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Worlds' Apocalypse Online

Chapter 1338 - A familiar sight
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Chapter 1338: A familiar sight

Gu Qing Shan was walking among the people, but everything around him slowly disappeared one by one.

The banquet hall and ballroom were both gone from his sight.

A tiny sword that exuded blue flames appeared in front of him.

Following that, a sea of stars encircled him, whispering to him in thousands of voices:

「 The strongest Combatants of this world have begun to notice the descent of the Plague Apocalypse 」

「 Your actions have proven yourself worthy for the Deities to open a temporal passage for you 」

「 We shall bring you to the past to witness how the young Baron died in the previous Saint Spirit world’s history 」

「 That was the beginning of the Wraith realm’s destruction of this world 」

The tiny blue sword shattered into a mass of light that enveloped Gu Qing Shan.


Langlois Prefecture.

Viscount Warren’s manor.

A handsome young man was enjoying a graceful dance accompanied by the Viscount’s eldest daughter.

Gu Qing Shan hovered in mid-air, carefully watching over him.

“Was this the true Rhode of history?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

Countless voices replied at once: 「 Indeed, he had become a Condemner, then met the wraiths inside the Viscount manor 」

Gu Qing Shan silently nodded.

So there was a deeper reason for the world spirit to turn me into this young man.


When the first dance concluded, the wraiths reached out to the young man, wishing to present him with a gift.

“Very well, in consideration of your earnest display, I shall accept your gift” the young man replied.

The scene quickly changed.

The Viscount showed up, conferring the young man as a Baron.

The banquet became even merrier, the young man immersed himself in it, becoming acquainted with many aristocratic young ladies.

That night, when the young man returned to his room and opened the wraiths’ gift, he found that it was a few thin pieces of jade.

At first, the young man didn’t really care for them, but the closer he looked at them, the more serious he was, muttering: “Such advanced archery techniques, just perfect for me to use...”

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“But where did these wraiths find such a powerful set of archery techniques from?”

The young man appeared cautious, then took out a black handbook and flipped it open.

——the Condemnation Codex.

The few pieces of jade that contained the archery techniques were placed onto the handbook.

“May the signs of all unsalvageable sins be displayed”

The young man chanted the incantation.

Gu Qing Shan noticed that the real Rhode obtained a completely different Condemnation Card from him.

But that makes sense, how could a young man like him immediately obtain a powerful weapon like the Crimson Demon Divine Spear right away?

Gu Qing Shan continued his observation.

With an abrupt blood-curdling scream, all the jade pieces immediately became broken.

The young man’s expression suddenly changed as he ran out of his room with the black handbook.

“Quickly help me report to the Viscount, I need to see him immediately!”

The young man shouted as he ran.

A man who looked like a butler quickly appeared, talking to him in a low tone: “Baron sir, please calm down, for what reason are you in such a hurry to see the Viscount?”

The young man quickly explained: “Those wraiths, they were up to no good. The Archery techniques they gifted me was a malicious trap!”

“Oh? What kind of trap was it?” the butler asked.

“As long as I practiced those archery techniques, they would be able to take over my body!” the young man loudly shouted.

Gu Qing Shan scowled.

What a familiar sight.

Could it be that everything here, as well as everything that happened in the Tomb of Myriad Beasts, were orchestrated by the wraiths?

The butler appeared confused and muttered: “Really? How strange, this technique has never been discovered before”

Another voice replied:

“There are simply too few Condemners, not only do they not worship any Deities, but the Condemnation Codex is also one of the strangest and most powerful artifacts in existence. It makes sense for there to be a Card among them that happens to be able to discover our technique”

From the darkness, a man in a yaksha mask appeared.

He was holding the young man’s head in his hand.

At some unknown point, the young man was already killed. historical

His headless body collapsed on the ground; bright red blood continuously spilled on the floor.

A second later.

Boundless wind blew towards Gu Qing Shan and pushed him away from this moment of the past.

Under the illumination of the starlight, everything disappeared again.

After a short moment of disorientation, Gu Qing Shan noticed that he had returned to the banquet hall.

In front of the merry crowd, Viscount Warren was standing at the other side of the ballroom, raising the ceremonial sword and loudly called out to him: “Rhode, this is your moment!”

Gu Qing Shan regained his senses and quickly made his way towards the Viscount.

It turns out...

Such a thing actually happened.

Arriving in front of the Viscount, Gu Qing Shan knelt on one knee.

