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Way of the Knights

Chapter 585 - Preparations
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"Climb the Mount of Olympus? With you? Why do you need me there?" Raven was confused with their request. 

At first nobody answered him, however it was ultimately Henry who decided to break the silence. 

"You see, climbing Mount Olympus isn't as easy as it sounds. Mount Olympus is unlike that of any other mountains, it's one of a kind even in the Divine Realm."

"Throughout the generations of descendants our sect has, only a handful of people on each generation managed to climb the peak of Mount Olympus. Even for us, War Gods, this isn't an easy feat to accomplish. Forget about how much time it's going to take surmounting it due to it's sheer size, there are numerous trials at each points of the mountain, making it that much harder to climb."

"Throughout our experience, we only managed to confirm one thing about the mountain. And that is, the trials on the way to peak or even just the checkpoints, are ever-changing. Some trials are easy while others are just incredibly difficult that it will force any hiker to retreat." Henry explained.

"The Celestial Ascension Platform is open for use." Theo added, "Sect Master said that whatever's in there will definitely give us a chance to get stronger. However, even for us War Gods, our strengths aren't there yet to guarantee that we will get something out of that place. Hence we were tasked to improve ourselves but surmounting the peak of Mount Olympus first."

"It all sounds easy on paper but in reality though? It's incredibly difficult to pull that off." Logan commented on the side. 

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"There's a total of 13 Checkpoints on Mount Olympus. Before anybody could reach a checkpoint, they will experience at least three to five trials, the closer you are at the peak the harder the trials gets. As for us, we barely qualified for the 6th Checkpoint during our last attempt, which was two months ago." Charles added. 

"Uh...are you sure that you came to the right person?" Raven asked unsurely. "From what you've mentioned so far, what you need is someone who can help you on clearing the trials. I'm not as strong as any of you here, why not ask for other War God's help?"

"We would if we could but you see, the Sect Master gave us different tasks to clear before we we're allowed entry to the Celestial Ascension Platform. The other guys are currently doing their own thing. Additionally, we're not recruiting you to help us clear the trials. What we need, is your help with the journey towards the said trials." Charles replied. 

"You mean aside from the trials, there are still other elements that affects your hike? Yeesh, sounds rough." Raven smiled wryly.

The other War Gods nodded in unison with somber faces. Theo then said: "The climate of Mount Olympus could be summarized using one word: Aggravating."

"True." Henry chimed in. "It could be warm and relaxing in the beginning however in the next second, you'll be faced with either a blazing heat, a horrendous storm or a blizzard. Sometimes you'll experience two climates at once, which is confusing and really irritating."

"You'll get some moments of peace where the climate will ease up but only until you reach 3rd Checkpoint. Go past that and the climate will no longer give you any chances. This makes resting pretty much impossible." Logan sighed. 

"Which means that not only we have to deal with the unreasonable climate, we also have to clear the trials. This activity is energy consuming, not only that but it's also mentally taxing, which is why many people failed the challenge before. It is even possible to die on the way there so we have to be extremely careful." Charles added. 

"We are recruiting you because of your resourcefulness." Henry stated, "The way how you managed to create a formation which basically neutralized the irritating heat of Asphodel was truly an eye-opener. We want your help as a support, if you can do something about the aggravating climate of Mount Olympus, then we'll do the heavy lifting." 

"Ah, I see." Raven nodded to himself. He remunerated to himself for a bit before eventually saying: "Well, if it's just the supporting duty, then I think I can manage. Sure, I'm in. When do we go?"

Hearing his reply caused the four War Gods' faces to lighten up. 

"Three days from now. But if that's too short for you then we can adjust it." Henry replied. 

"Three days it is then. I'll inform Senior Brother about it." Raven replied. 

Him and the War Gods then talked about the important things that they need to prepare for the hike. After that, they spent time talking about random things before his visitors eventually excused themselves since they too have to prepare for the trip. 

Raven went back to his residence and asked Kyrie to do some errands. Even though he will only just be a supporter in this trip, he has to make sure that he'll pull off his own weight. 

He had long since been curious about the scenery on Mount Olympus. If it weren't for the fact that there were many things keeping him busy, he would've already climbed the mountain before to experience it himself. 

While he's at it, he made sure to inform Lucas about the upcoming trip. Thankfully, he got the go signal from him. Had this been any later, then Raven might not been able to go since the Sect Master is already making plans for him. 

And just to make sure that he'll be as prepared as he could, he also researched everything there is that he needs to know about Mount Olympus itself. 

From what he could tell, they won't be climbing the replica of Mount Olympus - which is located and used as trial grounds for Inner Disciples. What they will be climbing is the real deal, the Mount Olympus that has the Ancient Elysium Sect hidden within it. 

Raven spent the rest of the day like this. Eventually, he managed to learn everything he could about the mountain. That being said, he didn't dare to claim that he knows everything he needed to learn. Even the records he read said it multiple times, everything is subject to changes. The Mount Olympus itself is mysteriously inconsistent, therefore one can never be too sure. 

The next day after their meeting, Raven began making preparations. 

He created a simple formation that could be modified whenever he deemed fit. He also made sure to stock up on medicines and some supplements just in case things go awry, he even prepared some excess just in case they ran out of it. 

Although the War Gods didn't touch upon it, from what they discussed so far, Raven could tell that the plan is to ascend to the peak in one go. Meaning that they'll probably spend a very long time in this trip. So Raven also packed up some food supplies tents, clothes and other necessities just in case. 

Raven thought that it would be better to carry more rather than ran out of supplies. One might say that he's being way too careful but with the dangerous threat, one can never be too prepared. Anyways, he didn't have any plans on dying so he's better off this way. 

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Just like this, two days passed and they were all set for the trip. Raven already left Kyrie with his instructions since he knows that he'll be gone for a while. After that, he entered the portal which lead to the place where he first stayed upon his arrival at the sect...Tartarus. 

Sensing the foul aura permeating through every corner of this place and the disgusting stench in the air, gave Raven a strange sense of familiarity. Although he didn't spend much time in here, this place still left a striking impression to him. 

"Raven? Is that you?" 

He raised a brow and turned around to meet a familiar face and voice. A smile appeared to his face as he saw his bald teammate from before. 

"Yes, Jason. It's me. How have you been?" 

"Holy shit, dude! You look sick! Oops, I probably should talk to you so casually. I forgot that - "

"Shut it you..." Raven chuckled as he swung his arm on Jason's shoulders. "I'm not in the position just yet, who knows maybe I won't make it. You guys won't kick me out if I return right?"

"Of course not! We'd be a fool to do that!" Jason patted his back. The two were completely unaware that they're basically the focus of everyone's attention due to Raven wearing a different uniform. "By the way, what wind blew you here?" 

"About that - " Raven was about to explain but he received a transmission from the War Gods. "I would love to explain but I'm in a hurry. Here, take this." 

"What are these?" Jason asked.

"Protective talismans." Raven replied, "Bind it and it'll protect your life for a total of three times. It'll automatically be activated once you're in a life or death situation. Distribute it to everyone will you?" 

"Sure! Thanks." Jason didn't hesitate to accept his gift, causing Raven to be satisfied. 

"Alright, I'll go now. Stay safe and work hard. It'll get better once you become an Inner Disciple.." Raven said before disappearing, leaving Jason staring at the spot where he disappeared. 
