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VRMMO: The Unrivaled

Chapter 1385: Battling Flowing Cloud Once More
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Chapter 1385: Battling Flowing Cloud Once More

While Natural Flow withdrew their defenses and formed a tight circle around several hundred Ivory Towers, Ancient Sword Dreaming Souls’ cavalry surrounded them from the east, west and south. The north was where the Twelve Musicians players were. Zhou Ping summoned two fearsome-looking wolves with a swing of her Dragonbone Whip before ordering, "Our friend Ancient Sword has come to help us. Counterattack now!"

The Twelve Musicians had been holding back a belly of anger all this time, so they didn’t hesitate to act when the time was finally upon them. Thousands of elite knightresses charged toward the Dragon Punisher Archers despite the rain of death above their heads. Although they lost half their numbers almost all too quickly, some of them managed to get close to the Dragon Punisher Archers and unleash their Ultimate Strength Breaks. The battle was definitely growing more and more intense.



I activated Cyan Dragon Scale to increase my defensive stats and resistances even further and blocked the ridiculously powerful arrow rain with the Cyan Dragon Shield. My Guardian Dragon Armor also converted 10% of the damage I received into HP. When 6 minutes were up, I executed Xuanyuan Art again and lowered the opponent’s HP by another 50%. Since many of them hadn’t had the chance to heal back to full health, at least thousands of them were one-shot in an instant [1]. Their souls transformed into contribution points and pushed my score even higher.

All around me, hundreds of Dragonlight Cavalrymen were doing battle against the enemy with all they got, but unlike me, they kept collapsing one after another. Flowing Cloud had tens of thousands of Dragon Punisher Archers at her disposal, and their firepower was simply put, insane. At least 50% of the Dragonlight Cavalrymen who got close to them were being stunned by Shock Arrows, while the other half was facing a murderous storm of arrows. Our priests were still lagging at the back and unable to catch up to us immediately, so there was no avoiding some deaths.

I looked up at the sky and shouted at Gui Guzi and Li Chengfeng, "Little Gui, heal us with Shennong Tastes Grass. Chengfeng, start spamming your Ancient Divine Skill with me to take out the Dragon Punisher Archers! If we don’t take out at least 50% of the Dragon Punisher Archers, the Ivory Towers will eventually kill us all!"

In the sky, both Dragon Knights nodded in unison before getting to work.

A pair of bloody wings spread out behind Gui Guzi as he raised his Ghostblade Halberd into the air. His Ancient Divine Skill restored 75% HP to everyone around him and made them as ferocious as tigers again.

I also activated my Heavenly River Transformation, summoned a giant golden sword above my head before bringing it down on top of an entire column of Dragon Punisher Archers that was entirely too slow to run away. Their attempts to leap away or tank the Ancient Divine Skill with invincibility skills were of course futile. Only a handful of them triggered Impossible Escape and revived with 50% HP and MP.

Not only that, Li Chengfeng’s Crimson Firmament Slash joined my Xuanyuan Slash from the sky to form a gigantic cross slash. To our right, Heaven’s Rain also used her Tiger Wing Slash to uproot Natural Flow’s iron defense, while Chaos Moon seized the opportunity to bulldoze even more Ivory Towers into splinters.


Boom boom boom…

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Natural Flow responded by focusing much of their Galaxy Storms on Heaven’s Rain. At the same time, Flowing Cloud dashed past Heaven’s Rain and landed a flurry skill on her neck, and a Barrier Break through her chest, dropping the girl’s HP below 40% immediately. Behind Flowing Cloud, the mage wielding the Scepter of Divine Flame followed up with Ice Dragon Break that froze Heaven’s Rain and all of the players around her. One last Touch of the Dragonkiss, Heaven’s Rain became our first key player to topple in the Ancient Chaotic Secret Realm.


My gaze turned steely as I glared at the mage. Even with everything that was going on around me, I recognized the need to take this man seriously. A mage who could hit Heaven’s Rain for over 700k damage with a Touch of the Dragonkiss was absolutely terrifying. One might even say that he was only a short distance away from reaching Lian Xin or Stranger of Three Lifetimes’ level of firepower.

I glanced at the brief profile above the mage’s head—

Lui Lok LV-237 Frost Mage

Main City: Elephant City

Guild: Natural Flow

Guild Position: Vice Leader


As I thought, he was the godlike mage Flowing Cloud had recruited with the Scepter of Divine Flame as the lure. Lui Lok’s fighting style was simple but aggressive. He prioritized killing his target, and both his spell cycling and targeting were very textbook. If he could kill an enemy with Galaxy Storm, he would never waste another spell on them.


I gritted my teeth and called out to Beiming Xue, "Work with me to take out that Lui Lok!"

Beiming Xue nodded. "Big bro, remember to use the Song of Freedom to get him to drop his Scepter of Divine Flame. Let's get China one more of the Twelve Divine Armaments!"


When the timing was right, I dashed through a small gap between two enemies and fired three Ancient Seals to clear a path for myself. However, Flowing Cloud noticed my intention and didn’t hesitate to ride after me on her Pentacolor Divine Bull. She fired a skill called ‘Frost Magic Sword Slash’, and it could decrease my speed to a crawl. I couldn’t allow it to hit me, or I would be stuck neck-deep in a sea of enemies.

Thud thud...

I stopped in my tracks, and I stabbed my sword into the ground to slow myself even further. As a result, Flowing Cloud’s skill wasn’t able to hit me.

She let out a cold snort, but I simply ignored and ran right past her even after she scored a hit against my back. I made a hand seal with my left hand and dropped Myriad Swords Obliteration right on top of Lui Lok. Since he was standing at the center of the skill, there was no way he could physically run out of the way no matter how fast he was.

