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Worlds' Apocalypse Online

Chapter 324 - The glorious revolution
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Chapter 324: The glorious revolution

Translated by: La0o9

Edited by:? VindiFan#1

Proofreader:? Arya

TN: Due to personal reasons, from this week onwards, the amount of chapters on weekend will decrease to 2/day instead of 4/day. Upload schedule will change to 2 chapters per day for the entire week. Thank you for understanding

The President’s office.

Gu Qing Shan sat down on the sofa.

The President went around the desk, braced himself on the two armrests of his chair and slowly sat down.

His back was straight, his lips tight, his eyes squinted as he evaluated Gu Qing Shan.

Gu Qing Shan looked around, then purposefully asked: “Where did General Zhang go?”

“I had him go the frontline, Fuxi is currently enacting an invasion upon us” the President answered. historical

Gu Qing Shan nodded.

“There’s a few things I want to tell you before anything else” Gu Qing Shan said.

He looked around.

There’s quite a few people here.

But this time, the President didn’t dismiss his aides.

Noticing Gu Qing Shan’s look, he waved his hand dismissively: “It’s fine, all of them are old men who has been following me for years”

Gu Qing Shan silently exhaled, then said: “Alright then”

At this point, one of the aides came up and politely asked: “Coffee or tea?”

“No need to trouble you” Gu Qing Shan answered.

“It’s fine” the aide smiled, “there’s at least time to brew some tea”

“Then tea please” Gu Qing Shan lowered his gaze and answered.

“Very well”

The aide then brewed a pot of tea and brought it over.

While the tea was still hot, he lowered himself to slowly pour two cups.

One cup on the President’s desk.

Another cup on the tea table in front of Gu Qing Shan.

Gu Qing Shan looked at the design on the tea set and commented: “This tea set is quite fine”

The aide smiled at his colleagues and half-jokingly replied: “Unfortunately there’s only two cups in the tea set for only Mr. President and sir Gu Qing Shan to enjoy, it’s not that I’m playing favors here, trust my candor”

Saying so, he backed off to stand with the other aides.

The rest of them didn’t mind it too much, having tea for the host and the guest is basic etiquette, as for them, having tea or not doesn’t matter.

The fact that someone else had stepped out for such a menial task is enough for them.

So they only smiled back and said nothing.

Gu Qing Shan raised his cup and took a sip from his lower lip.

The President also raised his own cup, smelling it.

He scowled then returned the tea.

Gu Qing Shan looked at the President, then slowly spoke: “I’m here to give a report on the situation”

“Speak” the President answered.

Gu Qing Shan put his cup down and spoke seriously: “The countless powerful Professionists of all years passed will return together with the Frozen Hell”

“They will treat the world the same way a hungry pack of hyenas treats their prey”

“They’ll eat the living’s flesh, drink their blood, not even their soul will be left behind”

“Mr. President, for more details, you can ask Impartial Goddess, she’ll relay the freezing process of the world via systematic data”

While he talked, his Holo-Brain kept blinking in his breast pocket, signaling a message.

It kept going on and on.

Gu Qing Shan couldn’t help but said: “Excuse me, but I seem to have a message”

“By my guest”

The President scowled, seemingly trying to contemplate Gu Qing Shan’s words.

Gu Qing Shan took out his Holo-Brain and glanced at it.

A line of text appeared on the screen.

[Zhang Ying Hao told me to relay to you, he’s used underground forces to search, the Empress has moved all the forces she could as well, but they couldn’t find the Fuxi Emperor anywhere within Fuxi]

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The message was from Impartial Goddess

Reading through them, Gu Qing Shan took another sip of his tea.

He operated the Holo-Brain with his hand, using it to relay a few directives.

“It’s fine now, I’m sorry about that” Gu Qing Shan smiled.

The President asked: “About what you’re saying, do you have any proof?”

Gu Qing Shan answered: “I do, you can ask Impartial Goddess for the corresponding data and information]

The President nodded, then asked again: “This ‘Frozen Hell’ you spoke of, when exactly will it fully appear?”

“It will probably fully manifest around when the rain stops falling” Gu Qing Shan answered.

The President leaned forward and spoke very solemnly: “Then, how do you know such things?”

“I have my sources”

“Your sources, can you tell me?”

“I’m sorry but, I can only tell you the information”

The President contemplated: “I remember, the Man Killer Fiend and Man Eater Fiend viruses were also found out by you ahead of time”

“That’s correct”

“That day, you were at the casino ——-you and Zhang Ying Hao were both at the casino, participating in the underground betting”

Gu Qing Shan returned the tea cup to the table and smiled: “So you’ve researched me huh?”

