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Worlds' Apocalypse Online

Chapter 1176 - On the battlefield
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Chapter 1176: On the battlefield

Anna took flight and hovered next to Gu Qing Shan.


She commanded.

The Black Crow of Death and the Bell-ringer Hound both charged into battle.

Black Hound directly pounced onto a large [Chaos] monster.

The two of them started clawing and biting one another.

The Black Crow of Death turned into a black cluster of mist that quickly flew among the ranks of the carriers of [Chaos].

Wherever he passed, the carriers of [Chaos] dropped like flies.

Those who arrived after the mist found that these carriers of [Chaos] were trapped within an illusion of their own making, so they were swiftly being killed one by one.

Anna took Gu Qing Shan’s hand and quietly asked: “Is this the power of [Order]?”

“Yes, make sure to be careful” Gu Qing Shan replied.

“Don’t worry”

Anna flew down as well.

She was charging straight towards the front of the battlefield.

Any monsters who tried to attack her would literally drop dead without any resistance as soon as they were touched by the black flames on her scythe.

They were easily dealt with.

“Anna... matured quite quickly...”

Feeling assured, Gu Qing Shan turned his attention towards the other regions of the battlefield.

At this point, Barry was fully immersed in battle, having 8 metal soldiers following him as they charged through layers upon layers of enemies, heading deeper into the horde of monsters.

More and more monsters continuously surrounded him.

But the bronze armor he was wearing suddenly broke apart as another brand-new set of armor manifested over his body.

This armor was considerably sturdier compared to the previous one.

Kitty was standing just a bit away from Barry, constantly using her spatial magic to kill her enemies with invisible blades.

——–normally, she wouldn’t do this, because spatial magic consumed a lot of energy, and she couldn’t afford to leave herself defenseless.

As for now——-

Kitty simply took out a purple glass bottle, popped the cap open, and gulped down the liquid inside.


She yelled as she reached her hand forward.

Tiny black lines abruptly manifested within the void and weaved together among the monsters.

Blood spilled.

Countless monsters of [Chaos] were instantly chopped up into pieces.

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A purple book suddenly appeared in Kitty’s hand.

She tightly squeezed the book.


The purple book scattered into a purple mist that was quickly absorbed into her body.

Kitty’s eyes glowed.

“How interesting, so a technique like this was possible as well...”

She spread both arms widely.

The void in front of her suddenly manifested a vacuum space.

Powerful suction force exuded from that space, sucking a 5-storey-tall monster inside.

Kitty abruptly clasped her hands together.

That space was directly converged into a tiny dot the size of a fingertip.

A few moments later.

Kitty loudly clapped her hands.

The dot disappeared.

Fresh blood started to flow from the void like a river.

The monster was dead.

Kitty reached her hand behind her back, took out another purple bottle, and gulped it down.

“I’m unbeatable...” she muttered.

Gu Qing Shan pulled his gaze back.

Lady Darksea’s voice resounded in his ears

[Gu Qing Shan, I’m delighted that you came to save me, but due to the Laws of Space and Time, I cannot return with you, otherwise, you’ll be eliminated by the Laws]

“Who said you have to return with me? That’s not necessary at all” Gu Qing Shan replied with a smile.

The three coins had a certain ability, [Cruise].

This ability had its own footnote:

[Attention: When returning to the past, you cannot affect any events that would transpire after that point, otherwise you will be erased by the combined power of the Law of Time and Law of Fate; unless you have activated Distortion]

Actually, the best choice right now is to hide Lady Darksea in this era.

This way, everyone will have only returned to the past to fight a war.

Since the Soul Shrieker of this era had already left, if Darksea disappeared right now, it would be the same as her being killed by the Soul Shrieker in actual history, and the causality of everything after that would not be affected.

Everyone would still eventually end up right here.

The only issue now is that they can’t return to the future either.

While they did not alter the general history of the past, they had still altered the local history of this location by traveling back in time.

If they returned to the future now, as I understand it, they’ll surely be discovered and devoured by the monsters within the River of Time.

Lady Darksea then asked him: [Do you require my reinforcements?]

“No, it’s not yet the time for that——- I want to know if there is anyone else who isn’t a carrier of [Order]” Gu Qing Shan replied.

[Apart from you, there are three others, one of them is 500 meters in front of you, currently facing an enemy in close combat]

Gu Qing Shan followed Lady Darksea’s direction.

He saw Boss.

“Zhang Ying Hao and Ye Fei Li had both carried a [Chaos], so they naturally can’t carry [Human Regiment], but why hasn’t Boss been reinforced with [Order] yet?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

Lady Darksea replied: [Because there are no professions suitable for him, he is a unique entity within the infinite worlds: Deity of the Inner Plane, the Abyssal King, and the Greatest Above the Star Crown. I do not have an archetype specifically suitable for him]

Gu Qing Shan said: “Then bestow him with an archetype of the greatest growth potential for now”

[Understood] Lady Darksea agreed.

