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VRMMO: The Unrivaled

Chapter 1442: The Final Mystery
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Chapter 1442: The Final Mystery


A cross-shaped sword aura slammed into a blue dragon’s spine and elicited many painful howls from the fearsome Sacred Dragon. It roared, "Dammit! Who are you? How are you a Divine Rank expert? And why are you so gentle and beautiful…"

Instead of answering, Sophie dropped from the sky and imprinted yet another Purgatory Cross Slash into the blue dragon’s spine. Blood spilled everywhere, and the dragon scales covering that area were completely destroyed. The blue dragon howled some more.

"Oh, it hurts! Who are you? I can become your eternal servant if you let me live, beautiful and gentle girl!" the blue dragon begged while wheezing in pain.

Sophie sneered, "Hmph! I’ve heard that the Blue Dragon Sword is a promiscuous dragon, and it looks like it’s true after all!"

She dropped yet another Purgatory Cross Slash on the blue dragon’s back, but this time she used the laws of fire to empower her attack. It burned away all the scales on its back and almost enough flesh to reveal the bones beneath it.

The blue dragon screamed even louder and tried to swipe Sophie away from its back. Unfortunately, Sophie easily knocked its tail away with a swing of her sword. Dragons were normally famed for their physical strength, but Sophie completely outperformed the blue dragon even in that department, much less everything else.

"Oh, it hurts so much!"

The blue dragon continued to beg, "My beautiful warrioress, I really will be your slave if you let me live! As a show of my sincerity, allow me to tell you a secret. I… I have cultivated to the point where I can assume a human form, and my… lower half can be any shape you’d like! It can be long, short, hard, thick; it’s 100% going to satisfy you if you would just give me the chance to prove myself!! I swear on my Holy Giant Dragon’s soul that I will provide you a service of the highest quality!"

Sophie turned a shade of purple before uttering, "I don’t need any service!"

She struck the blue dragon two more times, and finally its mouth was shut forever. It was because Sophie’s flames had burned its flesh away completely and left behind only a pitch black skeleton. Her power was truly unbelievable!


Meanwhile, Gui Guzi was laughing like crazy. "OMG, that blue dragon is such an idiot! My poor stomach! I cannot believe it actually tried to seduce Sophie, hahahaha…"

I asked a serious question while hugging my sword, "But why though? She’s a Purgatory Sovereign, right? Surely she has a harem of her own just like Coldblade and Thunder? Also, she said she doesn’t need ‘any service’, not ‘your service’. It almost sounds like…"

It was at this moment a sweet voice answered me, "Big brother, that’s because… Sophie is still a maiden…"

I looked up and saw Xinran floating above us and shooting me a beautiful smile. Her blood-red battle garment gave her a very heroic appearance.

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"I see…" I exclaimed in realization.

Xinran said, "I’m leaving to take out the other Sacred Dragons now, big bro! Otherwise, Sophie’s going to beat me in our race!"

I nodded. "Be careful, Xinran!"

"No worries, big brother!"

She was a thousand meters away before she even finished her sentence. A second later, another dragon let out a death roar before collapsing in a single hit. No one knows how powerful Xinran was right now, except that she now possessed the power to kill a Sovereign Rank boss in a single hit; a Sacred Dragon that we had to fight for hours while risking life and limb all the time…

It was highly doubtful that we players could ever reach Xinran’s level. Players couldn’t evolve into gods after all. [1]


All six remaining Sacred Dragons were dead in the blink of an eye, and the tides of Sainthelm Ruins began turning in our favor. There was no doubt that Sophie and Xinran played a pivotal role in this battle. No longer could the undead legion toy with us as they pleased.

Our quest still wasn’t over though. This meant that we still had to kill more mobs and obtain more contribution points.

"This feels incredible!"

Xu Yang grinned like a madman while killing seven or eight low health Lizardmen at once with his new Omnislash. "I’ve never felt more powerful than I am now! My contribution points are skyrocketing as well!"

Heaven’s Rain chuckled. "Yeah. No one is a match for big brother Lu Chen though. He’s the indisputable MVP of this event…"

I leaped down from the wall and landed inside the city. There were NPC legions, players and monsters all over the place. Despite this, Sainthelm Ruins was slowly but surely being occupied by the Silver Moon Alliance, and it looked like it was only a matter of time before the Purgatory Legion’s defeat was all but irreversible. Many things were still bothering me, however. For one, that powerful death energy emanating from the heart of Sainthelm Ruins was like a dark cloud that refused to fade.

