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Way of the Knights

Chapter 637 - Elias The Little Poseidon
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'Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit!' 

A man paced back and forth nervously as he felt cold sweat drenching his back. His expression was filled with despair and frustration, it also didn't help that he had no one else to blame other than himself for this.

'God damn it! Shit! I've really stepped in it! This time willingly! Shit! Of all people to piss-off, I just had to choose the Heir of Big Boss! Fuck! Fuck! Why am I so stupid! Shit! What do I do!?'

The man nervously bit his nails as he contemplated on what to do. He was in it big this time and he completely messed-up, now he's in big trouble. He's considering this day as the worst day of his life, and sadly, it's just beginning...action

The man in question was none other than who Raven referred to as 'Little Poseidon'. 

His name is Elias Blueheart, the one who had been chosen to be the next bearer of the 'Poseidon' title. He looks like a man on his mid 20's but in reality, he's a little over than 300 years old. He's six foot and five inches tall, tanned lean guy wearing the same crimson uniform like Raven but with the insignia of the sea woven on the back of his robes. 

He has a short and spiky blue hair and a pair of aqua-marine pupils. In addition to his uniform and the golden badge that represents his status, he's also wearing a pair of bracers that has a deep-sea sapphire embedded on the center. There several tribal tattoos on his body and he's also wearing a leaf-crown which were made out of blue crystals on his head. 

Right now, Elias was currently trembling on his boots as he paced back and forth within his private chambers. His face was very pale and he had cold sweat dripping on his forehead and drenching his back. He couldn't even bring himself to look at the windows in fear of making eye contact with the Heir of the Big Boss outside. 

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"Eep!" His soul nearly left his body when he heard a deep voice rumbling within his room. He managed to at least not breakdown in panic and meekly replied: "Y-yes, Big Bro?" 



Elias completely lost it. He fell down to his knees as he immediately crawled towards his bed and covered himself with his blanket while raising his pillows as a shield. 

"Elias! Answer me!!"

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry okay! I didn't mean it!!" Elias said with his voice shaking in fear. His hand was trembling so much that the pillow he was holding was shaking too. 

"You didn't answer my question!!" The forceful voice pressed down on him once more which caused Elias to shriek in fear. 

"I didn't want it to develop in this way! I swear! I-I was just...testing..." Elias's voice turned softer and feeble by the end of his sentence. 

"Testing!? Did you just tell me that you were testing...the Heir of Chronos!? That has got to be the most retarded words that I have ever heard from you and I've heard a lot already. Were you dropped in the head when you were a baby!? What the fuck is wrong you!?"

"You have the 'AUDACITY' to test someone who's obviously better than you? Who the fuck do you think you are!? I don't remember raising you like this!?" The voice echoing within his room was becoming so loud and forceful that Elias could feel his room quaking because of it. 

"Like I said, I'm sorry okay! Who told him to just outright waltz in here like he owns the place anyway!? And I was bored you know!? You're not even allowing me to have some fun!? What do you expect me to do!?"


"EEK!!!" Elias clamped his mouth with his hands as he buried his whole body on his bed while also slapping his face. A blue bubble appeared out of nowhere, encasing the whole bed and protecting from the earthquakes. 

'Shit! Shit! I must be possessed by the someone right now! Seriously, what was I thinking when I said that!? Shit! I'm really going to die today! Huhuhu...' 

Elias wanted to cry but had no tears. He didn't really know what has gotten to him this time that gave the courage to talk back to his Big Brother, saying and doing all of those questionable things. Elias was convinced that he's not in the right mental state right now but as if somebody's going to believe him. 

As he was expecting his Big Brother to appear before him and beat the living shit out of him. He instead heard an exhausted sigh and the earthquakes in his room stopped. Elias thought this was weird and it gave him the creeps. A wave foreboding feeling crept towards him, and it only got worse when he heard his Big Brother's next words. 

"...just letting you know. Young Lord Raven had just returned from his trip inside the Devil Emperor's Pagoda, alone." 


"He started from 40th Floor and reached all the way up to the 60th Floor, all in three days while also fortifying the seals on each floor he passed along the way." 


"You know the Styx River is always filled with devils escaping from the pagoda right? Well, as soon as he came out of the 60th floor, he wiped out every single sea devil within Styx River, leaving it burning with white flames and making my job easier." 

A screen of light appeared before Elias, depicting the current state of Styx River. The whole river was covered in flames, which was an extremely bizarre scene for anyone who witnesses it. 


"Young Lord Raven has never been idle. When he's not clearing up the Devil Emperor's Pagoda and fortifying the seals within, he's hands-on with the overall sect management. He's not yet the official Chronos yet but he's already sharing the burden with the current Sect Master. Which is why everybody who knows him admires him a lot and idolizes him for being so dedicated to our cause. I, your Big Brother is not an exception."


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"Nobody told him to do all of this. Everything he does, he does it out of his own free will. I never asked for his help since he already has too much in his hands and it's not really that difficult to watch over this small inconvenience. Yet when he appeared in our seas, not only he had completely cleared the 60th floor that contained the Great Leviathan and the Great Kraken, he also wiped out all devils in the Styx River which undoubtedly solve one of our biggest and most immediate problems."

"Just with that alone, he save at least hundreds if not hundreds thousands of lives...yet when he appeared in our territory, instead of receiving a warm and heroic welcome, he got nothing and was even sexually harassed by one of our people...tell me Little Brother, did Young Lord Raven deserve any of this bullshit?"


"...maybe I really did spoil you a little too much. It's about time you learn your lesson." 

A brief silence descended within Elias' room. Shortly after that, another long, exhausted and disappointed sigh echoed in Elias' ears. 

"I swore to protect your life Little Brother, and I'm still holding on to that promise. But this time, you've courted a disaster that not even I, could extricate you out from."

"You've overstepped your boundaries and offended someone you absolutely can't afford to offend."

"As I've said, I will do everything I could to preserve your life. But I also am the current Poseidon, I have my responsibilities that I need to uphold. Young Lord Raven is not happy with this treatment, and you, my dear Little Brother, is the main perpetrator of this."

Elias' face was drained out of color as he closed his eyes and felt his heart threating to explode out of his chest. His whole body was shaking in fear and panic as his Big Brother slowly brought down righteous judgement onto to him. 

"He might-no, knowing Young Lord's temperament, he will punish you. Whether he decides to throw you down to Tartarus, or summon the Council once again to deliberate on your fate, I wouldn't be able to help you out on this one. I can only guarantee that you will live."


"He's coming towards the Palace." Poseidon's voice said, "Stay in your room and prepare yourself. I will receive him and try my best to ease-up his mood. Pray that this will work or else, you'll truly suffer."

"I've said this before and I will say it again, this time I hope that you will etch this to your brain..."

"Little Brother, we're no longer the Gods that can summon the rain and clouds at our beck and call. We are bound to the sect and the sect is bound to us. You're not young anymore, you're 300 years old for crying out loud, act like it."

"If you are a man, then take full responsibility of your actions. Clean up after yourself. Big Brother won't always remain by your side forever. You need to grow up...that's all."

"Wait in your room, Young Lord Raven will most likely visit you." 

"That's it...I'm actually going to die this time.." Elias said as he collapsed on his bed.