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Worlds' Apocalypse Online

Chapter 1459 - Devour
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Chapter 1459: Devour

Scarlet had fallen asleep.

She was sleeping very soundly while embracing the black flames scythe, denying anyone from taking it from her.

Epta carried her to a nearby tree to lie down and rest.

“Can she really fight like this?” Atley was doubtful.

Gu Qing Shan smiled.

He was feeling happy because he recalled how Anna was.

During one of their drinking bouts, Anna once outdrank Zhang Ying Hao, Ye Fei Li, and Liao Xing; only Gu Qing Shan managed to barely beat her due to his cultivator constitution.

“It’s ok, once her alcohol tolerance goes up, she’ll only grow increasingly stronger” he replied.

“I don’t feel like...”

Atley mumbled in dissatisfaction as he went back to cultivating.

Only Gu Qing Shan remained.

He released his inner sight to see that Reneedol was returning to the camp by herself, with Shroud nowhere to be seen.

At this time, Shroud had most likely headed into the Divine Palace of Radiance.

Reneedol wouldn’t kill Shroud at this point in time and instead do everything in her power to ensure Shroud’s survival, after all, Shroud will be the one to retrieve those precious treasures within the World of Laws.

Reneedol must have told Shroud something.

Gu Qing Shan sighed as he was feeling a bit pressured.

Once Shroud retrieves the treasures of the Overlord of Radiance, the Law Behemoths would begin an all-out manhunt for him.

Other than that, there is also Reneedol.

I know that she was from the Pantheon, but not her intentions.

Suddenly, Gu Qing Shan’s gaze became focused.

Reneedol had returned to the forest, currently heading towards him.

She appeared a bit different somehow...

A few moments later, Reneedol showed up in front of him.

“Rhode, where are the others?” Reneedol asked.

“Scarlet drank too much, Epta is taking care of her, while Atley is trying his best to achieve a breakthrough” Gu Qing Shan replied.

Reneedol nodded.

This was quite similar to the previous time, while we weren’t under pursuit, everyone is still maturing on the same path as before.

Gu Qing Shan’s gaze was focused above Reneedol’s head with a surprised expression on his face.

——some flickering starlight had appeared above Reneedol.

Noticing his gaze, Reneedol casually replied: “This is my new ability, I’m still slowly figuring it out”

“Is that so”

Gu Qing Shan appeared surprised like normal but was silently feeling more and more cautious.

In the future, countless Deities would kneel below Reneedol’s throne as an endless river of stars continuously manifested, matured, then collapsed behind her back.

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According to the Four Pillar Gods of the past, Reneedol’s Title would be The Pearl of Infinite Worlds, Master of the Star River, Blessed One of the Inner Plane, Grand Empress of the Pantheon.

And now, within this obscured history, Reneedol had managed to manifest her very first star.

Is this worth using up my one question for?

Gu Qing Shan paused for a brief moment before suddenly asked:

“Reneedol, where exactly did the star behind your back come from?”

——[See you once again], activated!

It was now time for the noodles he made earlier to do its job.

Reneedol’s expression instantly became blank.

She seemed to be reminiscing something as she blankly answered: “The Law Behemoth of Wind was wandering in our vicinity, wishing to find a mortal who could form a covenant with it. I devoured it and manifested this star”

Gu Qing Shan was completely shaken, his mind storming nonstop.

The previous Reneedol only wanted to devour powerful Professionists.

But this Reneedol was completely different.

She had devoured a Law Behemoth!

They are lifeforms manifested from the Origin power and spirit of the world, wielders of the Laws themselves!

So even such entities cannot escape from Reneedol’s devouring?

Gu Qing Shan controlled his breathing and heartbeat to ensure that Reneedol wouldn’t notice anything.

The very next moment.

Reneedol returned to normal.

She didn’t know what she just said at all and calmly told him: “Rhode, I’m going to rest for a bit, keep an eye out around our vicinity and call me if anything happens”

“Should I call you if Shroud returns?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

“Call me before anything else”


Reneedol walked past Gu Qing Shan, about to head deeper into the forest.

Suddenly, she stopped and looked at him.

“Rhode, all the Laws of the World fear two Laws in particular. The first was the Law of Radiance, while the second was the Law of Death; this was not only because of their might but also because Radiance can fuse with all other Laws, while Death will destroy any other Laws on contact”

Gu Qing Shan appeared confused and asked: “What are you telling me about that for?”

Rhode continued with a knowing expression on her face: “Shroud’s talents had depicted that he would only grow increasingly more powerful. You must continue to cultivate your power of Death in order to ensure that you will always be able to stand by Shroud’s side”

After saying that, she went into the forest to search for a place to rest.

Gu Qing Shan’s gaze slowly became grim.

A monster who could devour even an Overlord is right next to me and Shroud.

When Reneedol and I fought before, the Fate ability [Longing] perceived my assured death.

From the looks of it, that perception was correct.

