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Will You Marry Me My Ex-Wife

Chapter 611 to 620
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“I hope all of you could help me seek justice on my behalf. Since my suicide was not successful, I am

fortunate. I should continue living my life, but I believe that since things have progressed to this state,

Luna would not let me go. I don’t have enough evidence to send her to prison. That was why I could

only come up with this solution. I hope everyone will hold her to high moral standards, so she won’t be

able to target me in the future.“

Irene said with such sadness, some reporters wept. The audience was sad for her.

The reporters were angrily discussing among themselves in hushed tones.

“What a poor little girl. Who the hell is this Luna?“

“Apparently, she is the mistress Joshua Lynch is keeping in his office.“

“Not only that, she even has a famous artist as her boyfriend. Such amazing tactics…“

The comments were harsh and ugly. One more than the other.

Luna, who was in the eye of the storm being heavily discussed, lowered her head and doodled on her

paper in boredom.

“Luna?“ Seeing how Luna was distracted, Theo furrowed his brows and reminded her in a low voice.

“It’s almost your turn.“

Luna came to her senses. She realized that it was already number seven, according to the order in

which the reporters asked their questions.

Luna was number eight.

Luna took a deep breath and tidied her notes. When reporter number seven sat down, she calmly

stood up.

“Ms. Cook, since Luna is so powerful and influential, aren’t you afraid that she might seek revenge after

this press conference?“

Irene furrowed her brows. “I believe that the righteous would win over the evil. I have a huge fan base.

So many kind-hearted people are standing behind me, I would not be afraid of a person like Luna.“

“In that case, Ms. Cook, after this, what plans do you have? Are you still planning to be a Designer


Irene smiled. “I have not considered this.“ “No, you have already thought about it.“

Luna sneered and gave Theo a look. Theo instantly aimed the projector at the huge screen.

Luna took the remote control and opened up photo by photo. “Ms. Cook, since you have already signed

a deal with a media company, I ‘m guessing that you are planning to become a social media influencer

or a celebrity, right?“

Upon her words, the entire crowd was in an uproar. Irene could sign with a media company in such a

short time?

“Yes, everyone guessed it correctly. This incident from beginning to the end is just a hype.“

Luna smiled gracefully, her eyes were cold. “The evidence is all on the screen. The first photo is Ms.

Cook negotiating with people from the media company.

“This photo is of them signing the deal.

“This is of them coming up with the incident of jumping off the building.

“The last photo is the contents of their contract. It has specifically stated that the first thing after signing

the deal is jumping off the building. Using suicide to attract society’s attention, earning from the hype.

What a despicable tactic.“

Irene’s face was instantly pale!

Sitting on the wheelchair, she gripped her sides of the wheelchair tightly and glared at the female

reporter, who was in a cap and a face mask, angrily.

Who was she? How did she know about this? Where did she get these photos from?

The more Irene looked, the more familiar she thought the pair of eyes were!

Looking at Irene glaring at her, Luna calmly smiled and took off her cap and mask. She looked at Irene


“I said that I would come here today.“

At those words, everyone turned to look at Luna.

Then only did they notice that the female reporter was Luna herself!

“These photos are faked, they’re made up! Luna was also the one who faked the contract! “

Irene gritted her teeth and glared at Luna fiercely. “I never thought that at this moment, you still refuse

to change. You even want to use such horrible tactics to defame me! “

Then, Irene bit her lips. Her tears could not help but fall from the corner of her eyes. “Luna, I know that

you’re powerful.“

Irene wiped her tears. “For a person like you, faking this would be a piece of cake. You said that I’m

hyping it up, but who would risk their life to make news? At that time, I truly did not want to live

anymore, if not I wouldn’t have jumped off the building. I even broke both of my legs. It’s not like you

can’t see it…“

Luna raised her eyebrows. “Ms. Cook, did you really break both legs?“

Luna’s questioning gaze and tone weakened Irene’s aura a little.

The woman behind Irene gently tapped on her shoulders. Irene seemed to be instantly encouraged.

