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Will You Marry Me, Again by Pear Heart

Chapter 50
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Chapter 50 You’re the One He Wants to See

Maia already knew that news would get out when she and Cedric came to Eldertown. What she did not

expect was how it was all blown out of proportion.

Maia bit her lower lip and moved quickly toward the direction of the hospital. She did not want to attract

any more unnecessary attention.

The moment she got to the entrance of the hospital, a pack of reporters swarmed around her like

hungry hyenas. They bombarded her with questions, one after another.

“Ms. Maia, what business do you have in Eldertown?”

“We got news that Mr. Larkin is hospitalized. Is that true? Could you give us any information about


“Ms. Maia, seeing that you’re wearing the evacuee tracksuit, does that mean that you were trapped in

the hurricane along with Mr. Larkin?”

The public knew very well what kind of relationship she had with Cedric. Now, the two of them. were

seemingly together in Eldertown. The reporters could not wait to get their hands on the latest gossip

about the couple.

With cameras flashing in her face, Maia was calm and composed as she addressed the media.

“Mr. Larkin and I have nothing to do with each other. You should be asking the hospital’s PR team

about his condition. Furthermore, instead of trying to dig into the privacy of others, I hope the media will

focus on the severity of this disaster and th

current situation in this


The reporters at the scene were speechless as the public threw them dirty looks.

“Reporters are the worst! They would hound anyone just for news!”

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“Why are you poking into her private life? You should focus your reports on our poor town


“Yeah! Are you working for the tabloids? All you want is sensational news!”

The reporters already knew Maia was a difficult target, but for her to get the public to turn against them

was new. They knew that they would not be able to continue interviewing her. They left shortly after.

Maia was relieved when they left. Both her injured arm and leg were still hurting. The only thing that

she wanted to do now was to get some rest.

If the reporters continued badgering her for more information, she could not fend them off


Jordan had witnessed the scene when he was about to leave the hospital. He quickly ran up to Maia

and checked if she was alright.

“You’re not hurt, right? I didn’t expect the news of you and Mr. Larkin being here would get around so

soon. It’s too late to get them to stop spreading the news now.”

“There’s no point trying to keep things quiet now. I’m sure they’ve also managed to take photos of us

being here. Trying to restrain that information now would be meaningless.”

Maia walked into the hospital, accompanied by Jordan. “How is he?”

Jordan knew exactly who she was referring to. “His upper back has a minor infection but the doctor has

already treated it. The main complication is the huge gash. They’re trying to stitch him up.

“Jordan, could you inform the hospital that I’ll be taking care of all his expenses?”

“Right, I’ll see what I can do.” Jordan led her all the way to the waiting room next to the operating room.

The lights at the entrance of the room were still green. Maia could only wait patiently in the quiet ward.

“I meant to ask, why were you here in Eldertown?” Jordan said.

“I came here to look for you. I didn’t know that the hurricane would hit the town, nor did I expect to see

you here at the hospital,” Maia told him truthfully.

Jordan was surprised that she had come all the way here in search of him.

“Jordan, my uncle and Mr. Linden were involved in embezzling the company’s funds. They’ve been at it

for years. Even though I’ve managed to recover most of those funds, the company is still in pretty

rough shape. I need someone that I could trust, someone who is capable enough to oversee the

finance department.”

Jordan was a highly intelligent man. He already knew the main reason Maia came here. He smiled

gently at her and rejected her offer.

“Maia, I’ve decided to never go back to the business world. I’m happy right here, just being a regular

maths teacher.”

“Jordan, Starlight Entertainment still needs you.”

Jordan remained silent. Maia took this as an opportunity to persuade him.

She bit her lower lip and grabbed the edge of her blouse, “What if I told you my mother did. not commit

suicide? That there might be a chance that she was actually murdered?”


She looked him straight in the eyes as she waited for her words to sink in.

Jordan’s face contorted as his expression changed from sadness to rage. “What in the world? What

evidence have you found?”

“My mother’s regular health reports stated clearly that she did not show any signs of depression, nor

did she have any underlying illnesses. If that was the case, then how was it possible that she was

diagnosed with depression? I’m sure you’ve also seen that report.”

“My assumptions were right. I knew something wasn’t right,” Jordan started mumbling to himself.

Maia looked at him with surprise. “What? Did you already suspect that my mother didn’t take her own


“Well, yes. We were always working together, and she had never shown signs of depression. She was

always full of life and telling me about her future plans for Starlight Entertainment. On the day your

mother died, we had lunch together. She told me that she was going to meet up with your aunt for

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dinner. She sounded happy,” Jordan recalled.

“That night, she didn’t turn up. All my aunt got was a phone call telling her that my mother had passed

away,” Maia said, her voice trembling.

She could not control the tears from welling up as she remembered the details leading up to her

mother’s death.

Something must have gone wrong. Maia needed to go through every detail, every second. leading up

to it. She would do anything to recover the truth. It was all a matter of time.

“I understand. I’ll go back to Starlight Entertainment and assist you in your search for the truth.” Jordan

looked at the determined Maia and gave her his answer.

“Thank you, Jordan,” Maia replied sincerely.

“Your mother was my savior. The least I could do is to find out the truth of her death and give her a

proper burial.”

Maia was grateful to Jordan. She realized that maybe the reason why so many corporations wanted to

recruit Jordan was more than just his talent. He also had a solid and reliable disposition.

After about half an hour, the lights in the operating room finally went off. The main surgeon walked

towards them while removing his surgical mask.

“The surgery was a success. We’ve moved the patient to the regular ward and his room number is 508.

The patient needs lots of rest to recover. Please take note that he is not

supposed to handle heavy objects and his wound should be kept dry to prevent further infection.”


Maia nodded and thanked the doctor politely.

“You must be Maia,” The doctor said.

“Yes, that’s right.”

“Before the patient was given anesthesia, he kept calling your name. You should go check on him. I’m

sure you would be the first person he wants to see when he comes through. This could also help speed

up his recovery.”