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Worlds' Apocalypse Online

Chapter 210 - Sharp-clawed
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Chapter 210: Sharp-clawed

Translated by: La0o9

Edited by: La0o9

Proofreader:? Arya

“That is also my only worry” Gu Qing Shan said: “However, from both Impartial Goddess’ and my conclusions, the Pope very rarely appears at such a type of banquet”

Ye Fei Li asked: “How about I go with you? No matter what kind of person the Pope is, if he dares to show us up, I’ll teach him how to be a good person”

Everyone else looked at him with strange expressions in their eyes

“What?” Ye Fei Li was confused.

“I’ll bet 10 Credits that you won’t win against that monster” Liao Xing said.

“You have so little faith in me?” Ye Fei Li said.

“I’ll bet 100 million, you’ll die an extremely horrible death” Zhang Ying Hao said.

Ye Fei Li didn’t believe it and looked at Gu Qing Shan.

Gu Qing Shan patted his shoulder, saying: “Only when you’re able to fight on par with Anna, will you be able to even think about fighting with the Holy Apostles of the Holy Church”

“Someday, if you ever manage to beat Anna, and then beat a Holy Apostle, you’ll be able to return alive from meeting with the Pope”

“Anna… is only a 4th stage Elementalist peak, but I’m already a 6th stage Man Killer Fiend King” Ye Fei Li was unconvinced.

Gu Qing Shan answered: “I told you already, the current system is unreliable, Anna’s Fire element coupled with her God’s Chosen Skill makes her even stronger than a normal 5th stage Professionist”

Ye Fei Li looked at Anna and said: “Then how about we fight it out?”

Anna scoffed: “You just take a look at your glass first”

When Ye Fei Li looked down, he saw that his wine glass has already been half-melted.

“If this was a real fight, you would’ve already died” Anna lifted her chin and said.

“Just what’s going on here?”? Ye Fei Li dejectedly hung his head.

He was shocked a bit too badly.

“Actually this is something that can’t be helped, Mystic-type God’s Chosen Skills don’t really conform to normal standards” Zhang Ying Hao consoled him.

Ye Fei Li suddenly asked Gu Qing Shan: “What about you? Your swordsmanship is the best I’ve ever seen, can you deal with Apostles?”

“I can handle a few Holy Apostles no problem” Gu Qing Shan smiled and said.

“What about the Pope?”

“If I’m unable to get away, of course I’ll die”

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“You’ll die as well?”

“Our strength are too far apart, of course I’ll die”

Zhang Ying Hao also agreed: “If the Pope was here, all of us would have died”

Anna suddenly looked at Gu Qing Shan and said: “Then what if I disguise myself and go with you?”

“You can’t, it’s too dangerous, I won’t allow you to come”

Gu Qing Shan was very determined about this.

Liao Xing was listening on one side, then spoke: “Then we have to pay attention to the old hag’s movement”

He typed a long string of data on the screen, then gave it to Impartial Goddess

“Draw the central protocol formula from this, then make 30 copies”

[What a wonderful formula, Mr. Liao] Impartial Goddess replied.

Gu Qing Shan asked: “What’s that?”

“Nano-sized surveillance drones, the proudest invention of my life” Liao Xing said with pride.

“You’re going to use that to observe the Pope?”

“Of course, I’ll just spread them everywhere around the Holy Sanctuary, guarantees no one will ever notice”

“These things, why do I feel like their use isn’t limited to just that…” Ye Fei Li was thinking about it as he spoke.

Liao Xing turned around to glare at him, then moved his mouth in a side-to-side motion, gesturing with his eyes ‘you’re still too green’.

“This way, we can constantly keep track of the Pope and tell you ahead of time” Anna happily patted Gu Qing Shan’s shoulder, having her biggest worry off her back.

“Very well, we’ll keep in touch” Gu Qing Shan said.

While talking, he was silently thinking about a certain strange occurrence.

In the past life, the Pope was the most mysterious person in humanity.

For a very long time, of the numerous Professionists that challenged her, the only one that managed to get out alive was the Fuxi Empire’s Emperor.

After that, the Fuxi Emperor had to recuperate for over half a year before he fully recovered, then remained extremely tight-lipped about the battle.

Thanks to that, no one knows exactly how the Pope fights or what trump cards she has.

And in reality, thanks to the Seven Holy Apostles, she herself never has to fight at all.

But the strangest thing was that, during the final year of the Apocalypse, the Pope disappeared without a trace.

No one knows where she went, or whether she was dead or alive.