The Viscount lightly tapped the side of the ceremonial sword on his shoulder a total of three times, then began to recite the conferring incantation:

“This conferring is meant for he who had contributed to the world of Saint Spirit—— pioneer Rhode”

“I hereby bestow him with the title of Baron, not in hope that he shall use it to display his superiority, but in hope that he would always keep in mind the power of faith”

“Stand up, Rhode”

As Gu Qing Shan stood up, faint Divine Script began to manifest around his body.

This was the conferring incantation recognized by all Deities and the world itself, jointly devised by the acting avatars on this mortal plane.

Viscount Warren then presented a suit of armor representing the title of Baron to Gu Qing Shan.

This was the symbol of a Baron, representing both his identity and authority.

Accepting the armor, Gu Qing Shan bowed towards Viscount Warren.

The Viscount then encouraged him with a few more words.

Under everyone’s loud cheers and clapping, the conferring ceremony was considered to be completed.

In front of everyone, the wraiths approached Gu Qing Shan once again.

“Baron, sir Baron” the wraith leader called out.

“Speak” Gu Qing Shan replied with a casual smile.

“We sincerely present this gift of treasure from our world, hoping that it would be able to accompany you and provide you with aid”

The wraiths bowed and lifted a treasure box with both hands.

As everyone looked at the box, they all felt natural.

This was the same thing that has been happening for over a thousand years.

They had gotten used to it.

Gu Qing Shan looked at the box, then at the wraiths in front of him.

“What’s inside?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

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The wraiths kept the treasure box raised, not answering him.

They weren’t sure if this young man truly wanted them to open the box, or was just asking out of formality.

A second later.

Gu Qing Shan opened it directly.

Several thin pieces of jade silently sat inside the box, giving off a glittering transparent light.

“It looks like a scripture or something of the same nature”

“The Wraith realm had helped us conquer many places, obtaining quite a bit of benefits”

“Although the majority of it must be turned in anyways, things they present as gifts to nobles must be quite good regardless”

Everyone discussed among themselves.

Seeing how he actually opened the treasure box in front of everyone, the wraith leader volunteered the information without being asked: “Baron sir, these are excellent archery techniques that even the Deities had praised to be powerful, worthy of being spread in the esteemed Saint Spirit world”

The sound of discussion became louder, quite a few people even looked at him in admiration.

Gu Qing Shan smiled, then slowly replied: “I appreciate the thought, but now that I’m a Condemner, I’ve decided to no longer study the path of the bow and instead focus myself on studying the Condemnation Codex, so I shall not accept this”

The wraiths were surprised.

—-it was not that he wouldn’t accept their gifts, but rather that these things were no longer of use to him.

This made perfect sense.

The wraith leader didn’t have anything to say, and especially no way to convince Gu Qing Shan to accept these jade pieces.

He continued to hold the treasure box with both hands and shook his head: “Then it seems our preparations were lacking in consideration”


Viscount Warren spoke up:

“Rhode, I suggest that you still accept these jade pieces and take a look at them whenever you have the time”

Gu Qing Shan’s heart slowly sank, but kept a bright smile and said: “Sir, I——”

Viscount Warren cut him off, sincerely telling him: “Your father back then was an expert archer, so as his son, even if only to commemorate his past glory, you should continue to practice your Archery”

Gu Qing Shan nodded: “You’re right, sir”

Saying so, he reached his hand out to take the jade pieces.

Viscount Warren nodded, silently sending his voice to Gu Qing Shan: “Rhode, I’ll be frank. I’m preparing to recommend you to study at Torrance city and take this chance for you to join Count Heath as his subordinate, I’m hereby asking if are you willing to do so”

Torrance city was the capital of the Duchy, and Count Heath was the military minister with factual authority in his hands, how could a low-ranked noble not want to become acquainted with him?

Gu Qing Shan displayed an excited expression and returned by sending his voice: “Thank you, Viscount sir. I’m naturally willing”

Patting his shoulder, Viscount Warren continued sending his voice: “Count Heath was in need of an expert archer under him, so I decided to recommend you for the job. But if the Archer skills you display in front of the Count are too shoddy, you wouldn’t gain anything from it—— and my credibility would take a hit as well, understood?”

Gu Qing Shan replied: “Don’t worry sir, I shall seriously study the Archery techniques that the wraiths presented, ensuring that I do not fail your expectations”

It was only now that Viscount Warren finally displayed a pleased expression.