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Worlds' Apocalypse Online

Chapter 1085 - Soul Manifestation Form
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Chapter 1085: Soul Manifestation Form

The metal giant wielded its sword and unleashed a single heavy downward slash!

The sound of howling wind filled the void of space as intense light radiated from the Sun Paralyzer Sword.

With a bright flash of light, the monster was bisected, tossing and turning in the air while falling into the darkness.

Everyone cheered.

However, the metal giant stood still, slightly bent its knees and raised its sword to form a stance.

A hurried voice resounded from inside the metal giant:

[Quickly run away]

[There is a maintenance stairway on the 5th section of the rail, you can leave this area through that stairway, hurry!]

This was Gu Qing Shan’s voice, clearly urging them in panic.

Everyone’s expressions changed.

Hazeden and Guyan were smart enough to understand the implications, so they hurriedly made their way to the 5th section of rail and looked down at the side of the track.

Sure enough.

A thin, black metal staircase was there, leading down into the darkness below.

This staircase seemed to be made of a special material that made it impossible to detect through senses other than sight while also blending into the darkness.

If Gu Qing Shan hadn’t informed them, no one would have been able to even notice the staircase’s existence.


Guyan shouted.

The group quickly made their way down the stairs, carefully navigating in the darkness.

Hazeden paused, then loudly asked the metal giant: “If we’re leaving, what about you?”

Gu Qing Shan replied: [If you stay here, you’d only die without being able to do anything, I can still hold it off for a short while, I’ll act according to the situation]

As soon as he finished, the metal giant lightly leapt up and moved away from where it was.


A black mass of flames had exploded where it stood, completely melting away a portion of the track.

Immediately after that, the terrifying monster from before abruptly appeared behind the metal giant and struck it head-on.

The metal giant was sent flying and vanished into the darkness.

The monster gathered all the black flames in its hands and looked down at the fleeing group.

「 Trying to run? 」

It scoffed and prepared to attack.

All of a sudden, the metal giant leapt out from the darkness and unleashed another full-power slash!

The monster was cut open, but managed to toss a mass of black flames towards the metal giant at the very last moment.

In that split second, the metal giant moved very slightly.

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The black flame struck the left arm of the metal giant and blew it away.

—–the two similarly huge monsters were both sent flying by the other party.

「 Pitiful object, you can’t kill me 」the monster mocked.

Its bisected body reattached and regenerated like before.

On the other hand, the metal giant’s left arm had already been blown away, melted by the flames into molten metal, so it quickly created a giant cannon from inside its body to replace the melted arm.




The cannon shot continuously.

The monster was struck so many times it started swearing before hiding into the darkness out of sight.

The metal giant remained hovering in the air, cautiously maintaining a defensive stance.

“Just now, when we avoided the mass of black flames, was it your maneuver?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

Su Xue Er spoke while her hands were quickly moving around the dashboard, inputting various parameters and adjusting the cannon’s angle, shaking her head: “It wasn’t me. Be careful—– it’s going around, trying to pounce on us”

Gu Qing Shan controlled the sword and prepared to receive the enemy.

But he was hesitant.

——-what kind of power suddenly made the Mech armor abruptly move away like that?

If that hadn’t happened, the black flames would have been able to cause even more damage.

At this point, the group who were standing on the black stairs had decided not to leave.

Hazeden loudly declared: “Listen, if that metal giant is defeated, none of us would be able to flee, if you have any hidden trump cards, this is the time to use it!”

Guyan shook his head: “Our abilities were mostly selected with the focus on destruction and power, but any of this monster’s wounds can be regenerated, so our powers are useless”

Hazeden glanced at his subordinates and also felt a bit helpless.

It is true, if we can’t locate the monster’s weakness, no matter how powerful an ability was, it would still be useless.

『 Ahahaha... ha ha ha.... 』


Who could still laugh at this point in time?

Everyone turned toward the laughter.

Only to see Sha Qiang trembling, apparently trying his best to hold back his laughter.

“What’s the matter?” Guyan asked.

『 It’s nothing 』Sha Qiang waved his hand dismissively: 『 I simply think that it’s about time I display my true powers 』

He shouted: 『 My dear loyal subordinates, come! 』

The evil creatures quickly gathered towards him while he let go of the staircase’s railings to make his way back onto the track.

During this, the evil creatures were merging into his body one by one.

He gradually grew bigger and taller, his height soon comparable with the metal giant and the black flame monster.

In just a few moments, a large archfiend whose body exuded the burning flames of Purgatory appeared on the track, emanating unbelievable power. historical


The large archfiend uttered a resounding roar.

It was like a mass of flames, but also a burning sun that had great power capable of burning everything.

Guyan couldn’t help but exclaim: “He also used this ability before—– how did he become so ridiculously strong!?”

