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Worlds' Apocalypse Online

Chapter 1450 - Return
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Chapter 1450: Return

TN: If you’re reading this, this is an unedited version of the chapter, it will be updated properly as soon as possible, please return later if you don’t like slightly strange grammar


The portrait of Shroud’s appearance had manifested in the void of space.

Reneedol swiftly looked at Shroud’s portrait, then looked around herself.

Only to see the countless mortals also standing in the World of Laws.

These were mortals from all over the world who had been brought into the World of Laws.

They had only just formed a covenant with the Law Behemoths, thus obtaining the ability to utilize the power of Laws.

A few moments later.

Suddenly, innumerable Law Behemoth uttered a resound roar and declared to all these mortals:

「 We have sealed-off Space itself 」

「 From this moment onwards, no normal will be able to teleport or fly, persisting until this final remnant of Radiance is found! 」

After this declaration, the World of Laws slowly faded away from the mortals’ visions.

Atley and Reneedol had both returned to the real world, still sitting inside the horse carriage.

“Atley, what do you think?” Reneedol asked.

——kill Shroud!

Aside from the Overlord of Death, all the Overlords had unified to announce this matter.

“Kill... Shroud? Wasn’t he already close to death? Could it be...”

Atley stuttered as he spoke these words, as if he was unable to face this fact.

He then turned to Reneedol, then was startled.

Even though Reneedol was beautiful, her expression at this time was still fearfully terrifying.

“Atley, what do you think these Law Behemoths are trying to do?” Reneedol asked.

Atley blankly replied: “They want to kill Shroud”

Reneedol spoke in irritation: “The Law Behemoths should be all-powerful, so why didn’t they kill him themselves and instead wanted to borrow the hands of mortals to kill Shroud?”

Atley thought for a while, then shook his head: “I’m not sure either” historical

Reneedol’s gaze displayed a bit of disdain, but retained a smile on her face as she said: “I guess that Shroud has something that ensured that these Law Behemoths wouldn’t be able to find him”

Atley nodded over and over: “You’re right, they said that Shroud was carrying countless treasures with him”

Reneedol fell silent.

Atley thought for a bit more, then excitedly called out: “Shroud is definitely still inside that cave, even if he had left, he shouldn’t have left too far, maybe we should chase after—-”

Reneedol didn’t say anything and reached her hand out.

——there was nothing on it.

How regretful, I remember that Red Wraith seemed to have an ability to find any target he thought of, but to save Shroud, I couldn’t help but give up Red Wraith’s abilities...

Reneedol muttered to herself.

Carefully recalling everything that occurred recently, she couldn’t help but feel endlessly dejected.

Damn it.

How could I have been so impulsive?

I’ve been changing my mind regarding this matter so rapidly that I ignored the predestined path of Fate.

For someone like Shroud, even if he falls into a state of imminent death, he would still be able to overcome the hardship and resurrect to be even stronger.

Otherwise, why would he have been hailed as the new leader of the World Valley?

The next time I run into this situation, I can’t keep switching sides like this.

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Reneedol closed her eyes and silently thought of a certain individual’s figure.

Red Wraith.

Although he was an enemy, he had always been completely calm when facing an enemy.

He was like the calmest hunter, even when I was about to utilize that ability and devour him, he still had the leisure to call himself the 7th strongest swordsman and successfully caused me to hesitate.

Reneedol clenched her fist.

Why can’t I face my problems as he does?

“A truly powerful individual... would definitely not be an indecisive one” Reneedol muttered to herself.

Her gaze now contained a bit more power.

“Erm, Reneedol, what should we do now?” Atley asked.

Reneedol turned and looked at Atley.

——there are now many people that could form covenants with the Law Behemoths.

Then how much is Atley actually worth?

He doesn’t have Shroud’s talents and he couldn’t even compare to Rhode.

Even though the Law of Death is a bit hateful, at least Rhode had the bravery to stay behind and cover everyone’s backs.

Reneedol sighed, picked up a tea cup on the table in front of her, then took a sip.

I can’t continue like this.

From now on, I need to make careful considerations before I act.

After silently thinking for a while, Reneedol suddenly turned to Atley.

“Atley, do you think we’d be able to catch up to Shroud and the others if we returned now?” she asked.

“Shroud was still injured, so even if they had left the cave, they wouldn’t be able to flee too far. Our carriage was reinforced with the power of the wind, so there wouldn’t be an issue with our speed” Atley replied.

“Atley” Reneedol smiled and asked: “For my sake, are you willing to attack Shroud?”

Even though he was already prepared for such a question, Atley was still frightened to the point of trembling at the idea.


As he opened his mouth, Reneedol reached her hand out and lightly stroked his face.

Reneedol gently told him: “Think very carefully before you tell me, remember, you only have one chance”

Atley felt his mouth and tongue to be completely parched, after swallowing a dry gulp, the hesitation he felt earlier had already been thrown completely away.

“How do you want to do it?” he heard himself asking such a question.

Reneedol satisfactorily smiled.

“Actually, it’s quite simple...


The side of the mountain.

Gu Qing Shan’s group of four was moving forward.

They were indeed not moving very quickly.

The Law Behemoths had banded together to completely seal off Space.

Their joint power was too great, Gu Qing Shan couldn’t use any spatial techniques or movement techniques, nor could he teleport or fly.

Shroud was injured.

Every 10 minutes, Epta has to stop to heal him appropriately.

