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Worlds' Apocalypse Online

Chapter 1175 - War of [Order] and [Chaos]
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Chapter 1175: War of [Order] and [Chaos]

When the pixies made their declaration, Gu Qing Shan flew towards Lady Darksea.

Everyone was stunned.

The Soul Shrieker hesitated for a brief moment, then slowly exuded a strong killing intent.

Time paused right at this moment.

Among everyone, the first to react was Anna.

Her heart instantly began beating faster.

If the pixies weren’t trying to go for some sort of distraction tactic, then Gu Qing Shan is definitely hiding among them.

Since he’s hiding, there must be a reason!

In other words——–

I need to buy some time for Qing Shan!


Anna uttered a shout and slashed her left shoulder with her own scythe.

Blood dripped onto the blade of the scythe, turning into a resounding black flame.

Anna ignored the wound on her shoulder, raised her scythe and shouted:

“Death! Is the end of all things! The moment of separation for the flesh and soul!”

She strongly stabbed the long-handled scythe into the ground.


A sky-high burst of flame erupted from the scythe, manifesting as a heavy dark shadow that swiftly entered the Soul Shrieker’s body.

Mysticism Law, [Death’s Soul And Flesh Disjunction]!

The Soul Shrieker stood straight for a split second.

Its body collapsed, then its soul left its body.

Just as the soul was about to be taken away by an invisible force, an abrupt change occurred——

Boundless gloomy presence appeared from the void of space like a waterfall, which enveloped its soul and slowly solidified to form another body.

This was a stronger body, one filled with strength and divine power!

Anna’s expression changed.

Not even death managed to harm it?

Exactly what level had their divine power reached?

For the first time, the Soul Shrieker observed Anna, then spoke with a mocking female voice: 『 A very decent cheap trick of death, unfortunately, you chose the wrong target 』

Its voice abruptly changed to the violent and cruel male voice that screamed: 「 Death God, the bodies of living beings are your domain, but it is my prison! Being freed from the mortal body will only enable me to become closer to [Chaos]! 」

Grey strands of power began to descend from above, converging in its hands as great bounds of light.

The Soul Shrieker raised its hands.

An overwhelming presence exuded from its body to form shockwaves that swept everything away, both its male and female voices roared in resounding unison:

『「 I am the True Deity of [Chaos], the Era of [Chaos] itself is with me, aiding me in destroying all enemies! 』」

The grey clusters of light shot from its hand to attack Anna an instant!

——–this was an advanced-level [Chaos] Divine Retribution!

In the air, the long-bearded old man’s eyebrows twitched.

Right as Soul Shrieker began to speak, Gu Qing Shan had requested something of him!

Without hesitation, the long-bearded old man shouted: “Pixies, [Protection of the Forest]!”

Every pixie took out their short clubs and pointed them at Anna.

A faint green light surrounded Anna and turned into a dark green wooden tower shield that blocked the grey Divine Retribution.


The Divine Retribution struck the tower shield!

Crack! Crack! Crack!

One by one, the pixies’ short clubs started to break, in one mere breath’s worth of time.

The wooden tower shield was visibly shrinking and crumbling apart.

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Right as Anna was about to be struck by the Divine Retribution, a figure leapt out.

“Your opponent is me!”

Barry roared as he stepped in front of the Retribution, wildly swinging his fists.

His armor was completely destroyed, his body instantly reduced to nothing but bones, then he quickly regained his vitality, and became alive again.

Just like that, he lingered on the border of life and death several more times until the entire Divine Retribution finally faded under his barrage of attacks.


Barry spat up a bit of blood, barely standing straight as he clenched his teeth: “That hurts like a bitch...”

More and more people were regaining their senses.

Hazeden wielded a sceptered engraved with numerous gems and loudly called out: “Light Magic——”

The Sky Haze kingdom military force behind him quickly took out one Card each and spoke in unison: “On his majesty’s command!”

Blinding, radiant rays of light appeared from their hands, all of which gathered on top of Hazeden’s scepter.

Hazeden looked straight at the Soul Shrieker and loudly chanted: “Kill it, [Gloomy Gem Rays]!

A colorful beam of light with a jagged, grater-like texture shot out from the scepter and directly struck the Soul Shrieker.

On the other side, the evil creatures, mages, soldiers, ranged-attackers, Samsara Asuras, resistance members of various worlds, etc. all unleashed their counter-attacks at the same time without being prompted to.

The war had begun.

Magical rays of every color filled the entire battlefield, all of which were heading towards the Soul Shrieker.