She lifted her head up. “Luna, what do you mean by that? I jumped down from such a high place… how

could it be fake?“

Luna smiled. “What if it’s fake?“

Irene bit her lips. She could not hold back her anger. “I have been humiliated and bullied by the people

you sent. I was in so much despair I even jumped off a building and broke both my legs! Yet you are

still here casually questioning me if I’m faking it!“

“Whether you are faking it or not, everyone will know it soon.“

Then, Luna directly took her phone out and dialed a number. “Old Mr. Gordon, please come in.“

The moment she hung up, the door of the press conference venue was pushed open by someone.

An old man with a head of grey hair slowly entered with the help of Theo’s assistant.

Someone among the reporters exclaimed, “It’s Old Mr. Gordon! “

“The world’s best orthopedic doctor! “ “My goodness, a doctor like him has strict

conditions on patients seeing him, how is he here in Banyan City?“

Luna chuckled. She strode over and helped Old Mr. Gordon over together with Theo’s assistant.

“Coincidentally, my boyfriend, Theo Allen, his father is good friends with Old Mr. Gordon, despite their

age differences. Once he heard that Ms. Cook broke both her legs because of me, my boyfriend

specifically got Old Mr. Gordon over to help diagnose Ms. Cook, hoping to revive your both legs.“

Irene’s face was instantly paler than the wall behind her.

She bit her lips and curled up into the wheelchair. “No, I don’t need it! Stop using such tactics to please


“Do you not want me to please you or do you just don’t dare to let Old Mr. Gordon check up on you?“

Luna smiled and looked at her. Her eyes were smiling too. “Ms. Cook, don’t forget, you have a million

fans supporting you. What if Old Mr. Gordon could cure your legs?“

Irene gritted her teeth. She suddenly did not know how to react.

The lady behind Irene, who helped push her wheelchair, furrowed her brows tightly.

Their plan was initially flawless. They even predicted that Luna might find an orthopedic doctor over, so

they bribed all the orthopedic doctors in Banyan City.

However, they did not expect that Luna might get the best orthopedic doctor, Old Mr. Gordon, over.

The lady bit her lips and let go of the wheelchair. She wanted to sneak off among the chaos.

Luna reacted quickly. She immediately blocked her and grabbed her wrist.

“Ms. Yvonne Walter, long time no see.“

Actually, ever since the beginning when they entered, Luna had already noticed the lady that

accompanied Irene.

Although she was wearing a face mask, her eyes were unique.

Her eyes were narrow and long, with the end of her eyes going upward. In between her brows and

eyes, there was also a rather large mole.

Luna would remember such eyes after seeing them once. When they were at a closer distance, she

was even more sure that this woman in a mask was Yvonne Walter, the person that was beaten up

badly by Joshua’s men a month ago because she kidnapped Neil and Nellie!

The daughter of Mr. Walter, the butler.

It looked like Mr. Walter’s men had been almost nabbed up by Joshua and Theo recently.

Even an unimportant duty like pushing a wheelchair for unimportant people like Irene, Yvonne had to

do it personally.

Being blocked by Luna, Yvonne furrowed her brows. “Move aside.“

“What if I don’t?“

Luna smiled, raised her hand, and pulled off Yvonne’s mask.

Yvonne’s panicked face had been captured by the reporters, the image was broadcast live onto the

screen. “Idiot! “

In Blue Bay Villa, Alice, who had been paying attention to the live broadcast of the press conference

angrily threw her cup!

Yvonne Walter, that idiot!

She had such obvious facial characteristics, did she think that Luna would not recognize her just

because she wore a mask?

Did Mr. Walter not have more men in Banyan City? Why did Yvonne need to be there to embarrass


At that thought, Alice angrily picked up her phone. “ Mr. Walter, what is going on? Why is Yvonne at the

press conference? Where are your other men? Are they all dead?“

On the other end of the line, Mr. Walter sighed, “Ms. Hailey, all of my men in Banyan City… have been

secretly nabbed by Theo’s men.“

“What?“ Alice was so furious she stood up. “Theo’s men got rid of your men?“

Theo was just an artist, how did he have so much power?

“Yes, I was shocked too, but it’s the truth.“

Mr. Walter, on the other end of the line, sighed, “I have recently been targeted too. I’m being followed. I

suspect that they are Theo’s men too.

