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Worlds' Apocalypse Online

Chapter 421 - (Unnamed)
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Chapter 421: (Unnamed)

In the sky, a Demon Lord uttered a thunderous roar.

It was a green-flamed 3-headed black snake, taking up a huge portion of the sky with its humongous body.

Its three heads were a skull, a goat and a woman.

The green flames that drifted about its body were burning eerily, prompting the other demons to stay away from it.

This Demon Lord was already too impatient to wait anymore.

That’s right, there were indeed a lot of enemies below, but so what?

Both their flesh and souls were nothing but food.

The Demon Lord’s goat head tried piercing the weakened world barrier with its horn.

Perhaps it contains some sort of space-type ability, as an invisible distortion began to ripple from the horns.

A few moments later, the black snake Demon Lord actually passed through the barrier and went into the world below.

It actually had the ability to break through the world barrier!

With such a terrifying power, it must be quite the character even within the rank of Demon Lords.

The 3-headed black snake stared at the world below, roaring loudly.

The 7 leaders looked up at it.

All the dead looked up to the sky.

The 3-headed Demon Lord began to descend.

This was the first Demon Lord to enter the human realm.

Its presence was unmistakably powerful.

The Demon Lord’s woman head started to drool and spoke full of desires: 『Living beings, you shall fill my stomach! 』

This seems to be a declaration.

It was telling the human realm that the end of the world has come.

For a few moments, all the people on the ground were speechless.

Gu Qing Shan held the Devil King Warden Rod and connected too all the dead.

「Did you hear that? It said… living beings…」 Gu Qing Shan said.


The female Asura sneered.

The other leaders broke out laughing.

As if it was contagious, laughter began to spread among all the dead.

It was like they had just heard the biggest joke of the century as everyone were clutching their stomachs and banging the ground laughing.

“Living beings, bwahahaha, asides from the Devil King, who’s alive!?”

“Before this great one reincarnates, I’m still a dead person”

“What a funny guy!”

“This bastard must be so hungry that he’s delirious!”

The laughter spreads around the entire planet.

Then it abruptly stopped.

Because Gu Qing Shan had sent his thoughts to all the dead through the Devil King Warden Rod.

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They confirmed their understanding.

Then Gu Qing Shan began to act.

In the blink of an eye, he disappeared and reappeared on a wide plain.

The countless dead quickly scattered, making space for their Devil King.

Gu Qing Shan looked up at the quickly approaching 3-headed Demon Lord.

“I’ll help you get down here, make sure to enjoy the hospitality of hell”

He muttered.

As soon as he said so, he disappeared where he stood.

Divine Skill, [Shadow Shift]

Gu Qing Shan reappeared in the air as the 3-headed Demon Lord took his place on the ground.

The 3-headed Demon Lord was stunned for a second.

In that split second, the countless dead waiting around roared in unison.

“Killllll —– ittttt!”

They charged at it with disregard for life, climbing onto the Demon Lord’s body.

The countless dead crawled like ants around candy.

There were so many of them that they managed to completely cover the Demon Lord in just a few moments.


The 3-headed Demon Lord roared to the sky in fury.

The green flames erupted from all over its body.

A series of sizzling sound.

All the dead that latched onto the Demon Lord’s body caught on fire.

In just the blink of an eye, the Demon Lord had killed over 100,000 dead!

『 Insignificant insects, how dare you do that to me! 』

The 3-headed Demon Lord was screaming nonstop.

It squirmed on the ground with its humongous body still engulfed in flames, sweeping across the entire plains.

The dead died in large troves.

Millions of corpses covered the wide plains.

Seeing that, Gu Qing Shan waved his Devil King Warden Rod right away.

He had activated [Dead Essence].

Right after, an unbelievable thing happened.

Across the wide plains, the millions of dead bodies that were lying still just moments before started to open their eyes.

The dead began to stand back up.

One of them spoke in surprise: “Wait, why am I not back in slumber?”

Another dead looked over his body and joyfully declared: “My wounds are healed”

The dead all exchanged confused looks until they finally realized.

They had directly gotten back to life!

How was that possible!