Scarlet had formed a covenant with the Overlord of Death, but she was completely wasted from drinking, so she had been sleeping this entire time.

Fortunately, they had the Radiance pendant.

The power of [Hidden Light] had formed a barrier in a 100-meter radius around them, so they couldn’t be detected by any sort of tracking techniques.

“How are you feeling?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

Shroud briefly examined himself, then replied: “There is a treasure made specifically for the sake of healing within the Book of Prophesized Destiny, but I am unable to take it out at this point in time”

“Weren’t you able to take the pendant out without issues?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

“This is different, this treasure requires me to expend more power of Radiance in order to retrieve”


Shroud smiled, then said: “My powers have recovered somewhat, as long as Epta heals me one more time, I think I should be able to take that treasure out without issues”

Gu Qing Shan instantly said: “Epta, let us rest here, treat Shroud’s injuries one more time”

“Got it!” Epta replied.

They had stopped behind a large rock to avoid the wind.

Gu Qing Shan carefully let Shroud down and had him lean his back on the back.

Epta also carefully laid Scarlet down before beginning Shroud’s treatment.

Gu Qing Shan was responsible for keeping watch.

He made sure to pay attention to even the smallest blade of moving grass while feeling highly anxious.

This place isn’t too far away from the previous cave, we definitely shouldn’t have stopped here.

But without fully healing Shroud, we wouldn’t be able to move any faster.

—-let’s just hope nothing happens.

Time became unbearably long.

After a long while.

Shroud opened his eyes, first looked at Epta, then at Gu Qing Shan.

“I really have burdened you during this period of time”

He said as he opened the Book of Prophesized Destiny and took out a glowing warm sphere of light.

“Radiance, heal my wounds, I am your companion”

Shroud muttered.

The sphere abruptly began to let out an intense ray of light that reached into the sky.

“This is too eye-catching; we need to leave right away after we’re done” Gu Qing Shan frowned.

Before he could finish, the ray of light had already converged the power of light in the sky itself.

This sea of light descended from above, fully enveloping Shroud’s body.


Shroud let out a painful moan.

He laid crouched to the ground with both eyes closed.

Immense power emanated from his body.

Who would’ve thought, after these heavy injuries, his strength had actually improved!

“Give me a few more seconds, I’m going to resolve some of my hidden wounds as well” Shroud said, then closed his eyes again.

The power he was emanating then became fully receded.

Gu Qing Shan and Epta both silently waited.

“Huh? What’s going on?”

Scarlet rubbed her eyes as she sat up.

She was woken up by the earlier commotion, her expression filled with annoyance.

“Shroud is about to recover”

Epta hugged her and happily cheered.

Gu Qing Shan suddenly turned around and looked down the mountain.

A horse carriage had appeared at the foot of the mountain, now rapidly heading towards them.

“The commotion Shroud caused earlier was too great, we’ve been discovered!” Epta exclaimed.

“Watch over Shroud and Scarlet, I’ll beat them back” Gu Qing Shan said.

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He was prepared to fight.

At this point, Scarlet staggered as she stood up, hung onto Gu Qing Shan’s shoulder, then said: “Count me in if we’re fighting!”

“Can you?” Gu Qing Shan glanced at her.

“Just ask Epta, I’ve actually gotten the power of Death as well, I’m not any weaker than you are” Scarlet said.

Gu Qing Shan looked at Epta questioningly.

Epta nodded.

“That’s good, then let’s head out together” Gu Qing Shan happily said.

———finally, an ally in combat.

“Hm” Scarlet nodded resolutely.

Very quickly, the horse carriage approached them.

The carriage stopped at a safe distance away from them.

The door of the carriage opened.

And Atley disembarked.

“Atley...” Gu Qing Shan spoke in a deep voice.

“Hey, Rhode”

Atley’s gaze went past Gu Qing Shan and fell onto Shroud.

Shroud was laying on the ground, seemingly not breathing nor moving.

“Has he died yet?” Atley asked.

Scarlet couldn’t help but shout loudly in return: “Damn you Atley! That is Shroud, that is your friend, what kind of tone is that, huh!?”


Intense black flames erupted from her body.

A black bird landed on her shoulder as she came closer and closer to Atley.

“If you keep talking to us with that tone, I’m going to butcher you!” Scarlet declared full of killing intent.

The black bird then took flight and abruptly turned into a giant bird of death that was hundreds of meters in length, circling above them.

Atley was shocked.

This presence is incomparable to normal Laws.

“You... you’ve formed a covenant with the Overlord of Death as well?” he stuttered in shock and asked.

Standing in the flames, Scarlet pridefully scoffed: “Hmph! Did you think only you and the Law of Wind——”

She suddenly stopped, sat crouched on the ground and opened her mouth.

Atley took a step back and assumed a defensive stance, solemnly asking: “What are you doing!?”


Scarlet threw up.

She continued to throw up for a while, all the way until she shed tears.

Atley froze.

——what’s going on?

He couldn’t understand the situation at all.

Gu Qing Shan helplessly crouched down as well, patting Scarlet’s back: “How much did you drink?”

Scarlet breathed heavily as she replied: “Two bottles”

Gu Qing Shan then asked: “How much do you usually drink?”

“I’ve never drank alcohol before, only fruit juice” Scarlet sincerely answered him.

Gu Qing Shan was speechless.

He carried Scarlet back to Epta, then returned to face Atley.

“Do you want to kill Shroud?”

Gu Qing Shan coldly asked.