“Ms. Hailey, Yvonne has been exposed. Joshua would soon connect this incident to you. You better…

think of a plan quickly.“

Then, Mr. Walter hung up before Alice could respond. Alice held onto the phone. Her mind was in a

mess. How could this…

After the Walter family went down, her father has even passed the remaining secret forces of power to

Mr. Walter the butler.

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How could they be so quickly…

Alice was in a daze for a long while before she raised her head and looked at the TV screen.

The live broadcast was still going on.

Irene clearly could not stop Luna’s advances. Old Mr. Gordon is already checking up on both her legs.

Irene’s face turned to ash.

In front of the reporters’ cameras, Old Mr. Gordon’s assistant slowly broke off the cast on Irene’s leg.

“What nonsense! “ After taking off the cast, Old Mr. Gordon did not even touch Irene when he sneered

and said, “I have been an orthopedic doctor for so many years. Not once have I seen a case like this

when both legs have been broken! Perhaps, she might have been injured when she jumped off the

building, but it’s not serious! “

Then, Old Mr. Gordon took the small hammer that was used to break off the cast and gently knocked

against Irene’s leg. “Miss, does it hurt?“

Irene was in pain. She was in so much pain she almost cried, but to continue the act, she could only

force her tears down. “It does not hurt.”

“How could it not hurt?” Old Mr. Gordon sneered, “ Whether you broke your leg or not, the place that I

hit should hurt. Stop pretending.”

The crowd was in an uproar.

Old Mr. Gordon was a world -renowned orthopedic specialist. At such an old age, he would not ruin his

own reputation for such things!

Even if Theo and Luna were rich, they would not be able to get such a respectable man to lie!

Therefore… Irene’s legs were not broken?

The emcee had an ugly expression. “Ms. Cook, what is going on?”

“Yes, what is going on?”

“Ms. Cook, are you truly trying to hype this up, fooling everyone for sympathy?”

“Please answer us!”

Irene’s face has lost all of its colors.

Irene secretly clenched her fists.

The entertainment company initially promised her that after the press conference, they would start

preparing a live show for her. They would also send her for small cosmetic procedures and get her


She could have a bright future!

All thanks to Luna, she lost everything… No! This could not happen!

Irene gritted her teeth hard. She was a poor student coming from the countryside. It took so hard for

her to finally have the opportunity to climb up the social ladder. She would not give up! She could

almost feel it, there was only a step left!

Irene glared at Luna grudgingly. There was loathing in her eyes.

In a short moment, she cried again.

“Yes, that’s right.“ Irene wiped her tears and said while crying. “Both my legs are not broken, but… I

didn’t mean to lie to all of you! “

The entire venue was in silence.

The reporters aimed their microphones at Irene, waiting for her to speak.

Irene wiped her tears. She could not help but sob, “I was really forced into desperation by Luna, that

was why I chose to jump off the building. I truly wanted to die, but I was rescued in the end. Not only

did I not die, but my legs were not broken as well.

“I deliberately pretended that my legs were broken so that I could attract all your attention on one hand,

getting all of you to help me.

“On the other hand…“ Irene sobbed and looked at Luna. “I’m afraid that if Luna knew that my injuries

were not that serious, she would use a more cruel tactic against me…“

She said with all her heart as if she was truly afraid that Luna might target her once more.

Behind Irene, Luna got Theo to hold onto Yvonne while laughing a little.

“Irene, are you still pretending? I bet you don’t know, the company that you signed on with had closed

down ten minutes ago.“

Irene turned around and glared at Luna in shock. “ Impossible! How could this happen! “

Luna laughed gently and opened a news article, projecting it on the huge screen.

It was the news on the closure of the company that Irene signed on with.

The real person controlling the company in the background was Mr. Walter the butler.

On the surface, the company was a media entertainment company, but secretly, they have done a lot of

unseemly things.

The night before, Nigel spent the entire night hacking into their system and sent all the evidence of the

crimes they committed to the police.

Luna and Nigel have strictly calculated the time from reporting them to the appearance on the news.

It had to happen just when Irene was holding the press conference.

Irene looked at the news. She was in total bafflement.