The President stared at him and spoke full of implications: “Because what you did was too much like a prophet, yet you’re a scientist, do you know what this means?”

“What does it mean?”

“I’ll be frank, just who in the world can create such things? I believe, the Man Killer Fiend and Man Eater Fiend viruses were actually your inventions” the President spoke.

He clapped his hands.

“I heard that you’re also a Professionist, but this much is probably enough”

Two middle-aged men wearing army uniform came into the room.

Sea Emperor Li Dong Yuan, Interstellar Fleet Supreme Commander Song Tian Wu.

Two out of the three most powerful people in the Confederate were here.

The President spoke: “We have a first-rate lie detector here, together with first-rate information collection personnel, if you’re innocent, I’ll let you go and apologize to you”

Gu Qing Shan asked: “Then what if that’s the truth?”

The President answered: “Give up all your scientific research, then work for me, I can guarantee your survival”

Gu Qing Shan sighed and asked: “Can’t you at least give me some time to consider?”

The President glanced at his watch and stood up: “I’ll have to make a national speech soon. 20 minutes to be exact. Once I’m done, I hope you will have thought it through”

The President left the living room and went out with his aides in tow.

The two Generals came in front of Gu Qing Shan, standing on his left and right respectively.

Sea Emperor Li Dong Yuan spoke: “You’re a scientist, for the sake of your own dignity and name, I hope you won’t do anything rash”

Gu Qing Shan sat still without moving.

The two General’s Holo-Brains lit up.

Impartial Goddess’ heavy and solemn voice came: [Sir Gu Qing Shan is the pioneer of our current technological advancement, one of the first seats of authority in the Confederate, the Highest Leader]

[His work has been processed by the Impartial Goddess and verified that the Man Killer Fiend and Man Eater Fiend viruses are not sir Gu Qing Shan’s personal work]

[Sir Gu Qing Shan shouldn’t have to undergo any sort of investigation or imprisonment]

While the President was walking, he suddenly stopped.

He coldly asked: “Impartial Goddess, I want to know something. Is it true that this scientist receives the same level of authority as I do?”

He began to emit a certain presence.

Killing intent.

Impartial Goddess answered: [That is not the case, the President is responsible for all of the Confederate’s official matters, what sir Gu Qing Shan has is peerless honor]

The President’s face loosened, muttering to himself: “You can get this far from scientific contributions alone? How interesting”

He turned around and quickly left.

The two Generals exchanged glances, seeing the strange looks in each other’s eyes.

Li Dong Yuan evaluated Gu Qing Shan and said: “If it’s a first-rate scientist, then he’s still useful”

Song Tian Wu replied: “Not too useful though”

After saying so, they shut up and said nothing else.

A while later.

Gu Qing Shan asked: “The President must be giving his national speech right about now huh?”

“That’s right” Song Tian Wu replied.

Gu Qing Shan slowly took out his Holo-Brain.

The two Generals looked at him.

“I’m only watching the President giving his national speech” Gu Qing Shan smiled.

The Generals exchanged looks and nodded.

Gu Qing Shan projected the screen out.

The President was already in the middle of his speech.

[…all Confederate citizens should have the right to know this]

[Yes, the 9 Lords aristocrats has always been out to assassinate me, for the last few years, a total of 31 times to be exact]

[As a President, I’ve been pushed to the end of my rope]

[This is the biggest irony and mocking to the Confederate’s constitution]

[That’s right, I have proof of these assassinations]

[Now, I will begin to show you all, the crimes of the 9 Lords]

The scene changed.

Each and every assassination was shown from start to end.

From the discussion of the 9 Lords.

The arrangement of hitmen.

The anger from failure.

Followed by the next discussion on what to do.

All the proof of the assassinations appeared on the screen one by one.

On national live TV!

“What is Mr. President doing, this is completely different from the script I gave him!” one of the aides shouted.

The rest of them were also stunned.

Gu Qing Shan’s eyes watching the screen became cold.

At the moment when the Fuxi military is approaching, the President decides to open up for all to see.

These evidences are solidly laid bare before everyone.

Such a shocking scheme was brought to daylight in such a shocking way.

This term’s President is the one with the highest support rate in the history of the Confederate, one most loved by the populace and people.

And when this news spreads around the country, the entire Confederate will come under a huge turmoil.

The aristocrats will no longer be able to blame foreign forces for the assassination of the President and shift the blame.

These are their crimes that they committed.

What will follow is the entire Freedom Confederate standing against the 9 Lords.

The rift between the Confederate’s citizen and aristocrat will become larger than ever before in history.

No doubt, this will bring about a lot of internal strife to the Confederate —–possibly even a civil war.

Gu Qing Shan’s heartbeat slowly rose.

