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Worlds' Apocalypse Online

Chapter 225 - Made for [Seven Stars Flowing Dragon]
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Chapter 225: Made for [Seven Stars Flowing Dragon]

Translated by: La0o9

Edited by: La0o9

Proofreader:? Arya

Which one should I choose?

[Electrified Phantom] is quite a good thaumaturgy. From Gu Qing Shan’s estimation, he can probably split into three illusions of himself in battle.

Being able to form illusions in battle will allow him to confuse his enemies, they only need to lose concentration for a single split second for the battle to conclude differently.

But that’s not Gu Qing Shan’s fighting style.

He ignored this option.

The remaining ones are [Potential Enhancement] and [Stiff].

After thinking for a bit, Gu Qing Shan chose [Stiff].

[Potential Enhancement] can increase his movement speed and attack speed for a short time, but since Gu Qing Shan has the Divine Skill [Ground Shrink], he doesn’t really care about movement speed that much.

As for attack speed, with his [You Ji General] title giving him the [Quick Attack] skill, increasing his attack speed by 15%, he’s not in a hurry to get more of that.

On the other hand, [Seven Shackles] has helped Gu Qing Shan greatly several times during multiple battles.

[Seven Shackles] only last for 1 second, [Stiff] lasts for 2.

Since [Stiff] is the evolved form of [Seven Shackles], perhaps it will level up again during the next time he has the chance to evolve his thaumaturgy. historical

For a sword cultivator, 2 seconds is more than enough to kill the enemy with a burst of power.

If one day, his lightning thaumaturgy is able to stun the enemy for 5 seconds…

——-no, 3 seconds is enough.

With 3 seconds, I can complete [Seven Stars] in one go!

Each strike of [Seven Stars Flowing Dragon] is considered its own Secret Art, so they take a little bit more time to use than a normal attack, but not by much.

And since I’ll advance to Golden Core soon, [Seven Stars Flowing Dragon] won’t place such a heavy burden on my body the next time I use it.

The next time his thaumaturgy levels up, he only needs to hit a random strike imbued with his thaumaturgy.

The enemy will instantly lose the ability to retaliate, and he can finish all 7 strikes in the 2 seconds that they do.

As soon as the seven stars form, the flowing dragon descends.

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And the battle will be over.

This truly is a thaumaturgy specifically made for Secret Arts that takes multiple strikes!

Not to mention, the lightning dragon he summons will only become stronger and more devastating the more he grows.

“System, after [Seven Shackles] and [Stiff], is there a more powerful CC-type lightning thaumaturgy?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

[Yes] the System responded very simply.

Without any hesitation, Gu Qing Shan chose [Stiff].


[User has chosen the evolution for the lightning thaumaturgy, Seven Shackles is about to evolve to Stiff]

[The user has received the evolved lightning thaumaturgy: Stiff]

[Stiff: When a living being is struck by your Lightning, they will lose control of their body. Duration: 2 seconds]

Gu Qing Shan sighed in relief.

Finally, all that effort wasn’t wasted.

2 seconds, combined with Divine Skill [Ground Shrink], he might be able to cheat and complete [Seven Stars] in one go as well.

From now on, [Stiff] will replace [Seven Shackles] to become his trump card in battle.

After the thaumaturgy finished evolving, the War God UI started to change.

Both circles lit up.

The smaller circle that represents [Seven Shackles]’a evolution slowly faded away.

The grey color on the larger circle also started to fade, instead replaced with a colorful 5-colored hue.

The main dish is here.


[You’ve completed the thaumaturgy evolution Quest]

[You’ve triggered a new thaumaturgy randomizer Quest]

[After breaking through to Golden Core, you will become one of the very few cultivators that awaken more than one thaumaturgy]

[New thaumaturgy randomizer Quest activated]

After a few lines of notification, the large circle with a 5-colored hue started to slowly rotate.

Gu Qing Shan also become a bit anxious.

This Quest will determine what his second thaumaturgy will be.

Usually, getting a thaumaturgy is already great luck.