H-How… could this have happened? The people from the company even described to her a perfect

blue plan for her future.

How could this be…

“Wake up.“ Theo looked at Irene coldly. “Do you think they really wanted to give you a life that you

wanted? Do you think you have any commercial value? It’s only because you were stupid and crazy

enough to have a feud with Luna, so they deliberately used you to target Luna, that’s all! “

Irene immediately slumped to the ground from her wheelchair. Her world seemed to have collapsed on

her in that instant.

“T—This… is… i—impossible. Impossible…“ “Irene.“ Luna walked over and said flatly, “We’re live now.

Have you ever thought that you would not be able to survive in Banyan City in the future because of

this incident?“

Irene bit her lips. She was trembling terribly.


“There is a chance to redeem yourself.“ Luna chuckled. She moved aside and pointed to Yvonne, who

was being apprehended by someone behind her.

Luna said, “As long as you tell me, what relationship do you have with her? That’s all.”

Irene bit her lips. She raised her head and looked at Yvonne.

“Me and her… actually, everything I said and did today was taught by her!”

Then, Irene took out her phone from her pocket.

“I was afraid that she would not keep her word, so I secretly took a video! “

Luna took Irene’s phone over, opened the video, and projected it onto the huge screen.

“How could this be planned by Yvonne Walter?” In the president’s office at Lynch Group Tower,

Lucas was stunned looking at the live broadcast on the computer screen.

“Sir, Yvonne Walter, if I remembered correctly, is Mrs. Lynch’s good friend, right?”

Joshua leaned back on his chair and looked at the screen. He narrowed his eyes a little.

“As long as you cooperate with us, you will have an extreme

ly bright and limitless future.“

At the press conference, on the huge screen, Yvonne’s fierce expression and tone rang through.

“You have to be firm that you are being targeted by Luna.“

Irene, who was sitting opposite her, said timidly, “ But, the police have already confirmed that this

incident had been planned by someone from Sea City. It had nothing to do with Luna…“

Yvonne rolled her eyes at her. “Someone from Sea City? Could you find that person? Would a random

person from Sea City create more news or Luna, the talk of the town? Go and jump off a building

tomorrow. Then, you say that you were being forced to jump off the building because of Luna! “

Irene bit her lips. “M-Must… I jump off a building?

I’m scared…“

Yvonne sneered, “If you’re scared, how do you expect to live a high social status life? Are there such

things as low risks that yield high rewards in life?“

Irene slowly clasped her hands together. She bit her lips and looked at Yvonne.


“No more buts. Tomorrow, go find a lower level. Maybe the third floor. The second floor would be too

obvious. Put some protective gear on you, then get a few witnesses to film you and you’re almost

done.“ “O-Okay…then.“

The video has finished playing on the huge screen. The entire venue was in an uproar.

Before the press conference that day, no one expected that the results of the press conference would

be so sensational.

Everyone was so sure that after the press conference that day, it would be the downfall of Luna the

talented designer.

After all, no matter how capable one was, if they were vicious and heartless, they would not be able to

go far.

However, no one expected that such a piece of sensational news was just a well-planned false

accusation against Luna.

The reporters were uninterested in the story anymore. They asked Luna some simple questions before

leaving in a hurry.

Theo got someone to send Old Mr. Gordon back to the hotel.

Although Irene did not really break her leg, she was still an injured patient, also, at that moment, she

was utterly dejected. She knew that she could no longer survive in Banyan City anymore.

A person like Irene was like Celeste. They were just tools to be used by Alice and Yvonne.

Since the truth had been exposed, Irene no longer had any use and would be abandoned.

Luna did not bother to make such a person stay. She got her staff to send Irene back to the hospital.

Not long after, it was only Luna, Theo, and Theo’s assistant, who was holding onto Yvonne, left in the


“Luna, I have never seen this before. You have pretty great tactics too.“

Yvonne clearly saw Luna only sitting in her office sketching every day, she did not look like she had a

counter plan at all.

Who would have thought that…

Since the beginning of the press conference, she attacked one move after the other.

Not only did she expose Irene for her lies, but she also exposed Yvonne to the public!