Finally, after 6-7 minutes, all the evidence has been laid out.

The President reappeared on the screen.

[The 9 Aristocratic Lords are corrupted beyond saving]

[They can no longer lead this nation forward]

[They are the things that’s holding back his nation!]

[A few of our Generals has agreed to join the resistance]

[The military exists with me, freedom exists with me, all of you exists with me!]

[At this moment, I call out to you all to rise, take your weapons in hand and rebel against the tyranny of the 9 Lords!]

The President looked straight at the screen and spoke loudly: [I hereby declare the beginning, of the glorious revolution of the Freedom Confederate!]

The scene on the TV stopped.

“Glorious… revolution?”

Gu Qing Shan repeated it word by word, his face became serious like never before.

The Fuxi Empire is attacking, the Frozen Hell is about to spread all over the world, facing such an emergency, the President decided to bring the corruption of the 9 Lords to light for all to see.

Will the Confederate fall into utter chaos now?

“Put your Holo-Brain away” Song Tian Wu ordered.

Gu Qing Shan put it away.

A few moments later, the President returned.

“Is everything prepared?” he asked.

“All has been prepared” Song Tian Wu answered.

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“Detonate” the President ordered.

“Yes sir!”


The S.W. Divine Temple.

In the quarantined space prepared by Impartial Goddess, a small black box about the size of a fingernail appeared.

A Nano bomb.

During the time that the expert mechanics came to the S.W. Divine Temple for its maintenance, a navy colonel had sneakily planted a Nano bomb here.

It can quickly destroy the energy pool on the S.W. Divine Temple to paralyze Impartial Goddess’ core energy system.

Up until now, this Nano bomb had stayed inert.

Suddenly, it detonated!


As the Nano bomb exploded in a stifled burst, it quickly dispersed as a white mist.

This white mist is an innumerable amount of Nanobots.

Once they’re activated, they’ll instantly get to work and destroy everything around them.

Unfortunately, this place has already been quarantined, isolated using a material designed specifically to counter Nano-type explosives.

The Nano bomb did nothing.

But all signals on the S.W. Divine Temple suddenly got cut off.

The Interstellar Fortress went dark.

In space, a location very far away from the S.W. Divine Temple Interstellar Fortress.

An unassuming asteroid.

It suddenly started shifting, finally turned into a miniature surveillance satellite.

The satellite began to scan, photograph and analyze everything it could about the S.W. Divine Temple in real time.

Then it drew a conclusion.

The conclusion quickly travelled from space through the atmosphere and into the Freedom Confederate, manifesting as a beeping sound in one of the presidential office’s Holo-Brains.

“Success, Impartial Goddess has been paralyzed!”

The two Generals spoke in high spirits.

A bit of temperature came to the President’s cold expression.

According to their plan, being able to get this far is already quite the perfect outcome.

They could only start enacting the plan against the 9 Lords without Impartial Goddess’ interference.

As one of the highest leaders of humanity, obviously he knows that the 9 Lords are holding back the space monsters.

But after hell spreads on earth and everyone becomes an undying dead person, who would be afraid of a mere monster?

——-the moment he’s been dreaming of is finally about to arrive!

“Very well, dispatch your men, have the military move out for a total assault on the 9 Lords” the President ordered.


The two Generals saluted, then turned to quickly leave.

Gu Qing Shan said nothing throughout the whole process.

The President stared at him and slowly sat down right across from him.

Even on the sofa, his hips and back were straight, his shoulders level, his gaze was firm without any blinking, all his gestures were perfect without a single mistake to point out.

He was expressionless, like an unmoving ice mountain.

The President turned on his Holo-Brain and started to arrange something nonstop.

After a while, he finally spoke up: “Have you decided yet? Once you follow me, you’ll be able to receive the biggest opportunity of your entire life”

“What if I don’t?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

“Then the Confederate doesn’t need scientist who’s willing to be a servant of the 9 Lords”

The President’s eyes peered at Gu Qing Shan, his lips couldn’t help but firmed up into a single line.

“I’ve pretty much already thought about everything, but there’s one more thing that I have to ask you no matter what” Gu Qing Shan said.

He still dares to negotiate?

The President’s cold eyes become a bit colder as he began to emit a solemn pressure.

Faced with such pressure, a normal person would be so scared that they wouldn’t even be able to move a muscle.

But Gu Qing Shan only silently stared back at the President, seemingly unfazed.

“I’ll give you one last chance, ask”

The President squinted his eyes and spoke.

He was still sitting there, unmoving with his back straight.

No matter what gestures he makes, what words he says, his head would stay absolutely still ———as if he was wearing something on his head.

Gu Qing Shan sighed and asked: “Your Majesty, is the real President still alive?”