However, instead of the Blink I had predicted Lui Lok to use, he stomped the ground and encased himself in a pillar of ice. For 7 seconds, he was completely immune to my attacks. Interesting!

Behind me, Flowing Cloud ordered, "Dragon Punisher Archers, stun and kill our West King!"

A long time ago, I had made a fool out of Elephant City players by tricking them into thinking that I was going to join India. Therefore, every single one of them wished to kill me with their own hands and share the footage with the entire world to become famous. Naturally, their attacks grew even more ruthless.

I gritted my teeth and activated the active skill of my Dark Magma Poleyn, Dark Shield. The equipment had dropped from a Purgatory Sovereign, and the active skill gave me a whopping 30 seconds of invincibility shield. I wanted to kill Lui Lok before these 30 seconds were up!


All the attacks that hit my person were nullified when Dark Shield appeared. Flowing Cloud stomped her feet furiously while shouting, "Watch out, Lui Lok! Be ready to Blink at any moment!"

Lui Lok nodded in acknowledgement inside the pillar.

Of course, I knew he wouldn’t make it easy for me. Seven seconds passed in the blink of an eye, and Lui Lok didn’t hesitate to Blink away from me. He only had one chance. Either he dodged my attack, or he would be one-shot.

I sharpened my focus and began predicting the spot he would Blink to!

Would he blink 30 degrees toward the northeast? No, he probably wouldn’t. He would be out of his priests’ reach… He wouldn’t, right? Or maybe that’s why he would!

PvP was all about tricking the enemy, so I trusted my instincts and used Thunderous Charge precisely on that location. Just in case, I summoned my apparition and made it Charge in the opposite direction!


I got him. Lui Lok had chosen to Blink to the spot where there were no priests to heal him, but a ton of Ivory Towers to pin down the enemy. Unfortunately for him, his opponent was none other than me.


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Lui Lok knew he fucked up the moment he saw me charging straight at him. I drove my blade into his shoulder and wrapped him in the bloody Chains of Freedom. At the same time, Shock Arrow fell from the sky like magic and stunned him where he stood, giving the man no chance to even make one last effort to save himself. Beiming Xue had provided me with the support I needed just as she said she would. Despair welled in Lui Lok’s eyes. He knew exactly what was going to happen.

I let out a laugh as a bagua formation appeared beneath my feet, and Universe Break pierced right through his body. Chains of Freedom immediately removed 10 of Lui Lok’s levels and increased his equipment drop rate by 300%. It was GG for him!

Pop pop pop...

Lui Lok’s equipment dropped on the ground, and one of them was an unusually shiny scepter with fiery dragon wings on it. Hell yes! It has to be the Scepter of the Divine Flame!

My heart felt like it was about to stop as I stretched out my hand toward the scepter with lightning speed. Here I come, Scepter of Divine Flame!

However, right as I was about to make contact with the weapon, my body suddenly froze as “Stunned” label appeared above my head. Impossible! I still have my invincibility shield on! Who could possibly stun me through it?

Flowing Cloud ran out from behind me and claimed the Scepter of Divine Flame. She shot me a cute smile and said, "I like you, Lu Chen, but I can’t gift you the Scepter of Divine Flame. Bye bye for now. May we not meet again in this Ancient Secret Chaotic Realm!"

The Pentacolor Divine Bull let out a roar and took Flowing Cloud far, far beyond my reach. At the same time, she raised her sword and cried, "Natural Flow, time to retreat so that we might fight another day! Use the Ivory Towers to slow down the enemies while we break through the right! Go!"

I couldn’t do anything to stop her because I was still paralyzed. Gui Guzi and Li Chengfeng tried to chase after them only to be caught in Trapping Nets and get neatly pinned to the ground. However, a dragon knight was powerful even when they were immobilized, so no one dared to get close to them.

While this was going on, I checked the combat log and confirmed that I was stunned by Flowing Cloud’s S Rank Ancient Divine Skill, Rainbreaker. It dealt 110% damage and had a 100% chance to stun a target for 7 seconds. Thank goodness I was invincible, or Flowing Cloud could’ve killed me there and then.

I sucked in a deep breath. It was a shame that I ultimately failed to obtain the Scepter of Divine Flame, but at least I had forced Flowing Cloud to waste a precious cooldown.


I gritted my teeth as Natural Flow left the battlefield, as well as our reach.

Li Chengfeng said, "Shit, I can’t believe that one Natural Flow managed to kill at least 10000 of our Dragonlight Cavalrymen. We’ve never lost so many of our ace units in a single battle before!"

I nodded. "Yes. This proves that Flowing Cloud truly is a world-class strategist. She used the White Horse Cavalry to form an impregnable wall, the Dragon Punisher Archers to lay down crowd control, and the Ivory Towers to mow down her enemies. That mage of hers also added an element of unpredictability to the battle. In this type of positional warfare where Natural Flow was the defender, practically no one could defeat them without incurring considerable casualties. From now on, we shan’t charge recklessly if we run into them. We’ll just have our Holy Mages Far Shot their spells and burn both people and towers into ashes!"

Li Chengfeng grimaced. "Bro, that’s a bit ruthless, dontcha think?"

Me: "..."

Gui Guzi walked up to us and asked, "Now that that’s done, do we help Twelve Musicians fight against the boss?"

1. T/N: this is such utter nonsense, SIX MINUTES and you’re telling me that they couldn’t heal to full to tank another Xuanyuan Art? Where are the priests? If you’re telling me just hundreds then whatever, but THOUSANDS? ☜historical