But at that point, the amount of people still alive were so few that they couldn’t even protect themselves, so the investigation into where she went quickly went cold without a conclusion.

Impartial Goddess’ voice came.

[The flight path has been drafted, sir, you can be on your way whenever you’re ready]

“Good, I’ll be going”

Gu Qing Shan stood up and gestured.

A Mobile Mech armor rose from the ground and attached itself to him.

This is a standard Mech that Impartial Goddess normally has in reserve.

As time was a bit short, Gu Qing Shan didn’t specifically make a Mech for himself.

[Sir, since we didn’t have time to specifically make a Mech, we could only install a miniature cloaking device, at most it’s capable of cloaking you for 1 minute] Impartial Goddess said.

“Using my latest technology formula?”


“1 minute is enough to travel from the air to the ground, it’s fine even if the time is a bit lacking”

Saying so, Gu Qing Shan stepped into a personal shuttle, waving at the four staying behind.

“I’ll be back soon” he said.

The airlock closed, the engine flared and quickly started.

The small shuttle was heading towards the planet under the S.W. Divine Temple.

The shuttle quickly entered orbit and circled around a certain height.

[Sir, we’re currently at the Holy Church’s surveillance perimeter, if we move 100 meters closer, we’ll be discovered by the Holy Empire’s surveillance system]

“Open the cabin, I’ll enter with stealth using the Mech”

The cabin door depressurized and opened.

Gu Qing Shan jumped down. historical


On another side.

The Holy Empire’s capital’s Grand Holy Church.

A woman clad in a pure white garb, emitting small rays of holy light from her body was sitting on a throne.

Above her head, a shining halo hovered, letting out interweaving waves of strong and weak holy light, emphasizing her likeness of a descended Angel.

This is the Holy Church’s Pope.

She was holding a sketchbook in her hand, seemingly drawing something.

While she has nothing to do, she would draw one thing or another, this was a hobby of hers.

“The king wishes to see you” two priests walked up and reported.

“Let him come in, the rest of you leave, I’ll have a talk with the king alone” the Pope didn’t bother to look up and ordered.


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The two priests retreated.

A few moments later, the king came in.

He was whimpering: “Mother, I’m so lonely, why isn’t Anna here yet?”

The Pope sigh and said: “Your actions lately has made me so disappointed, anyone can clearly see that you’re not the king”

She continued: “Thanks to that, the Holy Empire is slowly falling apart, all due to you”

The king loudly shouted: “I don’t care, if you don’t give me Anna, I’ll keep making an even bigger ruckus!”

The Pope went silent, her tone became cold: “We’ve talked about this, if you’re able to do your job well, I will reward you with Anna, allowing you to use her as food to nurture your soul”

“But not only were you unable to do your job, you’re even causing a ruckus in front of me”

“My child, you’ve been very naughty”

The pope used her hand to draw a line in the air.

The king kept screaming and crying without minding her words, but wasn’t able to let out any sounds.

“You need a little bit of rest, some time to reflect on your shortcomings and mistakes” the Pope said.

As the king heard the word “rest”, he showed an expression of fear, scrambling to say something very desperately, but was unable to let out any sound.

The king then kneeled down, seemingly trying to beg for forgiveness.

But the Pope shook her head, randomly took her brush and started to sketch something on the paper.

As she was quickly drawing, she whispered: “I’ll give you a silent space all to yourself, so that you can reflect clearly, just what have you have done wrong, after this, if I still remember, I’ll let you out again”

As the king heard that, his face was overcome with despair and fright.

Suddenly, the king’s stomach opened up, as a horribly ugly gnome came out of it and started to run away.

The gnome screamed: “No! I don’t want to go back! I want to stay in this world!”

But the Pope has already finished drawing.

On the drawing board was an empty black cage.

The Pope put her brush down, taking the picture down from the drawing board and threw it into the air.

The drawing of the cage suddenly flashed then disappeared, reappearing again right above the gnome.

The paper expanded like a giant mouth, swallowing him.

As the Pope waved, the painting quickly came back into her hands.

In the drawing, an ugly gnome with 10 sharp claws was sitting dejectedly.

He was trapped in the caged.

A few lines of text started to appear on the paper

[Imprisoned Sharp-clawed Gnome]

[The Sharp-clawed Gnome is an expert at controlling dead bodies, simulating the person when they were still alive]

[The Sharp-clawed Gnome is madly drawn to beautiful women who has both the power of the Elements and God’s Chosen, evolving and growing stronger through draining their mixed energy]

The Pope rolled the drawing up, then lightly waved it in her hand.

The drawing suddenly became a card.