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Worlds' Apocalypse Online

Chapter 1421 - Tiger
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Chapter 1421: Tiger

The Wraith realm.

The Wraith temple.

The three statues slowly came back to life.

“That teleportation power...”

“Has disappeared”

The three Wraith Lords Fate Obstruction, Giant Frame, and Karmic Fire stood on their respective worshipping platforms and exchanged glances.

“While the power has disappeared, but that was truly strange. Why did it happen to choose all three of us at the same time?” Wraith Lord Fate Obstruction asked.

Wraith Lord Giant Frame replied: “I think that might not have been a coincidence, should we report it?”

Wraith Lord Karmic Fire replied: “We probably should, after all... this matter isn’t only highly unusual but also related to the ruins, she would most likely find it interesting”

“Then let us report it first, then set Fei Yue’s matter in stone” Wraith Lord Fate Obstruction took out a blood-colored talisman and was about to activate it.

Suddenly, a flare talisman flew towards them from the void of space, manifesting Reneedol’s appearance in front of the three Wraith Lords.

“Grand Empress!”

The three Wraith Lords were shocked but swiftly knelt down on one knee each to greet her.

“Dispatch everyone to world #977 in the fourth scale” Reneedol coldly ordered.

“Understood!” the three Wraith Lords replied in unison.

Wraith Lord Giant Frame then said: “Your majesty, the war with the Eternal Abyss is at a stalemate, does your majesty think...”

Reneedol glanced at him, then ordered: “Wraith Lord Cang, you’ll be in charge of the entire war situation. Fate Obstruction and Karmic Fire will remain here before heading into the world I mentioned in order to prepare for that operation!”

“Understood” the three Wraith Lords replied in unison again.

Reneedol’s figure disappeared, turned back into a blood-colored talisman and shot into the void of space.

The three Wraith Lords stood up.

“She has left” Wraith Lord Karmic Fire commented. historical

“Hm, from the direction she’s heading, she most likely is heading towards the Huang Quan realm” Wraith Lord Fate Obstruction replied.

Wraith Lord Giant Frame then clasped his fist towards the other two Wraith Lords and said: “I’ll leave this place to you two, I need to head into the Void to confirm the situation, then head back to the wraith temple to assume command and defeat the Eternal Abyss as planned”

“Be at ease on your trip——- ah, I heard that a bit of disturbance had occurred at the Yama Heavenly realm that your son is in charge of”

“That’s right, both the Yama Heavenly realm and the Sumeru Mountain must be closely monitored, especially in the upcoming future. Her majesty cannot divide her attention, so we must ensure that there is no issue with any of them” Wraith Lord Fate Obstruction said.

Wraith Lord Giant Frame wasn’t at all concerned: “Those two places have been under our rule for much too long, there wouldn’t be any real issue, my son Wu Zhang should be able to deal with them just fine”

With how confident he was about the matter; the other two Wraith Lords were naturally unable to refute or say anything else.

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With their conversations finished, the three figures disappeared from the wraith temple.


A White Frost Blade Tiger was speeding through the forest as if it was running for his life.

He would occasionally glance at his front paw.

No one but himself could see it, but there was a black thread tied to his front left paw.


Only [Longing] would lead him to the second Sealing Token of the Lord of Infinite Origins!

The White Frost Blade Tiger had only just run half-way there before he abruptly made a turn before heading towards a cave.

Within a 10-mile radius, this cave is the only one with others of the same species, so it was most likely the home of the White Frost Blade Tiger that I killed.

Reneedol was too powerful and too horrifying, Gu Qing Shan wasn’t confident that he had indeed been able to deceive the other party.

Right now, I can’t immediately head towards the Sealing Token or it would expose my identity.

At that point in time, even if I manage to escape, Reneedol would know that I can turn into different living beings.

She would surely come up with a countermeasure to that.

In which case, the next Sealing Token would be impossible for me to reach.

While thinking that, Gu Qing Shan entered the cave.

As he entered, two other White Frost Blade Tigers greeted him.


A White Frost Blade Tiger uttered a questioning growl.


Gu Qing Shan randomly answered.