The Soul Shrieker simply stood there.

As Hazeden’s magic struck the Soul Shrieker, it directly collapsed.

『 Shishishishi, is this the final struggle of you insects? How regretful, such lowly creatures do not deserve to fight against this True Deity 』the female voice loudly laughed.

Its male voice then began to chant:

「 I am the Deity of [Chaos], servants who serve under me, heed my call and kill the enemies who dared to spite your Deity 」

While hovering in mid-air, boundless grey fog began to spread around its body quickly turning into an entire wall of grey that connected heaven and earth.

Dong! Dong! Dong! Dong! Dong!

The ground trembled without stopping.

One after another, mythical creatures emerged from the grey wall of fog.

Monsters of strange and unusual shapes!

Each of them were as gigantic as a city, their bodies exuding a gloomy presence, their mere breaths caused storm-force wind to blow all over the battlefield.

These were legendary monsters, each of them embodied the untold devastation and [Chaos] that would follow their wake.

Around these monsters, innumerable carriers of [Chaos] also entered the fray at the same time.

The Soul Shrieker curtly ordered: 『「 Go, kill and devour all living beings in your sights 』」


The monsters erupted with resounding cries.

On the other side, those who opposed [Chaos] were stunned.

Too powerful.

These monsters are too powerful.

Any of them could at least rival the demigods of the Strife Zones.

How are we supposed to fight that?

All of a sudden, a voice called out: “Everyone, listen to me!”

As everyone turned to look, they saw that it was Iron Fist Barry.

He was bloodied all over, but completely ignored that and loudly continued: “We stand here, not because we can definitely defeat our enemies. No, the reason why we participated in this decisive battle, is for our own resolutions and beliefs!”

Everyone stayed silent.

Clenching his gauntlet tightly, Barry loudly declared: “Among the innocent people of the billion worlds, perhaps there are our families, my friends, their loved ones——- all of us are here to fight for those who we hold dear in our hearts because only with our victory that can they survive”

His voice became deeper and lower, yet still spread through the wind in all directions: “To allow them to live without worries or fear, we are here using our lives to swear upon their protection!”

“This is the reason why we stand where we are!”

“Even if we fall—— peh!” Barry spat out another clot of blood, angrily shouting: “Do you not have even the courage to die in battle on such a battlefield!?”

Everyone slowly regained their spirits.

“Let’s go” someone muttered.

“A bunch of monsters, let me show you how I’ll chop them up” someone declared.

“It’s merely death. This one had drifted through the infinite worlds for too long, and I shall have my revenge against these animals!”

“That’s right, I originally came to die, what is there to be afraid of”




With their discussing voices growing louder and louder, it gradually converged as unyielding fighting spirits.

They seemed to have forgotten the terror of the monsters they were facing.

Barry took a deep breath, then loudly declared: “EVERYONE, FOLLOW ME——AND——–CHARGEEEEEE”

His figure lightly jumped down from the ship, heading straight towards the army of [Chaos] by himself.

A single person had resolved to fight against the entire army of [Chaos] and their True Deity by himself!

The pixies were already unable to hold themselves back, the long-bearded old man swung his short club and shouted: “Pixies, attack!”

Hazeden raised his scepter and declared: “All troops, embark your steads, we shall fight!”

The Card users behind him all released their mounts and called out in unison: “We shall fight for his majesty!”

The evil creatures and Asura uttered a battle cry: 『「 Attack! 」』

Guyan knocked his fists against one another, his body exuded resounding flames as he declared: “Attack!”


Everyone who had participated in his war of their own accords had begun to move!

They all charged towards the monsters of [Chaos] and their army with their entire might!


At the same time.

“Is she not ready yet?” Gu Qing Shan hurriedly asked.

The War God UI explained: [Darksea was stationed by the Bygone Era humans to protect the Tia Wei fortress wall because she was the most powerful Order brought by them from a parallel world. But she had been weakened for much too long, so we can’t help but spend a bit more time]

Due to Anna’s support, as well as Barry’s and the pixie’s attacks, which roused the beginning of the entire war, the Soul Shrieker didn’t have the leisure to look for him, so he was hiding here helping Darksea once again evolve into an [Order].

Hearing the War God UI’s response, Gu Qing Shan couldn’t help but turn to the battlefield.

Both sides of the war were about to clash, the battle about to fully kick-off.

“Use my Soul Points if there’s not enough, as long as you can pick up the pace!” Gu Qing Shan said in a low voice.

[It will consume 1 million Soul Points, alright?] the War God UI replied.

