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Will You Marry Me, Again by Pear Heart

Chapter 226
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Chapter 226 The Moment Was Gone
It was a typical example of human nature. The second you want something from someone, his instinct would be to deprive you of
it. However, when you decide that you no longer want it he world give you a truckload of it, and fill your world with it if he could.
Unfortunately, by then, you no longer want anything from him. It does not matter how hard he tries. Once the moment has gone,
he would never get it back. Even the moon would not be enough to win you over.
“I came back so I could take revenge on the people who wronged me. Rita will never get away from me. She pushed me down
the stairs and caused my miscarriage. She’ll pay for that.
“What do you think Cedric’s going to think about that? Humans are sentimental at heart. Rita is still his mother when all is said
and done.
“He’s not going to stand idly by as I put her behind bars. That’s why we can never be together again...”
Maia’s grip on the can tightened as she talked about Rita. It was all bent out of shape. She hated Rita with every fiber of her
Hope could sense it. She also understood that she could not truly understand the pain that Maia had been through. She did not
have the right to speak on Cedric’s behalf, much less forgive him.
I see it now,
Maia cocked her head as she looked at Hope. “What do you mean?”
“I see that I shouldn’t try to talk you out of it. It’s also clear that you aren’t who you used to be. A love that has been betrayed can
never be put back together. So, do you think I should give Buck a call?”
Hope tried hard to divert the topic. She didn’t want Maia to lose herself in her rage over the tragic past.

“What do you think I should say to him, Maia? You’ve known him for a long time. Can you give me a clue, please?” Hope said
affectionately as she took out her handphone.

Maia rested her head on her hands and stared at Hope, her sorrow and rage momentarily forgotten. Then, she smiled and asked
her, “Aren’t you forgetting something?”
“What do you mean?” Hope asked, confused.
“I’m your boss and you work for me. Are you seriously about to give a call to a guy and start a relationship with him with your
boss watching you?”
Maia saw that Hope was puzzled. “My company forbids celebrities from starting a relationship when their careers are taking off.
You’ve been in the industry for a long time now. I’m sure you know about this.”
Hope nodded. Of course she knew. It was a common practice in the industry, and Starlight Entertainment was no exception.
“Are you going to make your younger sister choose between her career and her marriage?”
“You’re not even in a relationship yet, and you’re already thinking about marriage?” Hope seemed so serious about it. Maia could
not help herself and burst out laughing as she picked up a bagel.
Hope felt a little embarrassed and lowered her head. Suddenly, her phone rang. Maia saw who the caller was and teased Hope.
“Well, if it isn’t the man of your dreams! What are you waiting for?”

Hope grinned, picked up the call, and headed to the balcony. She looked so happy that Maia could not help but chuckle, “I can
smell it in the air... the scent of love.”
She t
took a bite out of the bagel. Perhaps she should reward herself by eating some good food. Buck had found out that Hope was at
Maia’s place, so he had gone to the store, bought some ingredients, and headed straight to her place. Then, he started cooking
“How did you get back your memories so easily? What happened when you and Ms. Tess were in Osttahl?” Buck asked,
showing his concern for Maia.
“It just came back to me. That’s all,” Maia said. “Isn’t it nice that I remember you guys now?”
“Of course, it is!” Buck exclaimed. “We wished so hard for you to get back your memories. A lot of the company’s staff left

because of Ms. Tess. The experience left a bitter taste in their mouths.”
“Aunt Tess will never meddle in the company’s affairs ever again...”
Buck was a smart guy. He knew something must have happened between them. “Did Ms. Tess reconsider and decide to take it
easy, Ms. Maia? Is she going to step back from the company?”
Maia shook her head and said, “Tess is gone...”
Buck and Hope were stunned when they heard that.
“W–what was that again. Maia?”Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Hope had been cutting up the vegetables and she nearly chopped off her fingers with the knife.
“Tess is no longer with us. She’s moved on to a better place.
Maia said this in such an indifferent tone that Buck and Hope could not read her true
After a few minutes, Buck said, “You’re coming back to the company tomorrow, Ms. Maia. Do you need me to prepare anything
for your return?” He really was an exceptional assistant.
“Ms. Tess promoted some staff when she was in charge. Give me their names.” Maia was not sure who they were.
“Got it.”
Maia added, “Also, investigate the CEO of Mykonos Studio.”
“Victor?” Buck was puzzled. He had not expected Maia to be interested in Mykonos Studio. Do you want the good stuff or the dirt
on him?”
“The dirt, of course. I want his deepest, worst secrets.”
Buck looked at her and asked, “Are you going to do something to his company?”
“And what if I am?”
Buck gave her a thumbs up
in response. “Good going, Ms. Maia. Mykonos Studio has poached a
lot of our staff in the past. It’s time to get even!”
As Hope put the veggies onto the pasta, she said softly, “I heard some rumors about Victor, but I’m not sure if they’re true.
Perhaps Buck can start with that and see if he’ll turn up with anything more!”
“That’s right, Ms. Maia. It slipped our minds that Hope knows a lot of celebrities from Mykonos Studio, and she was quite close
with some of them too. It’s natural that she’d have heard some rumors. I wouldn’t know where to begin otherwise.”.

Buck knew that there were always rumors or pieces of information that were only known among the celebrities on set.