Elemental, Martial, God’s Chosen, there are innumerable thaumaturgies within these three types, and with how random chance works, getting one that perfectly fits you is hard.

The last time he did a thaumaturgy randomizer Quest, he got 4 chances to choose thanks to him finishing the Quest exceptionally well.

He even got to choose between Lightning of Life and Thunder of Death for his thaumaturgy.

And [Seven Shackles] has served him exceptionally well in crucial moments in many battles.

This time, he got another Quest that rewards a random thaumaturgy that he can choose ——–after he finishes it.

No matter what, Gu Qing Shan is determined.

He has to put everything he has into finishing this Quest and get as many chances to choose as possible.

Because the more chances he gets, the more likely for him to get a powerful thaumaturgy!

On the War God UI, after rotating for a while, the circle turned into a sphere.

An empty crystal sphere.

Flashing lines of text appeared next to the crystal sphere.

[Quest prerequisite: The thaumaturgy randomizer Quest will only begin once you enter the cultivation world]

[Quest description: The Quest will be rated based on completion level, the higher the user’s completion level is, the more chances you get to choose a thaumaturgy]

[Note: The war of the two worlds will bring about never-before-seen consequences, please be prepared for any situation, hold your weapon tight and wait for the moment to come]

Even after Gu Qing Shan finished reading, the lines of text didn’t disappear, only silently floated next to the crystal sphere.

Gu Qing Shan was a bit shocked, muttering: “It’ll only begin once I enter the cultivation world?”

“How strange, what kind of Quest will this be?” he stared at the empty crystal sphere and started thinking.

But the aching wounds on his body very quickly reminded him of what he needed to do.

Since there’s nothing he can do about it, Gu Qing Shan instantly ignored it.

He took another top-tier healing pill in hand and swallowed.

Checking the jade bottle, he doesn’t have much left.

These are healing pills prepared by Bai Hua Saint, if this was the cultivation world, numerous people would compete for even a single one of them, yet he’s eating them as if they were candy.

Of course, Gu Qing Shan doesn’t feel the least bit regretful.

Healing pills are best used when you need to heal.

A full night passed.

Dawn came as the sun rises.

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Walking out from his room, Gu Qing Shan’s steps were much lighter than before.

“How are you?” Anna looked at him and asked gently.

“There’s no problem with simple activities, but I still can’t fight”

Gu Qing Shan looked around and asked: “Where’s Ye Fei Li?”

Liao Xing answered: “He left to kill monsters a while ago, saying that Impartial Goddess arranged for it, probably cleaning up one city or another”

Gu Qing Shan sighed: “I was just about to tell him that his God’s Chosen Awakening Serum is done”

“That’s fine, we’ll just give it to him when he comes back” Zhang Ying Hao said.

“Impartial Goddess, how long has it been since Ye Fei Li’s ears hurt?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

[Estimated time of pain is once every 21-39 hours, it’s been 35 hours since the last affliction] Impartial Goddess answered.

“That’s troublesome” Gu Qing Shan commented.

Suddenly, the Game of Eternal began.

An old voice resounded across the entire planet.

『 People of the world 』

『 The Apocalypse has come, calamities erupting all over the world, your fate is no better than

an ant in a tsunami. Insignificantly small and not in your control 』

『 Do you want to change your fate? 』

『 Struggle, keep on moving forward among the bloodshed, as only the strong has the right to survive 』

『 If you wish to become eternal, then challenge it. Once you succeed, you shall gain eternal life itself! 』

『 The Game of Eternal will now accept your entrance! 』

As soon that was heard, an option appeared in front of everyone in the world.

[Do you want to sign up to gain eternal life?]


Zhang Ying Hao and Liao Xing exchanged glances, a bit worried.

The game has finished updating and finally appeared again.

Gu Qing Shan said: “Impartial Goddess”

[I’m here, please give your orders sir]

“Broadcast the Murder Clown’s footage again”


The very next moment, all Holo-Brains in the world lit up.

A cold, stiff, eerie smiling face appeared in front of everyone.