“What? Only you guys get to secretly plot against me? I ‘m not allowed to secretly do things to protect


Since Irene jumped off the building and announced that she was going to hold a press conference,

Luna could already guess what they were going to do during the press conference.

Thus, she got Nigel and Theo’s help to come up with a plan.

It was also because she was busy coming up with a counter-attack, she completely forgot to defend

herself against Jason. That was why she was almost attacked by Jason the night before.

At the thought of Jason, she could not help but think of Joshua from the night before.

Although he already threatened her that he would not care about her affairs anymore, even so, he

should have paid attention to it right?

A moment ago, she deliberately got Irene to point Yvonne out in the live broadcast.

“Yvonne and Alice have such a good relationship with each other. Luna believed that if Joshua had

seen the live broadcast that day, he should have an answer in his heart, right?“

“Ms. Luna, what should we do with this woman? “ Theo’s assistant, who had Yvonne apprehended,

asked gently.

“She is one of the people controlling the media company that had closed down a moment ago. The

police are still looking for her. Send her to the police station. Perhaps, there might even be a bounty


The assistant’s eyes instantly sparkled and quickly brought Yvonne along and left.

Once they left, there was only Theo and Luna left in the huge venue.

Theo changed into a more comfortable position and leaned back on the chair in the front row. He

exhaled a long breath.

“I guess this matter has been resolved successfully.

Thanks to the mysterious person on the internet.“

Luna was scrolling through the news while sitting down opposite Theo. “What mysterious person?“

Theo paused for a while.

“I haven’t told you about this yet. The only reason why I could so successfully nab the men of the

Walter family in Banyan City and so quickly find Mr. Walter’s base in Sea City is all thanks to the help of

a mysterious person.

“He suddenly contacted me yesterday afternoon. He said that he knew I was targeting the Walter

family. He also has a feud going on with them, so he was willing to help me get rid of their men.“

Then, Theo could not help but lean back on the chair and said emotionally, “I asked him out for dinner

tonight, to properly thank him. The righteous always will get help from others. Who would have thought

that the Walter family would have rivals in Banyan City too.“

Upon hearing Theo’s words, Luna furrowed her brows hard.

Although the Walter family was arrogant, the reason they could do that in Sea City was because of the

previous largest gang leader in Sea City, Liam Clark. He listens to the Walter family.

However, Banyan City was not under Liam’s territory, so the Walter family’s power did not reach

Banyan City.

They do not even have any business there. How did they have any enemies?

If Luna had to place it on someone, the only person in Banyan City who has a grudge with the Walter

family would be…

Only Joshua, right?

At that thought, Luna raised her head and looked at Theo. “You said that you asked this mysterious

person out for dinner?“

Theo nodded. “Take me along.“

Luna wanted to know, in Banyan City, other than Joshua, who would pay so much attention to the

Walter family too.

Blue Bay Villa.

Alice smiled and placed a cup of hot tea on the coffee table. “Joshua, haven’t you been busy with work

recently? Why did you come back at this hour?“

Joshua sat on the sofa, his expressions were ice-cold. He looked at Alice frigidly. “Since when did

Yvonne come to Banyan City?“

Alice looked surprised.

“Yvonne is here in Banyan City? Hasn’t she always been in Sea City recuperating?“

Joshua sneered and played the video on his phone.

The video was a replay of the press conference a moment ago. The scene was right when Luna tore

off Yvonne’s mask and how panicked Yvonne looked.

Alice’s eyes widened. Her eyes were filled with shock.

”Why would Yvonne be here? Since when has she been in Banyan City, I don’t even know about this! ”

Joshua leaned back and crossed his arms around his chest. He glared at Alice coldly. ”Are you sure

you still want to continue pretending in front of me?”

Alice’s body instantly stiffened.

She bit her lips, turned around, and sat next to Joshua. She held his arm. “Joshua, what are you talking

about? I don’t understand.“

“You don’t understand?“ Joshua smiled. He directly took out an old-looking handphone from his pocket

and slammed it in front of Alice.

“Now, do you understand?“

Alice pursed her lips. She turned to have a look, her face was instantly pale.

The handphone…

Was the same one which she threw into the lake previously.