I decided to distract myself by checking out the contribution point ranking for a bit. My placing looked as solid as ever—

1. Broken Halberd Sinks Into Sand (China) Points: 10072630

2. Wind Fantasy (China) Points: 6025200

3. Breeze and Rain (India) Points: 5550280

4. Lian Xin (China) Points: 5412680

5. Candlelight Shadow (China) Points: 5318700

6. Legendary Brave (China) Points: 5201400historical

7. Vienna’s Sorrow (USA) Points: 4983470

8. Luo River God of the Capital (China) Points: 4903430

9. God of War (India) Points: 4803740

10. Beiming Xue (China) Points: 4802900


Finally, my total contribution points had surpassed the 10 million mark. It was absolutely a crowning achievement of this event. The reason I was able to do it was thanks to all the bosses I killed, just like how Lin Yixin was able to surpass Breeze and Rain after killing Black Dragon Vitas and gaining its contribution points. Not only that, our cute little mage, Lian Xin, was looking like she would surpass Breeze and Rain as well. It would paint a most interesting picture if the top three players of this March of Chaos event were all from the China server. Despite the Northern Alliance, Cyan Earth City, Elephant City and Purple Grape City’s best efforts, they ultimately weren’t able to stop our march to become the king of this continent.

On another note, Beiming Xue had finally taken over Tear Stain and squeezed her way into the Top 10 as well. Of course, I had no doubt that the Korean girl would do everything in her power to climb back up. The competition would be fiercer than ever before!


A while later, He Yi said to me, "Alright, we can enter the heart of Sainthelm Ruins now…"

I nodded and looked behind me. "Those who think they’re powerful enough to survive the upcoming challenges, follow me. Otherwise, you should stay outside and kill the Lizardmen and tamers. Don’t say I didn’t warn you, but the chance that you may die to whatever’s waiting for us at the heart of Sainthelm Ruins is infinitely close to 100%!"

Xu Yang nodded. "I get it, bro. I’ll stay outside and grind the mobs with our players. Be careful!"


In the end, around 1,000 elites, almost peak-level players chose to follow me into the deep. Lin Yixin, Stranger of Three Lifetimes, Ling Xueshang, Come See The Snow Tonight and more were going in with their best players as well. As if on cue, the peak-level experts of all the servers walked side by side following the trail of the NPCs into the ancient map. Although we knew that there was an extremely high chance we would all perish in this battle, our curiosity ultimately trumped over caution. After all, the most powerful boss in the entire game, the Purgatory Ruler Lin Na, could very well be waiting for us at the end of this epic adventure!


As we ventured deeper and deeper into Sainthelm Ruins, our vision slowly became filled with ice. The surrounding temperature had also plummeted drastically as well.

Lin Yixin involuntarily pulled her robe around her before scanning the icy cavern around us dubiously, "This is strange… I’m feeling almost too cold despite being protected by the Crimson Crystal Dragon’s power…"

I was shivering like a leaf myself. "Yeah. It’s like we entered the quick-freeze compartment of a fridge or something…"

Not far away, Shadow Dancer Xue Wei answered my question softly, "You shouldn’t have come here. This is no normal cold; it has been conjured with divine powers."

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I answered, "Xue Wei, this is where the Dragon Speaker Binglan was buried, right? I was here during that war, but my level was so low that the boss easily one-shot me with Depravity."

Xue Wei nodded. "Yes, there is but one reason we are all gathered here today, and that is to awaken the Dragon Speaker from her slumber!"

Queen Sophia stopped in her tracks and looked at me. "In fact, Lin Na is targeting the Dragon Speaker as well. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have chosen to rebuild his undead fortress on this frigid land!"

Karinshan slowed down as well and explained, "Three years ago, when the glaciers of this land began melting, all Divine Rank experts immediately suspected that the Dragon Speaker Binglan was awakening from her slumber. She went so far as to sacrifice her own life force to seal the Great Saint, and now she has begun to regain her powers. Perhaps she is but moments from returning to this world. We would’ve stormed this place sooner if Lin Na wasn’t guarding this place himself, and we weren’t strong enough to challenge him…"

I nodded. It looked like all the threads were leading to the Dragon Speaker Binglan.

I looked toward the front and called out, "Xinran!"


Xinran stopped in her tracks before walking up to me. "What’s wrong, big brother?"

"Do you know Binglan?" I asked.

Xinran shook her head. "No. My consciousness has just begun forming when Binglan sealed herself in ice. After that, I fell to the Purgatory and endured 10,000 years of cultivation. Binglan is so famous that even in the Purgatory, I was taught that she was the Dragon Speaker and the strongest guardian of the human and dragon races… but…"

"But what, Lady Wind Singer?" Karinshan asked urgently.

Xinran pursed her lips for a moment before continuing in a worried tone, "If she really is the protector of the human race, why couldn’t I sense any pure or divine intent from this place? Why… can I sense only viciousness and ruthlessness…"

I shuddered and exchanged a glance with Lin Yixin. We both saw the worry in each other’s eyes.


"Watch out!"

A soldier’s cry suddenly erupted from the front. The next moment, many screams and the fresh stench of blood washed over us.

"What’s going on?"

I rushed forward even as Xinran and Sophie zipped past me. We entered the cave with a long passage and saw the crushed bodies of seven or eight soldiers.

"Dammit!" Karinshan swore softly.

Deep within the cave, there was a man kneeling on one knee and gripping a blade that crawled with lightning. He raised his head and shot us a malicious smirk. "Lady Karinshan, Lady Sophie, Lady Wind Singer, and Lady Sophie! You have kept me, Michael the Hollow Thunder, waiting!"

1. T/N: except they can, your Asura race has a rank that’s called Asura God… ☜