wang Hong Dao.


The large-scale quarantine formation began to move again.

The black jaws in the sky slowly disappeared.

Without sensing any spirit energy at all, the realm demon’s unconscious offshoots begrudgingly left.

Wang Hong Dao was unbelievably glad.

I can use spirit energy now!

Intense spirit energy waves started to flow from Wang Hong Dao’s body.

Letting go of his Blade, Wang Hong Dao wanted to cast a spell.

But at the same time, Gu Qing Shan disappeared.

Gu Qing Shan brought both Wang Hong Dao’s Blade and his own Earth sword and disappeared without a trace.

Divine Skill, [Shadow Shift]!

At almost the same time, Shannu appeared where he originally stood.

Shannu’s hand was already reached out, touching Wang Hong Dao exactly where Gu Qing Shan did before.

Wang Hong Dao roared impatiently, throwing out a spell to force her away.

But Shannu stood still as she was unaffected by any spell!

In her hand was a jade tag.

Tian Shan Ye’s jade tag!

Regardless of what trap or spell was imbued in this jade tag, it wouldn’t affect Shannu at all.

But Wang Hong Dao wasn’t that fortunate.

As soon as the jade tag touched Wang Hong Dao, it began to release a dim light.

Since the quarantine formation was now running, the light only probed around for a split second before turning into the figure of a cultivator.

The Sword and Blade dual master, Tian Shan Ye!

Taking only a single glance, he quickly understood Wang Hong Dao’s current situation.

“My disciple, I didn’t think this would be how we would meet again”

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Tian Shan Ye was showing a triumphant smirk as he looked at Wang Hong Dao’s face.

Jumping out from the jade tag, he went straight into Wang Hong Dao’s body without any resistance.

The take-over will now begin!

Wang Hong Dao’s expression warped intensely as he was trembling.


A great battle was about to unfold inside his head.

This was a battle of soul vessels, where the winner would gain control of both this body and its Cryptic realm cultivation.

“If you try to fight me now, both of us will die. Let me deal with the current situation first, then I’ll get you a new body!” Wang Hong Dao hurriedly said.

“If you go back on your words?” his voice changed, asking in a low but forceful voice.

This was Tian Shan Ye questioning him.

Immediately, Wang Hong Dao’s voice became high-pitched as he spoke like he was swearing an oath: “I’ll be struck down by heaven and earth!”


At the very next moment, Wang Hong Dao’s eyes regained clarity.

Tian Shan Ye actually let go of his 1000-year grudge and gave up on fighting for that body.

In not even a second, he and his disciple formed a ceasefire from mutual understanding.

He wanted to live.

Wang Hong Dao also wanted to live.

A grudge was nothing compared to being able to live!

These two master and disciple smoothed things over so quickly and so decisively that no one could predict this.

Wang Hong Dao’s spirit energy started to circulate again.

When Shannu noticed the problem, she had already activated another thaumaturgy.

Smiting thaumaturgy, [Severance]!

An arc of lightning erupted from her hand as it went into Wang Hong Dao’s body.

Wang Hong Dao’s gathered spirit energy instantly scattered as his body went into a blank state.

For 3 seconds, neither him nor Tian Shan Ye was able to control this body.

[Severance] was a powerful thaumaturgy that no living being was immune to.

Shannu disappeared.

The second [Shadow Shift]!

Gu Qing Shan once again appeared where she was.

Light erupted from his body as he already finished his hand seal, already prepared for this exact moment.

All his preparations were done for this one exact moment!

He swung the Earth sword with his full power.

The blinding white sword phantom formed from the 86,370,000 tons Earth sword slashed through the air.

As blood spilled, a severed head flew to the sky.

Wang Hong Dao was beheaded!

Shannu appeared again by Gu Qing Shan’s side, swinging her sword twice at the headless body.

The first strike cut off the string on Wang Hong Dao’s gem ornament.

After taking Wang Hong Dao’s storage item in hand, Shannu triggered the second strike.

Secret Art, [Torrent]

A tsunami-like rush of sword phantoms came out, decimating Wang Hong Dao’s headless body into nothingness.

Like this, even if Tian Shan Ye and Wang Hong Dao had any hidden trump cards, they wouldn’t be able to revive anymore.

Gu Qing Shan quickly jumped forward chasing after the severed head.

The head still had an expression of total disbelief.

As a Cryptic realm cultivator, Wang Hong Dao still wasn’t dead.

However, after losing his body, no matter how powerful he was or how much life force he had, death was only a matter of time.

“You killed me!? Ahaha, you really killed me!?” Wang Hong Dao broke into a frenzied laugh.

“Wonderfully devious! Wonderfully shrewd! I never thought such psychological warfare was possible!”

Wang Hong Dao’s expression suddenly changed, his tone became calm: “Young man, find me a body, I will teach you my secret to Sword and Blade dual mastery”

This was Tian Shan Ye’s tone.

Gu Qing Shan smirked: “Senior, the reason you sacrificed a split soul was to wait for a moment just like this, didn’t you?”

“Split soul… no, no one should know about that in this world, no one should have ever seen it, how did you know!?”