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Worlds' Apocalypse Online

Chapter 346 - It’s all over
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Chapter 346: It’s all over

Translated by: La0o9

Proofreader:? Arya

“Isa, you dare to disregard me and intervene in the trial. I am very disappointed” the Dean shook his head.

“Sir Dean, I’m very sorry, I was just a bit too impatient!” Isa hurriedly explained herself.

Lord Bloodcloak cracked his neck, glanced at Isa and smirked.

「 And you dare to make a fool out of me, how very interesting 」he casually said.

Compared to the impartial Dean, Lord Bloodcloak’s reaction instilled fear deep in Isa’s heart.

Lord Bloodcloak’s current expression shows his decision very clearly.

Isa inhaled deeply to try and calm herself down.

“It’s not so, please listen to me, she really did tamper with the results” Isa insisted.

She looked at the two powerhouses and very sincerely declared: “I can swear on it, on the honor of a God’s Chosen”

The two powerhouses didn’t say anything.

But Su Xue Er peeked her head out from behind Lord Bloodcloak.

She asked as if wondering: “So you didn’t try to lie in front of my master? And you didn’t cut off the Dean to arbitrarily question me during a trial? These things just happened you know”

Her voice was concise and clear, echoing across the entire Square.

“I didn’t ——–“ Isa wanted to retort.

Su Xue Er cut her off immediately: “If you are innocent, then please do as I did and accept a Soul Interrogation”

She looked at Isa and sincerely: “Are you prepared to tell everyone here about the reason you tried to frame me in the Soul Interrogation?”

Isa stayed silent and couldn’t say anything else.

She looked at Su Xue Er in disbelief.

Even in her dreams, she couldn’t imagine this little girl capable of being this cruel.

Can I talk about the System?

Explaining that alone is fine.

Within the countless worlds, there are many things stranger and more unbelievable compared to the System.

But to monopolize the System, I wanted to kill a Disciple, that’s something I can’t say no matter what.

Not only is this Disciple talented, she’s also highly regarded by the Dean and seems to be closely related to Lord Bloodcloak.

If I were forced to say everything, there would really be no going back.

In the Square, Isa fell silent.

From the view of others, her silence meant she had something to hide.

Which makes everything as clear as day.

Isa noticed everyone’s gazes, annoyed but couldn’t say anything to that.

She then remembered, the beta test Quest is two-sided.

Su Xue Er should also be thinking of a way to get rid of herself.

Su Xue Er also couldn’t directly come out regarding the System.

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Isa then looked up at Su Xue Er and yelled: “It’s not just me, you also wouldn’t dare ——“

“She wouldn’t dare what? She had already taken the Soul Interrogation, but you, why aren’t you willing to?” the Dean’s voice contained clear anger.

Isa was stunned.

It was now that she remembered that the girl had already taken a Soul Interrogation.

Isa’s body staggered, unable to keep herself standing straight.

What’s going on with me?

Just where did it go wrong that I was messed with by this little girl?

A long sigh came.

It came from the Dean.

For so many years, due to how powerful he was, no one had dared to mess with him.

The matter this time had caused him to once again experience the feeling of anger.

He was almost fooled in public.

Just because he trusted his subordinate too much!


What a sarcastic word.

The Dean took out a roll of parchment and slowly skimmed the content.

“Guru Isa, your contributions during these years has not been little. Are you willing to use your contributions to compensate for your sins?” he asked.

“I am willing!” Isa yelled out.

The Dean nodded and spoke: “Although they have been compensated for, you have only escaped the punishment of the sin. As a Guru, you tried to fool the Institute, framing a Disciple candidate, you are to make a public apology, temporarily stripped of your position and authority, and you’ll undergo 3 years of penance”

“Isa, do you have any objections?”

Isa hung her head and muttered: “I have no objections”

The little girl got me.

Damn it!

For now, there’s no way to take her life.

It’s better for me to lie in wait for now, ask for help from a few Gurus, or contribute more to make up for the crimes in order to reduce the sentence.

Then I’ll think of a way to deal with this girl.

I will definitely not underestimate her next time.

The Dean then looked at the Gurus and Elders hiding in the void of space.

He asked: “Then are there any others who object my decision?”

Completely silence. historical

Right now, it’s best that no one tries to talk.

Even the Gurus who are close with Isa decided to remain silent.

——no one could face the anger of both the Dean and the Sentinel.

The Dean nodded satisfyingly.

As the head of the Institution, he’s already moved past being influenced by his emotions.

Isa herself is decently strong, enough to bring a lot of practical benefits to the Institute.

There are many things they need to have her do in the future.

So giving her a light punishment together with stripping her merits is more than enough.

When the punishment is over, for the sake of merits and better treatment, she’ll work even harder for the Institute.

This was the best way to handle this case.

The Dean then looked at Su Xue Er and asked her according to procedure: “As the victim, do you have anything to say?”