Hazeden said: “I seem to have seen this Archfiend’s form before...”

He looked to a white-haired subordinate behind him.

The subordinate answered right away: “Your majesty, this is the legendary founder of Purgatory, the very first Archfiend to manifest in the void, an entity of unimaginably huge power”

The very first... Archfiend?

Everyone couldn’t help but feel a sense of respect.

Gu Qing Shan and Su Xue Er also noticed the change on the track.

Huge patches of data scrolled through the screens within the Mech armor, analyzing the power of the founder of Purgatory.

“Truly... powerful...” Su Xue Er muttered in shock.

“Indeed,” Gu Qing Shan praised, “If he had used this mythical power earlier, we wouldn’t have gotten into such a tough situation”

While they were talking, the monster cladded in black flames also showed itself from the void.

The monster hovered in mid-air, cautiously observing the founder of Purgatory.

“A chance, quickly analyze it!” Gu Qing Shan urged.

Su Xue Er affirmed as the two of them quickly operated the Mech armor’s analysis system.

Various sensors locked onto the monster’s body, swiftly absorbing the scattered power it gave off.

“We need 10 seconds to finish the analysis!” Su Xue Er told him.

Gu Qing Shan’s gaze fell onto the founder of Purgatory, pressed a button and said: [Sha Qiang, I need information, stall for 10 seconds before you kill it]

The founder of Purgatory paused.

He clenched his fist and maniacally declared: 『 Come at me, you piece of garbage, and receive your death! You should feel boundless honor to die by my hands! 』

『 It had been a long time since I last appeared after founding Purgatory, you all have probably forgotten my power 』

The power emanating from his body began to expand in all directions, leading even the void of space to tremble.

『 Haaaaaahh! 』

The founder of Purgatory was still howling.

His power grew increasingly stronger until it reached a point where everyone felt shocked.

10 seconds had passed!

[Sha Qiang, you can kill it now!] Gu Qing Shan declared.

He glanced towards the data on the analysis machine.

A short line of text appeared above to draw a conclusion:

[Black Flame Venerable, Soul Manifestation form, a wraith from the Samsara]

[Soul Manifestation is a unique form of existence; capable of existing separate from the body while also retaining all of the body’s powers]

Gu Qing Shan was shocked.

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So it was a wraith!

Compared to the wraiths from my home world, the difference in strength is like heaven and earth, no wonder I couldn’t recognize it.

Then, why is it only a Soul Manifestation?

Where is its body?

Gu Qing Shan’s mind quickly turned and continued speaking: [Sha Qiang, it’s the Soul Manifestation form of a wraith!]

Right away, the founder of Purgatory received Gu Qing Shan’s information through brainwave transmission.

The founder of Purgatory paused slightly before revealing a cold smirk and uttered: 『 Death will soon come to you, Soul Manifestation creature, do you really think a soul can’t be killed? 』

The monster started shivering.

It abruptly turned around and flew as fast as possible into the darkness, swiftly disappearing from everyone’s sight.

—–it fled!

『 Hmph! Coward who only knows how to flee! 』

The founder of purgatory roared in regret.

Everyone cheered again.

With such power by our side, there would no longer be a need to fear any monsters, we can just mow through them like grass!

The metal giant also descended from the air and turned back into a train.

Gu Qing Shan and Su Xue Er emerged from within.

“Seriously, if I knew you were this strong, I wouldn’t have wasted any efforts” Gu Qing Shan smiled.

Hazeden and Guyan also walked up as they gazed at the founder of Purgatory with respect.

——who would’ve thought, this Sha Qiang guy actually had such a hidden trump card!

From this point on, who else can say that he is stupid?

The founder of Purgatory maintained an expression of vicissitudes and dignity, loudly scoffing at the direction that the monster fled to: 『 Don’t let me see you again, or I’ll beat you up every time! 』

His body slowly shrunk and split into several dozen evil creatures again.

Sha Qiang appeared in front of everyone.

He walked up to Gu Qing Shan and whispered: 『 Not good, that BOSS transformation just now was fake, I can only use the power fluctuations and aura to scare the enemy, but not actually fight 』

Gu Qing Shan knitted his eyebrows.

Sha Qiang continued: 『 Every time I act like the BOSS, I’ll have to fall unconscious for a while, so if any battle occurs during that time, I’ll have to depend on you guys 』


Sha Qiang collapsed.

——-he fell directly to sleep.

No one reacted in time at all.

A few moments of silence.

Followed by the sound of silence.

And then the gritting of teeth.

“We... how about we just leave him here?” Guyan suggested in his irritation.

“I can understand your feelings, but he did in fact save everyone just now” Hazeden replied.

Gu Qing Shan sighed and continued: “His aura just now was too strong, so not only did he scare that monster away, but we would also most likely not run into any other monsters soon”

“In that time, let’s leave”