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When the Boss’ Lady Became His Sister-in-law

Chapter 137
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Chapter 137 “Seriously?” Kristin was tinged with disbelief with a hint of denial nestled in the curve of her words.

“You're not considering marryinginto the Haywood family, are you?” Rhett lounged on the couch, his question floating through the air with a casual detachment.

Kristin hung open her mouth, a silent gap before words finally found their way out. “Mr. FitzGerald, at this juncture, an alliance with the Haywood family would be most advantageous for your position in the FitzGerald Group.” “Do | need to auction off my marital bliss for a more secure standing?” Rhett shot back, his tone laced with a touch of irony.

A sharp breath of cool air escaped Kristin, the realization striking her that perhaps. It wasn’t entirely necessary.

“But it would smooth over a lot of complications.” “And what would be the point of our partnership then?” Rhett couldn’t help the naivety of Kristin's little schemes.

When would she get a clue? Panic flickered in Kristin's eyes.

but want to laugh at Rhett implied that if he were to join fortunes with the Haywood family, her presence would be rendered obsolete.

And it seemed so very true.

The Haywood family could offer a permanent solution, which was something she couldn't provide.

Tears reddened her eyes as she looked down at her hands. “Then... when do you plan to divorce me. Mr.

FitzGerald?” What was she to do? Was this the end of her relationship with Rhett? Fear clawed at her heart.

Adrienne was lurking in the shadows, waiting to strike. Without Rhett, who would shield her from the storm? “If you don’t want to lose your worth, take good care of me,” Rhett teased, urging her to be more astute. The next tshe saw Hertha lurking around, Kristin would better protect him well.

The scare from the night before and the prospect of failing Rhett again brought Kristin closer to tears. Was he reproaching her for not keeping him safe? “Okay. Mr. FitzGerald, | understand.” From now on, she would test Rhett’s drinks for poison first.

She would intercept any drink Rhett shouldn't have and take the sip herself.

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Rhett eyed Kristin skeptically. Did she get it or was she just pretending? Why did her expression carry such pain? Had the previous night's events truly frightened her? “Alright, go to sleep.” Rhett finally said, dropping the playful banter and giving her permission to 07-49 rest.

But sleep was the furthest thing from Kristin's mind as she curled up, shivering beneath the covers.

She had feared the nightmares would keep her awake, but exhaustion claimed her quickly. She fell into a deep slumber, comforted by Rhett’s familiar scent that lingered in the room and on the bed.

Enveloped in the warmth of the blankets, Kristin hid herself away from the world, her mind sinking into a peaceful oblivion.

Meanwhile, Rhett sat through a video conference, silent as a ghost.

Not wanting to disturb Kristin, he kept the vollow.

In the conference room, the senior staff were taken aback. “Mr. FitzGerald, this afternoon’s bidding will be fierce.

Several companies are strong contenders,” they said, concerned.

Rhett merely responded with a faint “well”.

“Mr. FitzGerald, for the next quarter's departmental...” “No...” Suddenly, Kristin's restless sleep was punctuated by a distressed whimper, her voice tinged with tears.

Rhett shot a worried glance her way and made a hushing gesture to the people on the other end of the call.

Back in the conference room, the staff were stunned. It was clear that Rhett was in a hotel and there was someone else in his room! Rhett stood and moved to the bedside, gently pulling down the blankets with a tender smile. “You know, you will suffocate under there,” he chided softly.

“Don’t leave me, Clarence. Please don’t go,” Kristin pleaded from within her cocoon of blankets. tormented by nightmares.

For years, Kristin had been haunted by dark dreams. The most despairing was that Clarence abandoned her to the mercy of a stranger's vile intentions.

A complex emotion flickered in Rhett’s eyes with a twinge of pain at his heart.

Why hadn’t he met Kristin sooner to protect her? Had he been the one to know her first instead of Vincent, perhaps she wouldn't have had to endure so much.

“Don’t be afraid, I'm here,” Rhett soothed, his voice a gentle balm.

On the other end of the video call, the conference room was shrouded in silence. They couldn't see what was happening, but they could faintly hear Rhett’s comforting tone, so tender.

