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Worlds' Apocalypse Online

Chapter 1174 - Descend!
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Chapter 1174: Descend!

The bright red ray of light pierced through the Apocalypse Door Knockers, then proceeded to head even further upwards.

The Apocalypse Door Knockers froze up and became still.

However, they were completely unharmed.


Seeing this, the orange cat doubtfully called out.

The immature voice once again resounded in his mind:

“Other than my original abilities, I have gained some demonic properties that allows me to utilize the Law of Causality, thus making them change the target of their attack”

The Apocalypse Door Knockers started moving.

They turned around and headed upwards on the bronze pillar of their own accord.

——how miraculous.

As Gu Qing Shan was thinking, lines of glowing text appeared in front of his eyes:

[Because the artifact spirit had explained the Divine Armament’s abilities to you on its own accord, you’ve obtained the following information:]

[Rare Divine Artifact: Condemner of the Inner Plane, Crimson Demon Divine Spear]

[This divine spear contains the Law property: Absolute Sharpness]

[Note: This is the first weapon the Old Gods created that could harm them]


[This divine spear contains the demonic Law property: Confused Attack]

[Note: After paying an appropriate price, the demonic property of the divine spear can be triggered to make an opponent change their target of attack]

[All shall surrender to the demonic property that governs all things]

As Gu Qing Shan had no time to read it carefully he skimmed through the information.

The pulling force exerted on his body was becoming increasingly stronger and would take him away very soon.

“I’ll leave this place to you” Gu Qing Shan told the Crimson Demon Divine Spear.

Gu Qing Shan hurriedly told the giant corpse: “I’ll have to leave soon, so I can’t do anything else, I have a question——”

“I’m currently fighting against a Deity of [Chaos], do you have any suggestions?”

As he said that, the orange cat was already starting to float uncontrollably.

Seeing him about to leave, the giant corpse answered right away: “That will depend on which level of Deity of [Chaos] they are. If they’re the Deity of [Chaos] who ushered in their Era, the entire Era of [Chaos] will come to their aid, giving them unlimited vitality and power, unable to be defeated”

“You must give up an [Order] to the Era of [Chaos] as the price to request the Apotheotic Combat”

“Apotheotic Combat?”

“Indeed, the Era of [Chaos] requires the strongest Deity to help it eventually achieve supremacy”

“The Era of [Chaos] allows the carriers of [Chaos] to compete for the Deific Authority, in which a final victor will be decided!”

“Remember, only by stripping them of their Deific Authority can you——-”


The orange cat was instantly pulled into the sky, away from this world.

“——-kill that Deity!”

The giant corpse finished its words.


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Gu Qing Shan did not hear the latter half of that statement.

He had turned into a blurred image that was quickly flying through the void back the way he came.

Even without hearing the rest of the statement, he was able to comprehend what the giant corpse was telling him.

Compete for the Deific Authority of [Chaos]?

How do I compete?

How do I give up an [Order]?

There was so little time that many of the details couldn’t be fleshed out between them.

In truth, before this moment, Gu Qing Shan had always felt unsure.

He had been under constant pursuit by the Soul Shrieker; spent great efforts to follow the Earth Creator’s last words searching the secret passage to the Inner Plane; obtained the method to counter the Soul Shrieker’s soul absorption in the form of the Abyssal Saint Artifact; then fought against the Wraith realm, through which he obtained the power of three dragons——-

But even with that, he still felt unsure.

At this point, the Soul Shrieker had already consumed billions of souls within the 900 million World Layers, thus growing to an immeasurable degree.

Other than that, it also had the reinforcement of the Era of [Chaos] as the Era’s Deity.

According to the giant corpse, the Era of [Chaos] will not let it die and would supply it with unlimited [Chaos] divine power!

How fortunate that I obtained a possible solution from this.

Then, next up is—–

Time for the decisive battle!

In the void, a pair of cat paws slowly clenched tightly.


The River of Time.

An orange cat descended from above, landing on top of the fog inside the river.

The orange cat looked around.

Only to find that pixies have gathered around to host a party.

The long-bearded old man was dancing with a young and pretty female pixie.

While dancing, he also sang:

“Gu Qing Shan is a damned little cat, he threw us into time and went to play mud by himself; we heard that he wanted to take us to save [Order], and save many other people, we can only do our best together with him. Ahh~, what a grand death this will be. Ahh~, when you ask me what kind of person Gu Qing Shan is. Ah~, I tell you he’s a damn little cat!”

“Meow!” all the pixies meowed like cats.

“Eheheheh” they were all laughing.

The orange cat: “...”

He suddenly transformed back into Gu Qing Shan in front of the pixies.

“You seem to be very happy, aren’t you?” Gu Qing Shan asked with an unsmiling smile.

“Aha, of course, we even composed a song just now” the long-bearded old man answered without changing his expression.

“What song?”

“Take a listen!”

All the pixies then sang in unison: “Gu Qing Shan is a cute little kitty, he put us here in time to fight a beast by himself; we heard that he wanted to take us to save [Order], to save those people we can’t help but try our best. Ahh~, this is a grand adventure. Ahh~, when you ask me what kind of person Gu Qing Shan is. Ah~, I tell you he’s a cute little kitty! Meow!”