This child seems like she understands the big picture, so she won’t object to my judgement.

While the Dean was still thinking, sure enough, Su Xue Er spoke without much thought: “I have nothing to say”

Before the Dean’s heart could even loosen, Su Xue Er added: “I don’t understand about the Institute’s rules too well, so I will follow as the Dean and my master decides”

A newcomer following the Dean’s judgement, that isn’t wrong.

As a student, listening to their master’s word is also an appropriate answer.

But the Dean knew the situation wasn’t good.

From the start, he hadn’t asked Bloodcloak’s opinion because he knew Bloodcloak will act on his feelings.

Once Bloodcloak had decided on something, even he would struggle to change his mind.

Not to mention, Bloodcloak is the one in the right this time.

Everyone’s gazes couldn’t help but focus on Lord Bloodcloak.

“I object” Lord Bloodcloak answered.

“Then what do you suggest?” the Dean silently sighed and asked.

「 Isa didn’t try to frame a Disciple candidate, she tried to frame an official Disciple, MY official Disciple 」Lord Bloodcloak replied.

Su Xue Er spoke up with a bit of fear in her voice, hurriedly pulling on Lord Bloodcloak’s sleeves wanting to settle this calmly.

She tried to persuade him in a low voice: “Master! Sir Dean has already decided, can’t we let this end here?”

Lord Bloodcloak glanced at her, but didn’t refuse her calling him ‘master’.

He solemnly explained to Su Xue Er: 「 Xue Er, remember this well, your master is master of the House of Law, the Sentinel of this Institute. Regardless of whose punishment it is, your master has the final say 」

Su Xue Er stared at him blankly, speechless.

The Dean exhaled deeply and gave up on his sneaky intention.

I truly only wanted to reduce the punishment for the sake of the Institute.

But Bloodcloak wanting to firmly deal with this by the book isn’t wrong either.

This was his job, and his authority, I don’t really have any reason to object.

If strife were to form between myself and the Sentinel just because of a Guru, that would do the Institute more harm than good.

Lord Bloodcloak then passed his judgement: 「 Trying to fool the Dean and myself, interfering in the Soul Interrogation, trying to frame an official Disciple, according to the Institute’s laws, you shall be stripped of your position and banished, never to set foot on the Isle again 」


Even the Dean didn’t speak up.

No one anticipated Bloodcloak to be so cruel.

Never to set foot on the Isle, means they could only drift between the worlds without a place to return, forever facing the countless Apocalypses without hope for salvation.

The Dean calmly asked: “This is your final judgement?”

Lord Bloodcloak answered: 「 As the Sentinel, I have the authority to give out the most impartial sentence that I believe no one here would object 」

His gaze scanned across the entire Square.

No one dared to speak up at this time.

The Dean said: “If no one objects then…”

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Isa hurriedly spoke: “I object, I really only wanted to take her ——“

「 Silence! Or perhaps you want to have a duel with me right now? Do you wish to die so quickly? 」Lord Bloodcloak cut her off with a shout.

The sea of blood in the sky boiled.

Isa immediately shut up.

She didn’t want to die yet.

“Then that’s final, Isa, you will pay the price for your actions” the Dean sighed.


A stream of air abruptly appeared around Isa.

Isa opened her mouth and wanted to say something else.

But the very next second, she was already gone from everyone’s sight.

She was rejected from the Fog Isle itself.

From now on, she could no longer set foot back into Fog Isle.

The only thing outside is the ocean of corpses, if she doesn’t think of a solution quickly, she will die there.

Watching all this, Su Xue Er bite down on her own teeth.

I did it!

Isa was forced out of this place, never to return.

According to the beta test Quest, she won’t ever be able to receive the System that she wants so much anymore!

Su Xue Er looked at the System UI.

Sure enough, a few lines of text appeared.

[A beta tester has left Fog Isle’s vicinity]

[Judgement: They have been disqualified]

[Beta testers remaining: 1 person]

[Quest completed]

[You have completed the Quest: God’s Chosen]

[From now on, the System belongs to you alone]

An unknown feeling began to well up from inside Su Xue Er.

Su Xue Er felt her eyes becoming a bit hot so she hurriedly held it down.

This was the best case scenario, don’t cry like a child!

The Dean’s calm voice came: “Very well, the trial is over, everyone else can now choose their Disciples”

Following that, the Gurus appeared from the void of space.

They all descended and head to the students they had chosen.

All the candidates were looking forward to becoming a Disciple, hoping for a bright future ahead.

Lord Bloodcloak glanced at Su Xue Er.

Her eyes were pinkish, as if she wanted to cry but was holding it in.

This child, she’s afraid that a rift would form between the Dean and I, a bit too fearful, isn’t she.

Despite thinking that Lord Bloodcloak still felt a sense of joy welling up in himself.

「 Xue Er, we’re leaving 」she said.

“Yes, master” Su Xue Er answered.

The two of them disappeared from the Square.