Who would be able to stop such a terrifying devouring ability?

If everything Reneedol had said was the truth, then——-

She didn’t devour Rhode with the Law of Death because the power of Death would only destroy the other Laws.

Then why doesn’t she devour Shroud?

...Most likely, that is because the Overlord of Radiance was already dead, and Shroud still hadn’t matured, he still hasn’t grown to become the strongest entity in existence.

If one day, when Shroud truly becomes the next Overlord of Radiance...

Gu Qing Shan didn’t continue thinking about that, as he suddenly realized something else.

The first star Reneedol obtained represented the Law of Wind being devoured.

In the future, countless stars circle around her body, earning her the Title [Master of the Star River].

In other words——-

She had devoured practically every other Law!

Gu Qing Shan moved his hand slightly.

Her fingers slightly clenched closer like he wanted to grasp something.

At the same time, his four swords all hid within the void of space, silently waiting for his decision.

They were all preparing for combat!

But then, Gu Qing Shan stopped.

He was hesitating.

——should I kill her right now?

Not with direct combat, but through assassination.

As a sword cultivator, I wouldn’t be able to exert my terrifying combat prowess at its strongest during normal battles, but under two other circumstances.

The first is in the middle of a battlefield while fully-armored.

The second is during an ambush while disregarding all rules of combat.

Last time, I killed Reneedol as Red Wraith using this method.

This time, I’ve had to exhaust a lot of my means to make her stop doubting Rhode.

This way, no matter how powerful she was, as long as she stands close to me, I would be able to behead her before she reacted with a single strike.

Gu Qing Shan took a deep breath.

——–but after I kill this Reneedol, there will still be the next Reneedol.

The next Reneedol would gain all of the previous Reneedol’s memories, learning that Rhode was Red Wraith.

She would not allow me to approach her again and instead immediately use her Fate ability as soon as she saw me.

I wouldn’t be able to stop that Fate ability.


Killing her is meaningless, but not killing her would only allow her to grow stronger in the future.

At this point, Gu Qing Shan was feeling stuck between a rock and a hard place.

After a while, he lowered his hand.

——after killing this one, there would only be the next.

But by not killing her, I’d still have the advantage of information over this Reneedol.

This included her personality, ability, and plan.

The next Reneedol would definitely kill Rhode without hesitation.

That would also be a completely foreign Reneedol who refuses to give up any information to Rhode.

She would be much harder to deal with.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Gu Qing Shan silently sighed and decided against killing her. historical

Reneedol had now assumed that I’m a normal young man and slowly let her guard down around me.

This is crucial.

I should probably probe as much of her information as possible before making my decision.

While he was thinking, Atley suddenly ran out of the forest.

“Rhode, take a look at this for me” he said.

“What’s the matter?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

Atley showed his palm.

A green gust of wind drifted around his arm, slowly converged towards the palm of his hand, then eventually manifested a long blade of wind.

Gu Qing Shan smiled: “Congratulations, you’ve finally formed a covenant with the Law of Wind”

Atley confusedly said: “No”

“What do you mean no?”

“I... haven’t formed a covenant with the Law Behemoth of Wind, but I could still directly utilize the power of the Law of Wind” Atley fearfully said.

Suddenly, a flash of brilliant light appeared in front of them.

Shroud appeared out of nowhere.

He was holding onto a golden book while chanting an incantation.

The golden book opened by itself and shot out a small circular pendant.

——-this pendant was the Radiance Artifact he took out the previous time that blocked out all tracking techniques.

Shroud put it on, then told the two of them: “We need to head out quickly, all the Overlords are searching for me!”

Gu Qing Shan’s eyes flickered.

As expected, we will have to officially begin fleeing from this moment!

At some point, Reneedol had appeared as well.

“No need to worry” she calmly said, “You were transported to this forest, so as long as we leave this place, no one would be able to find us”

“Atley, call Epta and Scarlet, we’re heading out!”

Atley hurriedly dispelled the power of Wind in his hand and ran to call Epta.

Shroud suddenly called out: “Not good! Atley could already use the Law of Wind, so the Law Behemoth of Wind will most likely be able to locate us through him”

Reneedol blinked, then whispered to him: “They won’t, don’t worry”

Shroud was confused.

Gu Qing Shan also acted confusedly and explained: “It’s very strange, he hadn’t formed a covenant but he could now directly command the Law of Wind”

Reneedol replied: “That’s not strange at all. The Overlord of Radiance had died, but Shroud is similarly still able to command the Law of Radiance”

Shroud was surprised: “You mean, Atley is like me and has the potential to become an Overlord?”

“Indeed” Reneedol confirmed.

Shroud sighed in relief.

Gu Qing Shan looked at Reneedol, now even more confused about her intentions.

——-seems like I’ll have to make a few more meals to probe her true thoughts.

While he was thinking, the others had properly packed up to leave.

They randomly chose a direction and quickly fled the forest.