After singing, all the pixies cheered, clapped, and hugged one another, as if they just accomplished a great impromptu performance.

The long-bearded old man wiped the sweat from his forehead and blinked innocently at Gu Qing Shan, asking: “How was it?”

Gu Qing Shan was speechless.

But all the pixies were enthusiastically looking at him, waiting for his appraisal.

Gu Qing Shan could only give them a thumbs up: “Nice impromptu performance”

The pixies cheered.

“Alright, we’re going to head to that era now, everyone prepare yourselves!” Gu Qing Shan called out.

“For what, are you going into battle?” the pixie king asked.

“Indeed, this will be the war between [Order] and [Chaos] as well as the war for the hope of the 900 million World Layers as a whole”

“No problem, we have been waiting for this moment” the king replied.

“Then—— wait!”

Gu Qing Shan suddenly turned his gaze to the void of space.

There, he saw lines of glowing text appearing on the War God UI to display an entire paragraph.

After skimming through it, Gu Qing Shan suddenly smiled.

“So you’ve been preparing as well” he lightly said.

[Just like during the Age of Old] the War God UI replied.

Gu Qing Shan returned to his orange cat form and put one paw up.

Three coins were tossed into the air.

Black fog spread and enveloped everyone.

“Listen, we’ll be going to that moment in time, but I have something else that I must complete, so I can’t be discovered right away” Gu Qing Shan told the pixies.

The long-bearded old man’s expression became stern and loudly said: “No problem, let us all fight together!”

The pixies followed up: “Fight together!”

Gu Qing Shan: “...Do you know what I mean by that?”

The long-bearded old man glared: “Don’t underestimate people like that, we won’t reveal to another that you came with us, I’ll rally all the pixies to support you on this”

The pixies all patted their chests: “We’ll support you!”

“Yes, that’s exactly it” Gu Qing Shan happily replied.

Who said pixies weren’t reliable?

——seems like that was nothing but rumors. Although they like to joke around and make merry, when it comes to important matters, they’re still very reliable.

With that in mind, Gu Qing Shan activated the power of the three coins.

An invisible force descended on everyone and carried them through the River of Time.

They were going back in time, heading towards that crucial moment of the past...


The world of the Spire.

『「 There are no mistakes, this is the final [Order], and the final carrier of [Order] 』」

The Soul Shrieker stared at Barry and spoke in a hoarse voice.

It was literally trembling in anticipation.

After countless years, this moment had finally arrived.

Even an entity of its caliber couldn’t control its emotions.

Barry stood on top of the ship, lit a cigarette, took a deep drag, and breathed out a circle of smoke.

He faced the Soul Shrieker’s gaze head-on.

“So, I heard that if you kill me, the Era of [Chaos] will completely descend?”

Barry asked.

The Soul Shrieker revealed a wide grin.

The infinite power of [Chaos] was urging it to act, to destroy this final [Order]!

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At this time, suddenly——–

Endless black fog suddenly covered the sky, followed by the intense howling wind.

Everyone looked up at the sky.

Anna was glad.

Did he return?

I can’t sense any danger with my premonition, so he must have returned safely!

Zhang Ying Hao and Ye Fei Li both exchanged glances and lightly sighed in relief.

Seems like he really did return!

Kitty’s gaze moved from her brother towards the sky.

Her trembling hands slowly calmed back down.

——-that’s great, if he had returned, big bro won’t need to forcefully fight the Deity of [Chaos] by himself.

Boss and Barry exchanged glances, both feeling a sense of disbelief.

Did he really manage to get rid of the Demon Dragon?

The Soul Shrieker also looked cautiously at the sky above and shouted with uncertainty: 『「 Demon Dragon? God of Life? 』」 historical

The black fog scattered.

Innumerable pixies descended from the sky.

These pixies hovered in the sky, all of them staring at the Soul Shrieker.

Everyone held their breaths.

Could it be, they have a way to deal with this True Deity?

Sure enough, the pixies made their move.

They suddenly called out in a resounding unified shout: “Deity of [Chaos], listen well! Gu Qing Shan isn’t hiding among us! He’s not unable to reveal himself!”

The orange cat that was hiding among the pixies froze.

Everyone froze.

The Soul Shrieker was silently shocked.

Isn’t that... too obvious?

It became suspicious instead.

The orange cat couldn’t afford to worry about anything else so he took advantage of that pause to use [Ground Shrink] and arrived in front of Lady Darksea.

He was holding an empty Card in his mouth.

——–this was the empty Card that Lady Darksea had lost in Calming Soul Country!

Darksea sensed it and smiled.

“I’ve waited for too long, finally...”

She silently exclaimed, then abruptly vanished.

She then reappeared inside the Card.

At the same time, the entire War God UI lit up.

[The UI’s Soul Points reserves have reached the activation limit]

[Currently replenishing origin power of the soul to this Card]

[World Origin power prepared]

[Initiating fusion]

[Factor created]

[Energy levels rising]

[Beginning evolution——-]

[Worlds Apocalypse Online: Human Regiment is about to descend!]