According to the Law of hell, if the dead died they would have to return to their respective hells and slowly raise back up from their sleep.

This was to make sure that the dead would be in constant torture without end.

But now, the dead directly got back up from where they died.

This has broken the governing Law of hell they’ve always known!

The 7 leaders were also surprised.

Wolf King suddenly called out: “I know!”

“What happened?” the female Asura asked.

“We are still part of hell, but our sins have been atoned for, we’re about to reincarnate!”

“Yeah, and so what?”

“Hell doesn’t have anymore reasons to torture us, so when we revive, there is no need for us to go back to our respective hells”

“If that’s the case…”

“That’s right, as long as the Devil King uses [Dead Essence], we can immediately get back up right where we die!”

The 7 leaders looked up at Gu Qing Shan.

Gu Qing Shan raised the rod as a signal.

「Do as you like and leave the reviving to me」he said.

The male Asura started laughing like mad: “Ahahaha, that’s so good to hear! I don’t care about all of you, I’m going to get a good fight out of that Demon Lord!”

He drew his weapon and flew directly at the Demon Lord.

Unable to die.

Immediate revival.

This was unparalleled power above all else.

The Devil King Warden Rod, plus astronomical amounts of Merit, the Law of hell, the fusion of the two worlds, the brief period of being sinless before their reincarnation, all these factors had combined to make this short and miraculous moment.

All the dead went into frenzy.

“The Demon Lord isn’t anything special after all!”

“What a useless flame, this isn’t even as painful as the Frying Hell!”

“We’re not going to die!”

“Take out this huge piece of trash!”

They were yelling, screaming, cheering.

More and more dead began to charge towards the 3-headed Demon Lord.

They jumped on the Demon Lord’s long winding body, scratching, punching, biting, trying everything they could think of.

The 3-headed Demon Lord was quickly becoming covered in dead people again.

Until the very end when the Demon Lord’s body was completely covered, no one could make out its original shape anymore.

From afar, all you could see was a mountain made from countless dead people piling onto one another.

The mountain was moving.


The Demon Lord roared in anger as its green flames rose all the way to the sky.

It was doing everything it could to kill the dead, but none of the dead could actually die.

The flames were able to kill them, but they quickly revived and came back from the dead the very next second.

They were constantly shifting between being dead and revived, until a moment when even that couldn’t stop them anymore.

They were attacking the Demon Lord without regards of being dead or revived.

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Suddenly! historical

A large-bodied Beast King howled to the air: “Delicious! How delicious! This monster’s flesh is so goodddd!!!”

All the dead were shaken for a split second.

When that was over…

A uniform thunderous cry echoed across the plains to the sky.

“Eattttt —— ittttt!!!”

The dead became even more frenzied.

The 3-headed Demon Lord began to scream in desperation.

A few moments later.

The screams were becoming sparse.

Until the screams disappeared completely.

The dead on the plans were still unsatisfied.

The 3-headed Demon Lord’s humongous body was already stripped bare to the bones.


“It was so delicious!”

“Being able to eat such a good meal before reincarnation, I already have no more regrets!”

The dead were speaking to each other through the Devil King Warden Rod.

But then —–there were still over a hundred quadrillion dead people that still haven’t gotten to eat anything yet.

What now?

All the dead in the world instinctively looked up to the sky.

There’s food there!

—–delicious food!!

The looks in their eyes changed.

“Get down here!”

“Get down here!”

“Get down here!”

The dead were calling out full of desires.

In the sky, the demon’s screams started to subside.

A few Demon Lords were cautiously staring at the commotion below.

As weapons of war that have been through too many worlds to come, they’ve already understood what kind of existence those loud creatures below were.

You kill and they revive,

Kill and they revive,

Kill and they revive,

Kill and they revive,

—–the dirtiest creatures of the Samsara world, dead people from hell.

And now they don’t even need to sleep, they can immediately revive on the spot!

The Demon Lords’ overwhelming killing spirit slowly retracted.

All the demons in the sky also slowly became silent.

Because they were facing an exceedingly irritating problem.

They were originally looking forward to eating a wonderful meal after the world barrier was gone.

But now, at this very moment it seemed… they were the side that were going to be eaten instead…