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Worlds' Apocalypse Online

Chapter 401 - Devil King candidates
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Chapter 401: Devil King candidates

Following the Devil King Warden Rod’s reminder, Gu Qing Shan jumped onto the deck of the freight ship.

All 18 strongest existences in hell are gathered here.

“Finally the Blood River Hell actually got a decent one”

Someone observed and judged him with a not-smiling smile.

“That’s right, does that fool of a giant think we’ll be scared by being shown him eating people or something?”

“A lot of show off without any substance”

“It’s better that he’s dead, I’ve almost ran out of patience with that guy”

All the powerhouses whispered between themselves.

Gu Qing Shan glanced at the other 17 dead.

The 7 leaders that he knows have gathered, standing against the other 10.

According to the Bone-rending Hellspawn Blade, these are the representatives of the pro-demon faction and the pro-hell faction respectively.

Gu Qing Shan looked over at the 7 leaders, asking: “Can I join you?”

“We’re honored” the female Asura leader smiled and answered.

The male Asura tried asking: “Big sis, is he really as strong as you said?”

The female Asura didn’t bother to turn around and just pinched a place on his body, shutting the male Asura up.

The other side spoke disapprovingly: “Brat, are you aware of the situation?”

Gu Qing Shan looked back to see the one talking was a giant.

This giant was covered in a bright burning flame.

There’s also a giant covered in a golden shining light on the side of the 7 leaders.

But comparing the two, this one was noticeably stronger.

“You’re an unfamiliar face, but seeing how you managed to deal with the giant just now so swiftly, you’re worth my explaining to you” the giant spoke.

“Then I’m all ears” Gu Qing Shan answered.

“The truth is ——-those 7 fellow behind you are all soft-bodied cowards”

“Soft-bodied?” Gu Qing Shan smirked at that.

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He looked back at the 7 leaders to see them with clear unwilling expressions.

Unfortunately, while the two sides’ strength weren’t too far apart, the fact that they have 10 people forced them to temporarily endure.

The flame giant spoke: “These soft shrimp-legged pricks only think to gather Merit to cancel out their suffering in hell and reincarnate”

“For the dead, this is normal, what part of that is cowardly?”

“Fool! Now that Huang Quan is destroyed, we can go directly to the human realm, where there are countless humans, we can eat human flesh to cancel out the suffering, we can consume human souls to become stronger!”

“Do you understand now? Facing such a good situation and they still want to reincarnate!”

Gu Qing Shan glanced over the 10 powerhouses across from himself: “So you all plan to take over the human realm?”

“of course, this is the best way out, join us” the flame giant urged him.

Gu Qing Shan sounded suspicious: “The more people you eat, the heavier your sins become. If one day, the world of Huang Quan returns to normal, wouldn’t you be facing even worse suffering and torture without any hope of leaving?”

“That’s why we’re cooperating with the demons to destroy Huang Quan itself, then we’ll go to the human realm” the giant pridefully declared.

“I understand now, truly cowardly indeed” Gu Qing Shan nodded.

Hearing him say that, the 10 powerhouses all smiled.

Gu Qing Shan then took a step back and stood by the 7 leaders.

“What are you ——-” the giant was confused.

“You don’t even dare to atone for your sins, instead opting to commit even worse crimes over that, how foolish and cowardly” Gu Qing Shan answered.

“Committing crimes are true ecstasy, don’t tell me you haven’t experienced this joy before?” the giant looked at him and asked.

Gu Qing Shan also stared back at him.

They stood staring at each other.

The giant’s eyes were full of cruelty and insanity.

He didn’t bother to hide this one bit.

“Killing the bastards that you find annoying, enjoying the fragrance of fresh blood, not backing down because of any unrelated matters, only seeking to do the things you desire ——-human, I know you and I are the same”

“How so?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

“Your scent! I can smell the scent of people like myself! You’re a world-class devil of a villain, the same as me!” the giant roared.

“Killing ——” Gu Qing Shan spoke after a bit of silence: “Perhaps at the time of the kill, we are the same”

The female Asura held her weapon tight.

The other leaders of the 7 also became tense.

They know Gu Qing Shan’s relative strength.

The 10 on the other side all looked at each other with understanding smiles.

“That’s right, a villain understands a villain best”

“You’re one of us”

“Another devil comes, ahaha”

They were speaking without reserve.

Then Gu Qing Shan continued: “But we are also different”

“How different? Or are you saying you’re crueler than I am?” the giant laughed

“Listen carefully brat, I’ve killed over 10,000 people!!!”

Behind the giant, a female Fiendkind suddenly yelled out.

From her tone, she was bragging out it”

The rest of them also laughed in agreement.

Gu Qing Shan’s expression remains calm.

He muttered: “Killing is only part of my job, but all of you are rogues controlled by your impulse to kill, and that’s why we’re different”

“Killing over 10,000 people… your parents must’ve made a very serious mistake to give birth to scum such as yourself, you’re a disgrace and regret of the entire world” historical


The female Asura sighed from relief.

The other leaders also calmed down and smiled.

The 10 on the other side instead became furious.

The flame giant’s fire began to flare up.

The female Fiendkind charged forward.

“Die!” she screamed in frenzy.

“Stop! Don’t you dare!” the female Asura drew her blade and stepped forward to intercept her.

“There’s 10 of us here, so what if you’re an Asura!” the female Fiendkind screeched.

“You dare and I’ll make your useless milk bags fly all the way to hell!” the female Asura didn’t back down.

All 7 leaders stepped forward

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The giant roared.

All 10 dead in the other faction also prepared to attack.

Gu Qing Shan drew his sword.

At this moment, a heavy rod fell from nowhere onto the deck.

Jet black long shaft, a skull with a horn on top, emitting a black mist that doesn’t disperse.

The Devil King Warden Rod.

It had suddenly appeared.


Standing on top of the deck, the Devil King Warden Rod let out a high-pitched screech.

Everyone stopped.

A message manifested directly in their minds.

If you fight, you’re disqualified.

“Lucky for you, pink” the female Fiendkind begrudgingly complained.

“You’re the lucky one, because you’re no match for him at all” the female Asura snapped back.

The female Fiendkind was angry, but tried her best to hold herself back.

“Just wait, one of these days I’ll torture you to undeath you bitch” she said.

While the female Asura was still belligerent, she forced herself to be quiet.

Everyone stopped their hands and stared at the Devil King Warden Rod.

Something new was happening to the Devil King Warden Rod.

Brilliant star-like sprites began to appear from thin air.

These sprites circled around the horned skull of the rod, floating in place.

1, 2, 3, 4, … a total of 54 sprites.

The sprites circled around the rod before converging, turning into a blinding bright light.

This light was so overwhelming that it turned the space around from night to day.

The 18 people there either couldn’t help but cover their eyes, or just turned around to avoid the light.

A few moments later, the light dispersed.

A certain thing appeared in front of them.