Joshua saw her throwing the phone into the lake that day. She was worried that Joshua might overthink

it and fished the phone up. That night, in the middle of the night, she got people to fish it up first.

She clearly remembered that she had already gotten her men to fish the phone up. Later on, she

melted the phone with acid before throwing it at a trash bin outside.

How could that…

Alice’s mind spun crazily quickly. She laughed. “Joshua, this phone is exactly the same as the one I

threw the other day. Did you buy a new one for me, seeing that I threw the other one away?“

Then, she buried her head in his arms and rubbed against him. “How thoughtful of you, Joshua.“

“Of course, I’m considerate.“ Joshua sneered, “I got Lucas to find the exact same phone, fished it out,

and threw it back in the lake.“

Upon Joshua’s words, Alice’s face has lost all of its colors.

She felt her blood freeze.

Joshua calmly pried her hands off him. He picked the phone and switched it on.

“It took quite some time to fix this.“

Then, the phone was switched on with a sound.

The chat records on the phone were recovered. The one who contacted Irene with the number of an

‘Alice ‘. In the chat between them, she abetted Irene, and instructed her how to get to where the Walter

family was…

Each chat was tapped open by Joshua in front of Alice.

The color on Alice’s face lost bit by bit with Joshua’s every tap.

After a long while, when Joshua had finally shown all the chat records, Alice was almost completely

slumped on the sofa.

How could this have happened… Her plan was flawless… how…


Joshua placed the phone down and looked at her coldly. “Do you think that your schemes and actions

will go unnoticed?“

Alice gripped the armrest of the sofa tightly. She said nothing.

“I treated you as the person closest to me, yet you treat me like a fool.“

Joshua narrowed his eyes. His voice was as frigid as his gaze.

“We have been husband and wife for many years. You still understand me very well. You know the

woman I hate the most is Hailey Walter.“

Alice gripped the sofa with both hands so tightly her knuckles turned white.

She bit her lips hard. Her heart hurt so much as if it were stabbed by someone with a knife.

Joshua changed into a more comfortable position on the sofa and sneered.

“Ever since the Walter family started moving about in Banyan City, Jude noticed it. Whether it was him

or me, we all were willing to believe that it was Hailey who was behind all this. I even suspected a little

whether Luna was Hailey herself. However, I never had thought that the main culprit behind this was


Joshua turned to and looked at Alice’s miserably pale face. “The only reason I was waiting for the Irene

matter to end before looking for you is to give you a chance to turn a new leaf.”

Joshua has even thought that if Alice were to stop Mr. Walter and his daughter from moving on with the

plan before the press conference, he could even treat it as if nothing has happened.

He would still continue to tolerate her and put up with her dirty tricks.

After all, he owed her too much, leaving her out in exile for six years.

Joshua’s wariness of Alice and his sense of insecurities were normal.


Patience and tolerance have their limits too.

He could forgive Alice’s dirty tricks and her little antics once or twice.

However, what if it happened more than that?

If she has already changed and she was no longer the Luna Gibson from six years ago, was Joshua

still going to continue tolerating?


Alice slipped and slumped onto the rug on the ground from the sofa. She grabbed Joshua’s sleeve with

teary eyes.

“Joshua… I know I did wrong. It’s really because you have been too close with Luna. I really have no

sense of security, that is why I would…

“Also, I have been against this plan from the beginning. It’s Yvonne and Mr. Walter, they came up with

this idea on my behalf. I initially wanted to reject the plan, but I realized that you were always going to

Luna’s. You spend much more time with her daily than me. I’m really jealous.

“I have been apart from you for so long. I am really afraid that I might lose you. I can’t take this, that is

why I half-heartedly agree with them…“

Alice wiped her tears and sobbed, “Joshua, please forgive me…“

Joshua lowered his gaze and looked at the woman sitting on the floor while grabbing his sleeve.

Alice’s face was still the face of the woman he owed the most to since six years ago.

However, at that moment, she was so vicious and manipulative that he could not believe that this

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woman was the same gentle and kind-hearted Luna Gibson, the woman who would stand behind him.

Did he still love her?

He guessed that he still loved her. Luna Gibson was someone he could not forget nor let go of for his

entire life.