While Boss was fighting, a wooden saber suddenly appeared in his hand.

He froze, then asked the void of space: “Oi, what’s going on here? Didn’t you say earlier that there weren’t any [Order] archetypes suitable for me? Why did you give me a saber?”

Lady Darksea’s voice sounded: [I am about to prepare the archetype with the greatest growth potential, I hope that you will be happy with it. Will you grant the permission?]

“The greatest growth potential?” Boss’ eyebrows relaxed a bit before turning to the others.

All sorts of techniques,

All sorts of equipment,

All sorts of consumable items,

All sorts of summoning techniques,


The greatest growth potential...

Boss appeared a bit cautious, then answered: “Fine, put it on me!”

A UI then appeared in front of his eyes:

[Worlds Apocalypse Online – Foot Soldier archetype had been installed. I wish you an enjoyable user experience]

Boss immediately complained: “Didn’t you say it was going to be the archetype with the greatest growth potential? Why ‘Foot Soldier’?”

[Any sovereign must begin their path from a lowly foot soldier, your excellency] Lady Darksea replied.

At this point, a monster charged at him.

Boss put his hand over the Book of Prophesized Destiny.

Several gloomy beams of light manifested around him and blasted the monster to bits.


[Your level has increased. You now have access to Private standard equipment]

A set of leather armor appeared on Boss’ body; the wooden saber had also been changed into an iron saber.

“Ah, so I can slowly be promoted? How interesting”

Boss hung the iron saber at his belt, then proceeded to take out the black trident.

He then laughed: “Very well, I’m going to try beginning as a foot soldier, let’s see if I can really reach the level of a sovereign!”

While saying that, he charged towards the approaching army of [Chaos] while wielding a book in one hand and the black trident in the other.

The massacre was about to begin!


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Gu Qing Shan glanced through the battlefield, then suddenly descended next to Barry, placed a hand on his shoulder, then directly leapt into the sky.

He went through layer after layer of black clouds until he reached the stratosphere.

Standing a bit further away, right in front of him, the grey fog of [Chaos] slowly scattered to reveal a figure.

The Soul Shrieker.

It slowly approached Gu Qing Shan and spoke with its male voice: 「 I have used the great power of the entire Era of [Chaos] to thoroughly seal this place. This time, you’re not getting away 」

Gu Qing Shan sighed and said: “You think I’m going to flee every time we meet? If I can beat you...”

The Soul Shrieker continued forward through the fog and said:

『「 You’ve even revived the most powerful [Order] of the Bygone Era humans. If you were to be left alive, the Era of [Chaos] would only face more unwanted variables, so I have decided 』」

“Decided what?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

「『 That you, Gu Qing Shan, are someone that cannot be allowed to live. As long as you’re still alive, [Order] will never truly be destroyed 」』

Saying so, the Soul Shrieker’s presence became gradually heavier.

A surge of grey light enveloped it and formed a circular ring of light.

Gu Qing Shan reached forward.

The Earth sword appeared in his hand as he lightly swung it around.

The Soul Shrieker’s gaze turned scorching hot as it questioned: 「『 That is the Earth sword, where is the Heaven sword? 」』

“She’s on leave today——- after all, I don’t need her to kill you” Gu Qing Shan replied.

The Soul Shrieker was silent, its expression blank.

A spear appeared in its hand. historical

It wasn’t Abaddon, but a replacement that it had found.

「『 Gu Qing Shan, I know that you don’t treasure your life a single bit, but you couldn’t possibly be so rational all the time; for example, what if someone else’s life was on the line...? 」』

The spear suddenly pointed below the clouds.

All the monsters of [Chaos] paused and turned their gazes towards Anna.

「 The True Deity had ordered, kill her! 」

“She must die!”

“She is only a new Deity, an immature one that can easily be killed!”

「 Kill her! 」

“Charge forward, kill that woman!”

The army of [Chaos] completely ignored their previous opponents and all headed towards Anna.

“With just the bunch of you?”

Anna clenched her teeth, then wielded her long-handled scythe to receive the long-ranged ambush.

Gu Qing Shan’s eyes became sharp, his killing intent completely boiled.

The Soul Shrieker laughed: 「『 See! Gu Qing Shan, you are afraid—— even you know how to fear! 」』

Suddenly, it raised its spear to block.


A resounding sound of impact.

The spear had blocked Gu Qing Shan’s strike.

At the same time, a girl wielding a sword appeared behind Soul Shrieker and thrust her sword forward.