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Way of the Knights

Chapter 409 - Praying Mat And Gloves
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The praying mat was at least nine by nine foot meters in size. Unlike the rest of the spiritual treasures here, this praying mat didn't exude any kind of berserk spiritual pressure, it also wasn't scared stiff by Raven's spiritual might either. The praying mat is mostly golden in color, the designs woven on its surface gave a profound and mysterious beauty 

Instead, it only silently floated inside its vessel, glowing with a peaceful and calm fluctuations, it was as if it mimics the surface of a still lake. 

The praying mat's surface is covered with ancient era designs that Raven couldn't recognize, yet that didn't stop him from admiring its beauty. 

Due to the obstruction of its vessel, Raven wasn't able to inspect the treasure further. If he wanted to do so, then he had to gain the acknowledgement of this treasure, if he was successful then he could take it out but once he did so, then he cannot return it anymore.

He didn't know what kind of materials were used to create this praying mat but judging from its glow, it should be made out valuable materials. 

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Raven didn't spend too much time thinking about this. For him, just the fact that there's something connecting him and this treasure was enough for him to make a decision. 

He lifted his hand and placed it on the vessel. As soon as he did so, he consciousness then arrived at a different space. 

All he could see was an endless expanse of the starry skies. He found himself standing within an inexhaustible span of grass and myriad kinds of lotuses. All of a sudden, one lotus after another started floating magically and flew around him.

Each lotus seemed like they were performing a beautiful dance that allured him, but at the same time, Raven also felt an incredible calmness whilst the lotuses danced around him. While he might be experiencing a sense of peace and calm, Raven remained attentive to his surroundings. Right now, he could tell that he was being tested by the consciousness of the praying mat, and though it might look like he was succumbing to the peaceful illusion it's creating, this is just on the surface. In truth, Raven was hardly moved from this spring. Even if he totally released his guard and allow this mat to deceive him, it was bound to be a failure. Raven's immunity against illusions were just too high.

Even the consciousness on the praying mat knew this as well.

Due to that, it didn't take long before the consciousness released Raven's consciousness and allowed itself to be taken. 

A smile appeared on Raven's face, he watched as the vessel used to contain the praying mat withdrew on its own, allowing Raven to take his new possession. 

Raven casually admired the praying mat on his hands, he reveled at its sleek surface and the soothing sensation it provides him. As he studied his new found treasure, he eventually figured out that his luck doesn't seem to be so bad.

'A Natural Spiritual Treasure huh? I wonder if anyone is aware that something like this exists here. Either way, its mine now, so its too late for them…'

Raven the nicked a wound on his finger and dropped a blood at the center part of the praying mat. Instantly, rows of information surfaced on his mind, allowing him to finally be aware of the true nature of the praying mat.

The actual name of the praying mat is Soul Attunement Praying Mat. It is a Natural Spiritual Treasure, meaning that its creator was the Heaven and Earth itself. Due to this, this treasure doesn't really fir the normal spiritual treasure rankings, but it is naturally formidable and useful.

While this thing has a physical form, that's only on the surface. The true benefit that gains from using this treasure is by absorbing it inside one's psyche. 

Without wasting time, Raven did just that. The praying mat then turned into a beam of light that eventually appeared on his psyche. Now if anyone could see the view inside Raven's psyche they will see that his soul is now sitting on the praying mat and in constant meditation. action

Raven then felt his soul shivering from comfort as soon as his soul started using the praying mat. Waves of cooling sensation flowed through his soul, soothing it and allowing it to appear extremely relaxed. Just now, Raven felt that his thoughts were incomparably clear. His senses sharpened yet again and some mysteries that were troubling him were finally answered. 

To top this all off, Raven could feel his soul recovering on its own, which what made him incredibly excited. The rate of recovery is extremely slow, from his estimations, his soul would recover one percent after one month. Raven's soul recovery is at 25%, which is roughly equal to Champion Knight in might, in order for his soul to recover 50% then he'll have to wait roughly two years, which is not that long. Unfortunately, he couldn't completely rely on the Soul Attunement Praying Mat to completely cure his soul, at most, once his recover reaches 60% then it will take more time and more resources in order to cure it even further. 

But even though that's the case, Raven was still immensely satisfied with his harvest. Just this praying mat alone already made this trip incredibly worth it. Not to mention that the more his soul recovers to its peak, the more sensitive he is about laws and the sharper his deducing skills gets…


"Hmm, well I'm already here, might as well take a look at the top floor." Raven murmured after making sure to check every treasure once more before ascending. 

As soon as he ascended, a vast and domineering wave of Spiritual Pressure descended upon him. However, just like before, he merely smiled and dispersed this spiritual pressure through a snort. However, since the quality of the treasures here almost reached at least Half-step Deity Rank, the treasures only behaved themselves properly and wasn't really that terrified of Raven's Spiritual Might. 

This was fine too, at least Raven wouldn't be bothered as he inspect one treasure after another. 

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"As expected, these treasures are really fearsome." Raven sighed as he continued expecting each treasure. 

While there are only ten spiritual treasures here, each of them contained fearsome might and are incredibly valuable. Everyone who gets the chance to enter the sect treasury was naturally eager to try reaching this floor. 

It had to be known that if any of the disciples of the Martial Emperor Sect, reaches this floor and was fortunate enough to grab one of the treasures here, then their might would allow them to reach the sky in one leap. 

But sadly, only one out of ten-thousand disciples had the qualifications to step foot on the fifth floor. As for actually obtaining one of the treasures here, then that's a different matter altogether. 

It didn't take Raven a long time before he managed to learn the names and uses of each treasure here. Fortunately enough, one of the treasures here managed to pique his interest, causing him to pay great attention to it. 

"Crimson Dragon Emperor's Gloves, huh…" 

This is the treasure that Raven had his eyes on. The gloves were bright red in color, undulating with tyrannical and overbearing aura. Its surface is covered of bloody red scales, the knuckles looked like bones and it has sharp nails resembling claws. The palm side is filled with vein like looking patterns and the gloves covered everything from the wrist up. 

According to the records left behind, this treasure is created by a famous smith using the corpse of a True Crimson Dragon Emperor. 

The leather is made out its tendons, boasting incredible toughness and elasticity. The vein like patterns on the palms are from its nerves and arteries, the bones on the knuckles are made out of the dragon's vertebra and scales covering it are the actual scales of the Crimson Dragon Emperor. After its creation, the gloves were then tempered using the Crimson Dragon Emperor's blood, making it an astounding treasure. 

However, according to its creator, this gloves were actually a failed product since the Crimson Dragon Emperor's soul dissipated before he finished creating, making its value plummet. If the soul was imbued with the gloves, then it would've been an Empyrean Ranked Spiritual Treasure, but since it doesn't have the soul of a true dragon, the it could only qualify as a Pseudo Perfected Deity Ranked Spiritual Treasure. 

"Well, I mainly use my fists to fight. If I could have this, then there is no doubt that my techniques will experience a massive boost in might. There's even a chance for me to imbue a true dragon's aura on each of my attacks whenever I use this."

"There's barely a year left before the next recruitment of Ancient Elysium Sect. And if I manage to be accepted, who's to say that I won't encounter a Crimson Dragon Emperor in the future? If I do, then it is possible for me to turn this into a true Empyrean Treasure."

"I'll take it!"