However, at that moment, Joshua was also very clear that he actually loved the version of her six years


The version of her at that moment…


Joshua closed his eyes and said in a low voice, “Let’s get a divorce.“

Perhaps if they split up, Alice would not let jealousy blind her. She might return back to the gentle and

adorable version of her.


This word was like a huge hammer, smashing brutally on Alice’s heart.

No. They could not have a divorce!

If they were to divorce, that meant that all her years of cosmetic surgery and her effort had gone to


She spent so much time and effort just to become Luna Gibson, to become the unattainable woman

that he had longed for.

If they got a divorce, her past six years would have been for nothing!

Alice bit her lips and hugged Joshua’s calves tightly. She grabbed onto the hem of his pants and shook

her head furiously. “Joshua, I do not want a divorce! We cannot have a divorce! You’re the only person

in the life that I care for the most! If you were to divorce me, then… my life will have no meaning

anymore! “

Warm tears seeped into the thin fabric of his pants. Joshua’s heart seemed to be affected by her tears.

He closed her eyes. “Alice, I have given you chances. Not only once.“

“T-Then… then give me another chance! “

Alice held onto Joshua tightly. She extended her fingers and pointed it to the sky. “I swear I won’t make

any mistakes anymore. Okay? Next time, I’ll do as you say. Alright? Joshua, don’t leave me, please? I

have loved you for so many years. Don’t give up on me, please…“

Joshua lowered his gaze and looked at her teary face with darkened expressions.

Actually, Joshua did not feel good either. This was the woman he loved the most in his life.

She was kneeling on the ground humbly pleading with him. How could he bear too…


Joshua took a deep breath. In the end, he still took

the item that he had prepared earlier from his pocket and placed it on the table.

Alice raised her head and immediately noticed the words ‘Divorce Agreement’ written.

Alice’s eyes widened. She instinctively retreated backward.

”No ! I don’ t want to! I won’t sign it! I don’ t want a divorce!

Joshua furrowed his brows, looking at the face of the woman he once was obsessed with. He had

mixed feelings.

“Joshua! “ Alice grabbed the hem of his pants. She choked, “I’m not divorcing you. I don’t want a

divorce! We have had a relationship for so many years. How could you bear to let it go just like that?“

Joshua closed his eyes. “I have also considered this decision for a long time.“

He had asked himself countless times. Was he still going to continue this?

Should he continue on like what Luna said, constantly tolerating and indulging in her?


Alice was crying so badly she was gasping for air. “I only have you! You can’t treat me this way! You

can’t treat me this way! You have treated me so badly before, but I did not mind it. I loved you with all

my heart. Why are you not willing to give me another chance this time? Joshua…“

She helplessly grabbed the hem of his pants. “Give me another chance. I’ll be good. Do whatever you

like with Luna. I won’t interfere. If you want me to

apologize to Luna, I’ll kneel and prostrate myself before her!

“As long as you… you don’t divorce me and don’t chase me away…“

Alice’s lowly attitude was stinging to Joshua’s eyes.

Joshua closed his eyes and was silent for a very long time. In the end, he still could not help but sigh.

“Alice, just sign the papers. This is only the divorce agreement. As long as I don’t proceed with the

divorce procedures, you and I are still husband and wife. If you really can do as you said, to turn over a

new leaf and not treat my female employees with such tactics… I can destroy the agreement.“

Alice lifted her head. She looked at Joshua in a daze. “ Y-You’re not lying to me, are you?“

Joshua looked at her face. The face that he once loved the most. In the end, he still could not bear to

say words that were too cruel and harsh.

“I’m not lying to you.“

Alice looked at Joshua’s face closely. She could sense a hint of unwillingness in Joshua’s eyes.

Alice understood clearly.

Once she signed the divorce papers, in the future, if she did something that Joshua could no longer

tolerate. There would be no room for redemption in their marriage anymore.

However, if she were to not sign the papers, Joshua would only hate her more.

At that thought, Alice bit her lips and picked up the pen on the coffee table. She pulled the divorce

papers over and signed her name on them.

Joshua was a little surprised at Alice’s swift movements.

He was already prepared that she would not sign the divorce papers. After all, when she hysterically

pleaded at him a moment ago made him feel that she was not willing to give up so easily.