“Do it!” Gu Qing Shan answered without any hesitation.

His Soul Points value on the War God UI instantly decreased.

All of a sudden, Lady Darksea looked up from her Card at Gu Qing Shan and smiled:

[I’m ready!]

Gu Qing Shan uttered a deep sigh, then quickly spoke: “Lady Darksea, please quickly reinforce our allies and aid them in battle!”

[Do not worry, Chaos is my eternal nemesis, and I shall do everything in my power to fight it] Lady Darksea replied.

Gu Qing Shan turned back to the battlefield.

Barry was the first to charge, so he was also the closest to the enemy.

Without hesitation, Gu Qing Shan returned to human form and disappeared.



Gu Qing Shan raised the Card up high and loudly declared: “This is the nemesis of [Chaos], the greatest support I’ve been able to find!”

“Everyone, prepare to fight alongside [Order]!”

Gu Qing Shan tossed the Card forward.

As soon as it flew out, the Card vanished.

At this point, Barry had already clashed against the first carrier of [Chaos].

With a single swing of his fist, he sent the other party flying.

From the void of space, a metal armor abruptly appeared, scattered into its components, and donned itself on Barry’s body.

Followed by two pure metal soldiers who appeared by his side.

Barry was a bit surprised, looked to the two unfamiliar fellows behind him, then looked up at Gu Qing Shan.

Gu Qing Shan raised his thumb to signify that there were no issues.

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At this point, the second carrier of [Chaos] had arrived, and Barry once again raised his fist——-


One of the metal soldiers behind him acted together with him to send his opponent flying.

A second later, Barry’s metal armor suddenly doffed itself. historical

A yellowish-green armor appeared from the void of space and swiftly replaced the previous one.

At the same time, a gentle flash of light appeared.

Barry’s presence became a little bit stronger.

And now four metal soldiers appeared behind him.

This time, Barry seemed to have realized something and let out a burst of a strong resounding laughter.

“Bahahaha, Protectors, follow me into battle!”


The metal soldiers replied in unison.

At the same time, various unusual phenomena appeared on every Combatant on the battlefield.


Hazeden observed the void of space for a bit, then raised his scepter and shouted:

“With countless gems, I hereby exchange this covenant—– come, Protector of the Gem deck, this is a battle that requires your serious attention!”

Within the brilliance of the scepter, a unicorn slowly walked out of the light and landed by Hazeden.

“Monsters of [Chaos]?” the unicorn lightly breathed out and spoke: “It seems I really will have to fight seriously”


Guyan summoned a flame at his fingertip, then started to draw a pattern of flames in the void of space.

He lightly muttered: “Great Beast of the Magma world, by the primordial power within my bloodline, I hereby pronounce: This is the moment for the flames to boil”

The earth trembled as lava began to flow.

A giant made completely out of magma and flames appeared from underneath.

He appeared humanoid, wielding an obsidian battle-axe in his hand.

「 Why have you summoned me, child of flame! 」the giant asked with a thunderous booming voice.

Guyan pointed in front of him.

「 Ah, so it was because of the creatures of [Chaos], they should certainly be destroyed! 」the giant roared.


The pixies were busy preparing something in mid-air, all of a sudden, the long-bearded old man finished chanting a series of inexplicable pixie words.

The sky grew dark, countless tentacles reached out from above the clouds.

The pixie’s giant cuttlefish had been summoned again!

This time, it was summoned at full power, having all of its might!

Anna stood inside the ship with a complicated expression, muttering to herself: “So there’s even a God archetype...”

A long black dress suddenly appeared on her person.

The black flames of death started to appear and spread from her body to fill the entire deck of the ship.

She now exuded a sense of dignity and mystery.

She then lightly muttered:

“Bell-ringer Hound”

“Black Crow of Death”

“Servants who serve by my side, I shall grant you the divine power of death, come, fight for me!”

From the black flames, two figures slowly became clear.

The Hound Deity and Black Crow had both appeared!

“It had been a long time, our God!” Black Crow spoke in a low voice.

While Black Hound’s figure was now three-stories-tall, his entire body was also clad in silently burning black flames.

He prostrated in front of Anna and spoke: 「 Our God of Death, we shall fight alongside you during this Deific War! 」

Anna glanced at Gu Qing Shan flying in the air and clenched her long-handled scythe tightly.

“Come, let us enter into battle”

On the battlefield, more summoned beasts and creatures started to appear one after another, both sides also started to exert more power.

An epic war of deific proportions had begun!