It was shocking.

07:00: Despite working at the FitzGerald Group for years, they had never witnessed this side of Rhett.

“It's Hertha. We've seen the news. Reporters have been buzzing about Mr. FitzGerald and Hertha entering the hotel together and going into the sroom,” they whispered among themselves.

Sfemale staffers giggled quietly. “Ms. Haywood is lucky to have Mr. FitzGerald so smitten.

“The Haywood family is a decent family after all, recognized by our chairman.” It was a while before Rhett returned to the call, resuming his usual frosty demeanor. “All departments will submit their reports to their supervisors for review. The Vice President of Operations is retiring, so send the reports to me. As for the succession, think about who you'd recommend and we'll discuss it when | return.” Rhett spoke with a hint of deeper intent. Upon his return, he would begin a thorough cleanse of the company.

Holcomb thought he could use the company to threaten him. Well, he’d just have to wait and see.

In Hertha’s room.

“Ms Haywood, I've informed Holcomb of the situation here, claiming you took care of Mr. FitzGerald all night. He is very pleased.” Randall reported over the phone.

“Randall, you've done well. Once | marry into the FitzGerald family and join the company. I'll make sure to promote you.” Hertha responded with a smile.

“Then here's to you, the future CEO's wife,” replied Randall, always the smooth talker.

“Listen, Randall, | overheard schatter at the hotel that Rhett is digging into last night's fiasco. It's only a matter of tbefore he traces it back to you. You've gotta know what to spill. and what to keep under wraps,” Hertha cautioned Randall with a conspiratorial tone.

Randall felt a surge of anxiety. “Ms. Haywood, you've gotta have my back. Everything I did is for you.” “Don’t worry. As long as I'm around, even if Rhett sniffs out your trail, he can’t touch you. You're Holcomb’s guy.

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He'd need Holcomb’s nod to fire you. Besides, within your corner, Rhett is bound to cool off sooner or later,” Hertha reassured him, her words a soothing balm to his frayed nerves.

With that assurance from Hertha, Randall ebbed his tension. “With your word, | can breathe easy. You should get srest. madam. | still have to prepare for this afternoon's bidding on the project.” “Right, keep your eyes peeled on Nicola and Vincent. Nicola trusts you, but never forget who you work for,” Hertha spoke with a detached calm.

She was set to marry Rhett, aiming to cement his standing in the FitzGerald Group.

07-091 Chapter 137 That meant Nicola and Vincent were her adversaries.

Randall was a double agent. Placed by Holcomb to ostensibly assist Rhett, his true mission was surveillance.

Nicola had long been in cahoots with Randall.

A master of diplomacy with a chameleon’s charm, Randall was open to all comers.

Playing both sides wasn’t as straightforward or simple as he wished.

The outcof this afternoon’s Harborside Haven Project bid was anyone's guess.

Vincent and Nicola weren't pushovers either.

In Nicola’s room.

Vincent had returned, his expression stormy.

Rhett had sent him to oversee sdesert project, a clear act of sabotage.

“Useless,” Nicola hissed with a dismissive scorn. “Thank goodness Eddie’s mom and I hit it off, or you'd have no chance at all!” Vincent hung his head in silence.

“Is Rhett bringing Kristin to the bid this afternoon?” Nicola probed.

“Yes...” Vincent nodded. “Kristin's his assistant now.” “Perfect. This afternoon, all we gotta do is make Rhett look like a fool and our chances will go through the roof.

Kristin, with all her scandals, is just the right kind of trouble for Rhett,” Nicola sneered. Without dirt on Rhett, they'd target Kristin instead.

“What are you planning to do?” Vincent asked, a hint of nervousness creeping into his voice. “I've hired smen to stir up trouble for Kristin at the bid. Her reputation and past make her an easy target. Now that she’s Rhett’s assistant, it’s his reputation on the line too. Once the drama unfolds, our partners will doubt Rhett’s judgment. Not wanting to offend the FitzGerald Group, they'll have no choice but to side with us. Get it?” Nicola’s cold laughter filled the room.