However, he did not expect that not only was she willing to let it go, but she also agreed to it so swiftly.

Once Alice signed her name on the papers, Alice passed the divorce papers to Joshua.

“Joshua, I really know that I did wrong. This matter is my fault too. I’m willing to go with you to

apologize to Luna. I’m also willing to accept all your punishment. You’re right. With our relationship,

even if I have signed the papers, you would not continue to proceed with the next steps, right?“

Looking at Alice’s tear-stricken face. Joshua lifted his hand and accepted the divorce papers.


He looked at her. “You should know that I brought up divorce because I ‘m very disappointed in you.

If… you could change. I would not let you leave me so easily too.“

Upon his words, Alice’s tears started to fall again. “Joshua…“

She buried herself in Joshua’s arms with tears streaming down her face.

”Believe me. I will change! ”

Joshua sighed and looked at the woman being buried in his arms. He wanted to raise his hand and pat

her back comfortingly. However, he raised his hand and it stopped in mid-air. He could not find a way to

bring his hand down.

In the end, Joshua could only sigh, “Alice, I have protected you for far too long. I really hope there is no

next time.“

“There won’t be.“

Alice buried herself in Joshua’s arms. In a place where he could not see her face, she narrowed her

eyes fiercely.

The only reason she agreed to sign the divorce papers was just to pacify Joshua for the time being.

In a few days, when this matter had died down, she had to find a chance to secretly get the divorce

paper back!

Worse comes to worst, she would burn the place where Joshua kept the divorce paper down!

By then, if the divorce paper went missing, Joshua would not be able to divorce her too.

Theo and the mysterious person agreed to meet at the Bamboo Palace at 8 p.m.

At 7:30 p.m., Luna and Theo were already there. Both of them had different views of Luna’s new

design, so on the way there, they kept debating on this.

In the private box of the restaurant, they were still debating about it. They lost track of time.

At 8 p.m., the door of the private box was opened.

When Jude appeared by the entrance, Luna and Theo were still in a heated discussion.

Theo sighed helplessly, “Then you should rather just add a skull. It would make it seem more


Luna pursed her lips. “You don’t understand. You can’t just simply use the skull element. At least, to

me. The skull element represents evil and coldness. Also, something that still exists but should have

long died.“

Theo rolled his eyes. He wanted to say something else when he raised his head and noticed a man by

the entrance.

He immediately stood up. “A—Are you… the mysterious man that helped me previously?“

Jude paused a little. He smiled. “That’s me.“ Luna also subconsciously lifted her head.

When her eyes fell on Jude, she furrowed her brows and paused a little.

She has seen this man before. He was Joshua’s best friend, Jude Smith.

Back then, she used to hear other people say that the distribution of powers in Banyan City could be

divided into two.

One half belonged to Joshua, the other half belonged to Jude.

Still, Jude and Joshua were good friends who knew each other when they were still students.

Looking at Jude, Luna furrowed her brows. “You were the one… that helped Theo previously?“

Jude nodded. “Of course.“

Then, he entered the room and sat down opposite Theo and Luna.

“If it was not me, then who? Joshua?“ Luna’s eyes slightly darkened a little.

Before Jude arrived, she truly thought that Joshua was the one that helped Theo.

Luna lifted her head and looked at Jude. “Mr. Smith, why did you help Theo?“

According to what Theo said…

He could quickly locate Mr. Walter’s men in Banyan City and found out where Mr. Walter was hiding

was all thanks to Jude.

Even, Jude was the one who helped get Old Mr.Gordon to come to check up on Irene’s leg.

The man was powerful and influential, but Luna could not think of a reason for Jude to help Theo or


“I’m not helping Theo.“

Jude smiled. “I just want Joshua to owe me one.“ Then, Jude picked up the teacup and gently took a

sip. “One of Joshua’s work plans for the second half of the year is to develop a Lynch Group jewelry


“You, Ms. Luna, is his only trump card in the jewelry industry. If I helped you, even if I didn’t bring it up,

Joshua would understand that he owes me a huge one.”

Then, Jude raised his eyebrows. “Are you satisfied with this answer, Ms. Luna?”