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Unconscious Husband: Meet Her Love In Silence by Ken Slaner

Chapter 902
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Chapter: 902

When Ariana was pregnant, she carried twins – a boy and a girl.

Regrettably, the girl’s heartbeat was feeble, prompting immediate placement in an incubator post-birth.

During that time, Ariana was frail, unable to visit her daughter frequently, but she was fraught with

worry for her.

Tragically, a fire erupted within the hospital. After securing Melon’s safety, Ariana dashed back to

rescue her incubated daughter.

But facing the raging fire, her attempts to save her daughter, just ten days old, were futile.

Helplessly, she witnessed the flames engulf the room of incubators, sealing her baby girl’s fate.

These successive devastations nearly shattered Ariana, pushing her mental state to the precipice.

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Only with the unwavering love for Melon and the support and encouragement of Sonia and Mitchel did

she find the strength to endure.

Without their presence, Ariana could have succumbed Long ago.

Amid these painful recollections, Ariana tenderly caressed Melon’s head, tears coursing down her

cheeks without restraint.

Melon, seeing Ariana’s tears, used his small hands to wipe them away.

Unable to hold his tears, he sobbed and uttered, “Mommy, please don’t cry. I didn’t mean to. I know

today is also my sister’s birthday, even though she’s not here. An elderly patient in the neighboring

hospital bed mentioned that burning things could reach those beyond. So, I wanted to burn a cake for

my sister on our birthday.”

From his earliest days, Melon understood he had a twin sister who departed shortly after birth

He was aware of Ariana’s profound yearning for his sister. She drank a lot yearly on his birthday,

shedding tears before a cake.

Melon inadvertently witnessed this once.

Consequently, he often surmised that Ariana’s sorrow would be alleviated if his sister were present. He

believed that if he presented his sister with a cake, she would return briefly to visit Ariana.

Hearing Melon’s words, Ariana’s eyes reddened. She had not anticipated his perceptiveness to be so

acute, his attention to detail so sharp. A pang of sadness tugged at her heart for him.

Her harshness from moments ago now weighed on her. With a twinge of remorse, she realized that he,

too, had been scared out of his wits by the fire.

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In a tight embrace, Ariana held Melon and gently wiped away her tears before her contrite words

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flowed. “I owe you an apology, my dear. The tone I took earlier was inappropriate. Did it scare you? Are

you hurt?”

Melon shook his head.

As her eyes lingered on the aftermath scattered across the floor, Ariana continued, “In the future, would

you let me in on such endeavors? We can do it together. And remember, toying with fire alone is a

perilous game. Do you hear what I am saying?”

“Yes.” Melon nodded obediently. His eyes still glistened with tears.

After offering her comfort to Melon, Ariana joined Sonia in her efforts to restore order to the room.

Although the fire hadn’t been serious, the idea of Melon sleeping alone did not sit well with Ariana. So

she took him to her room.

In a soft hum, she managed to Lull Melon into sleep.

Yet, sleep eluded Ariana herself. The return to her homeland rekindled years of memories, a cascade

of recollections that kept rest at bay.