His stomach was still grumbling as he casually walked to a corner of the cave and laid down, resting.

——-just like a real White Frost Blade Tiger.

Seeing him like that, the other two White Frost Blade Tiger followed, leaned on his body and lightly licked him.

Gu Qing Shan was surprised.

What’s going on?


One of the White Frost Blade Tigers gently growled, seemingly saying something.


The other White Frost Blade Tiger also growled, seemingly asking for something.

Gu Qing Shan slowly sat up, feeling a bit unclear.

Since he was now a White Frost Blade Tiger, he naturally understood what they wanted.

——these two White Frost Blade Tigers were females.

They were threatening him that if he wasn’t able to procure any food, they would leave tomorrow.

After that, they would never allow him to mate with them ever again.


Gu Qing Shan roared in a low tone.

While roaring at the two tigresses, he also pointed at the cave entrance with his tail.

The two female White Frost Blade Tigers froze.

They didn’t expect the male tiger to react that way.

The atmosphere became stiff.

Gu Qing Shan’s tiger eyes appeared cruel as he glared at the two tigresses.

The two female White Frost Blade Tigers took a step back.

While they were also White Frost Blade Tigers, they were a bit weaker compared to this male tiger.

Furthermore, while his roar was still the same as before, it somehow carried an unnamed presence that caused even their minds to feel a bit scared.

—-since when did this male tiger become so impressive?

Gu Qing Shan ignored the two tigresses, turned around, then once again laid down at a corner of the cave.

He put both paws on the ground, laying his head on it and closed his eyes.

——-his attitude was clear!

I’m too hungry to keep up this act, what else do you want?

I’m not going to look for food, leave if you want to.

Seeing how the male tiger closed his eyes and began to rest, the two tigresses were still stunned from the shock.

After a few moments, they exchanged glances before silently leaving the cave.

Gu Qing Shan opened his tiger eyes, then closed them again.

—-don’t be ridiculous, Reneedol is still in the forest, how could I do anything that would even have a chance of exposing me?

Now that the two tigresses have left, I no longer need to spend the effort to act as a male tiger and react to the tigresses.

I only need to literally lay low.

Gu Qing Shan silently laid there for a while.

He suddenly opened his eyes.

A large number of wraiths had appeared outside.

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More and more cultivators were gathering, all of which knelt in front of Reneedol, ready to heed her orders.

Very quickly, they all scattered to the corners of this world.

Most likely, they were searching for something.

I can’t expose myself, nor head out in search for the Sealing Tokens, this is going to be troublesome...

Gu Qing Shan’s gaze flickered a bit as he silently pondered a countermeasure.

As a White Frost Blade Tiger, the only thing I can do right now is to hide.

And then what?

Suddenly, Reneedol’s voice resounded throughout the entire world: “Be careful with your search, if that artifact exists in this world, then any destruction to this world could cause it to be damaged”

“Furthermore, divide yourselves up, some of you will be heading into the surrounding 75 worlds to search”

The wraiths responded with resounding unison: “Understood!”

Reneedol’s presence disappeared from this world.

——after using various clairvoyance techniques, she was sure that the person had left this world.

And so, she was preparing to head into other worlds in search of him.

Gu Qing Shan silently listened, changed his posture, then continued to lie in place.

It’s not a good idea to keep remaining in this cave either.

What exactly should I do?

While he was thinking, his ears twitched.

Two figures entered the cave.

—–the two tigresses from before.

The tigress on the left held a hare in its mouth.

While the tigress on the right was even more impressive, dragging a deer into the cave!

Both of the prey was completely dead.

Gu Qing Shan slowly stood up and growled in a low tone.


The two tigresses were holding onto the prey with their mouths, so they couldn’t answer. They both dragged the prey in front of Gu Qing Shan.

The two tigresses then looked at Gu Qing Shan, growling in an intimate and gentle tone:

Ooo (don’t be angry)

Ooo—- (family will provide for you)

This was what they wanted to express.

Gu Qing Shan looked at the hare and the deer.

The hare was a grey adult hare, quite a substantial meal.

While the deer was a buck, still fresh.