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Unexpected Blessing After Divorce

Chapter 377
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Chapter 377 Get Out

Oliver glanced at Christopher and mocked, “What? You can’t do it? I thought that you have mastered the ability to

kill people mercilessly in the past three years. After all, didn’t you get rid of your former father-in-law with a swift


Christopher sneered, “You said it yourself. I was in prison. Now that I’m out of that place, I just don’t want to go into

that god-forsaken place again.”

“Don’t worry,” replied Oliver.

After saying that, the buoy on the lake kept swaying. Oliver lifted the fishing rod. With a hearty laugh, he said,

“There is fish on the hook again.”

Just as Oliver was about to pull the rod, he suddenly felt that the tension went loose. He lifted the rod and found

that there was nothing on the hook.

“The fish escaped,” Oliver grumbled.

Oliver dropped the fishing rod but he wasn’t angry. He continued, “Since I can get you out, I won’t let you in again.

Of course, the condition is that you have to know your place.”

Oliver went on. “You can go now. I’ve told Black Wolf about you. He’ll tell you what to do.”

Yuliana slept until the afternoon.

When she woke up, she became dizzier than before. She felt as if the whole ceiling was spinning. She was weak all

over, and her muscles were sore.

She thought it was because she stayed up late last night, so she lifted the blanket and forced herself to get out of

bed. However, as soon as she stepped on the carpet, she felt dizzy. She couldn’t help but sit down while using the

bed as a support.

She touched her forehead and felt it was feverish.

She wondered, “Do I have a fever?”

As Yuliana realized that, she groggily recalled that the last time she had a fever seemed to be more than a year

ago. It was after she had concluded Damian’s affair. She had a high fever for several days and couldn’t get out of

bed at all.

She took her phone and called Hailey. “Hailey, is there any fever-reducing medicine at home?”

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Hearing this, Hailey was anxious. “Yuliana, do you have a fever?”

Yuliana hummed in agreement. “I think so. Please help me get some fever-reducing medicine.”

“Okay, just lie down and don’t move. I’ll be right there.”

After hanging up the phone, Yuliana lay on the bed and couldn’t think about anything at all. Any movement made

her feel dizzy and wanted to vomit.

Soon, Hailey brought the medicine.

Seeing that Yuliana was sitting on the ground while her upper body was slumped on the bed, Hailey hurriedly helped

her up. When Hailey reached out and touched Yuliana’s forehead, the former exclaimed in shock, “It’s so hot!

Yuliana, you have to go to the hospital!”

Yuliana felt her ears buzzing. Her ears were hurting, and her body was so weak that she couldn’t exert any

strength. She couldn’t hear Hailey at all.

Hailey realized that Yuliana was not quite conscious and immediately called the emergency number.

More than ten minutes later, the ambulance arrived and took Yuliana to the hospital.

Hailey reached out to Hannah in advance and asked for the latter’s help to look after Rowan, who was taking a nap.

Then Hailey went to the hospital with Yuliana.

Yuliana got hot and cold flashes. When it was cold, her body shivered. When it was hot, she felt as if she was in the

oven, and the heat made her anxious and sweating non-stop.

The surrounding was noisy, but she couldn’t hear it clearly. The booming loud voices were like taking a train through

a tunnel.

After some time, all the voices disappeared and the whole world quieted down.

When she woke up again, it was dark.

After a while, she slowly saw the surroundings clearly through the dim light and realized that she was probably in

the hospital.

Her whole body was still weak. Her stomach was empty, but she didn’t feel hungry. It was just that her whole body

was sticky, which made her extremely uncomfortable.

She turned on the light in the ward, and the dazzling light instantly lit up the headboard.

She couldn’t stand it for a moment, so she closed her eyes subconsciously.

After nearly half a minute, she opened her eyes again.

She raised her arm and smelled her body, which was sour and smelly. She thought, “No wonder I feel sticky and


Thinking of this, Yuliana lifted the blanket and got out of bed. She planned to go to the bathroom to clean herself.

The bathroom in the ward was empty, and there was nothing but a basin.

She came out of the bathroom and opened the cabinets one by one. There were a lot of things inside. Other than

the necessary toiletries, she even found undergarments for changing.

Obviously, these could not be provided by the hospital.

Yuliana quietly stood next to the cabinet for a while. In the end, she decisively took what she needed and went into

the bathroom to take a shower.

However, after she rinsed the foam and was about to get a towel to dry her body, she suddenly slipped. She

screamed and hurriedly held the sink next to her, but accidentally overturned the basin with dirty clothes.

The basin fell to the ground with a clang, and the clothes were scattered around.

Yuliana panicked and forgot to react.

At that moment, the door of the bathroom suddenly opened from the outside. A familiar figure appeared at the

door with a worried look on his face.

Yuliana raised her eyes subconsciously.

The two of them looked at each other.

The man’s eyes slowly turned dark, and Adam’s apple bobbed.

When Yuliana came back to her senses, she immediately turned around. She wanted to take the bath towel on the

shelf, but she couldn’t reach it.

Just as she was growing anxious, a soft towel wrapped around her from her back.

Even without turning around, she could feel that the distance between them was close.

Even the hot air he exhaled could be felt.

Yuliana instinctively tightened her bath towel and urged in a low voice, “Get out!”

The man behind her paused for a moment. He then picked up the basin on the ground and placed the scattered

clothes into it. After that, he walked out of the bathroom and closed the door.

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Yuliana finally relaxed after hearing the door close.

She took a few deep breaths, then quickly wiped the water on her body and put on a clean outfit. She stood in the

bathroom for another two minutes before she opened the door and went out.

Standing by the window, the man was wearing a black shirt with his sleeves rolled up, revealing half of his strong


Thinking about what just happened, Yuliana’s body instantly tensed up again.

Christopher turned sideways and glanced at her. His gaze swept across her.

Yuliana had the false sense that she was naked. She pretended that nothing happened and walked to the edge of

the bed. She lifted the blanket and got in the bed. Only when the blanket was wrapped around her waist did she feel


“Why are you here?” Yuliana asked.

Christopher walked to the chair beside the hospital bed and sat down lazily. “Hailey said that you were in the

hospital, and she was worried about you being alone. She contacted Wesley, but Wesley had something to do and

couldn’t come. So she called and asked me to accompany you tonight.”

Yuliana more or less could guess what was going on.

She mumbled internally, “Hailey won’t let Rowan stay at home alone, but she is also worried about me. That’s why

she wanted to find someone to take care of me in the hospital.”

She frowned slightly. “You can see that I’m fine. I can handle it myself. You can go back.”

“You can handle it?” Christopher teased as he laughed. “Just like how you made such a big commotion after taking

a shower? Someone who is unaware of the situation might think that you have fallen into a pit.”

Yuliana was rendered speechless again.

Christopher then said, “Hailey told me that you haven’t eaten anything today. I bought ravioli. Do you want to

eat it?”

As he was speaking, Christopher casually picked up a packing bag from the cabinet beside the bed. He opened the

bag and took out a food container.

He put down the things that were in his hand after looking around. He then set up the overbed table before. placing

the ravioli on it.

Christopher lifted the lid and raised his eyebrows. “It seems to have melted.”