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Turning Of the Tide by Diana Sander

Chapter 121
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Chapter 121

On the 13th floor where the inpatient department was, Sherri Landor sat down on her best friend’s

chair. She was so angry that her chest was heaving. From the moment she rode the elevator to this

level until now, the patient had yet to emerge from the surgery. Coupled with the argument outside the

operating theater, Sherri could not help but pity the pregnant


Natalie Foster looked at the furious Sherri and could not help shaking her head. She went to pour

Sherri a glass of water straight away. “Have a glass of water to calm your mood.”

Sure enough, this statement unlocked the pent-up emotions behind Sherri’s mouth. She took a sip of

water and started blurting indignantly. “You tell me. What kind of character did this pregnant woman

marry? She is going to give birth in two months, yet that man hat her until her head was split open. Is

that man human? He’s worse than a beast”

Natalie leaned against the edge of the othice desk and crossed her arms in front of her chest. She

sighed and said, “There has always been an element of gambling in marriage. Which woman can

predict that she will be doted on like a princess for the rest of her life? Marriage is a risky venture in

itself. Otherwise, why would so many people say that marriage is the tomb of love? Love and marriage

are two different entities entirely. When two people are in a romantic relationship, they can act all lovey-

dovey with each other But marriage is all about the harsh realities of life. How can these two be the

same? Haven’t you realized that many women get married after a whirlwind courtship? That’s because

a woman gets all muddle-headed during such a whirlwind courtship and then decides to get married


Sherri turned around and raised her head to look at Natalie while blinking her eyes. “Natalie, where did

all your marriage theories come from? Why do they tend to reflect disillusionment with the mortal


Natalie smiled. “I don’t intend to renounce the world. Have you forgotten that I’ve already collected one

marriage and one divorce certificate?”

Sherri still felt uncomfortable when her best friend mentioned her divorce so casually Fortunately,

Trevon Wilson didn’t like Natalie at that time At least there was no domestic violence.

Sherri began to recall the idol dramas she had watched. “Why do you think men are all animals that

think with their lower bodies? Why are there so many people who cheat when their partners are

pregnant? Can’t they just endure for slightly over nine months? Why do they have to go out to mate?

Aren’t they afraid of getting infected with diseases?”

A female doctor came in and happened to overhear these words. She was amused. Dr. Landor, I can

tell you are not married when 1 hear you say such things

Sherri turned around and asked the female doctor, “Why? Did I say something wrong? Don’t tell me we

women become pushovers when we’re pregnant? Why can’t men control their urges? And they still

engage in domestic violence. They’re really spoiled Sherri was still engrossed in this matter.

The female doctor explained many post-marriage matters to Sherri, such as why a man couldn’t control

his urges but a woman could. Sherri was astounded as she listened.

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However. Natalie felt that Sherri was right about one thing. The most taboo things in marriage were

domestic violence. psychological abuse, and having extramarital affairs.

Marital domestic violence would repeat itself after one had endured it once. Domestic violence was like

giving the victim a slap, followed by giving the victim a piece of candy. This process was repeated

again and again. Domestic violence either. never happened at all or happened countless times.

In Natalie’s mind, cheating in marriage was equivalent to a betrayal. Whether it was cheating with the

mind or cheating with the body, the essence was the same. A betrayal was a betrayal.

In the case of Harry Foster, Mom probably couldn’t stand Harry’s betrayal and finally jumped off a

building due to depression.

Though Natalie didn’t approve of what her mother did, she couldn’t change anything either.

Therefore, what she hated the most was cheating in a marriage. If one partner didn’t love the other

partner anymore, then he had simply fallen out of love with the other party. This could not be used as a

reason for one partner to cheat on the other. It was just an excuse. That partner could say in advance

that he didn’t love the other partner anymore, but he shouldn’t betray her.

However, how many men and women would tell their wives or husbands that they didn’t love their

partners anymore and they should get a divorce just before cheating?

Jim Hawk stood outside the door and listened for quite a while. He silently put away his cell phone and

stuffed it into his pocket. He knocked on the door politely. Perhaps the people inside were too

engrossed in their conversation. They did not notice that someone was standing outside the door.

Upon hearing the knocking on the door, all the doctors turned around at the same time and looked at

the door without exception. “Im looking for Dr. Foster,” Jim said politely.

Natalie was astonished for a moment, thinking that Trevon Wilson was up to no good again. “What…

what’s wrong with him again

“No, no. I need to go out and attend to something. It’s just that Mr. Trevon isn’t used to being taken care

of by others. Can I

request for the nurses help to keep an eye on him while I’m away? That was right. Jim was referring to

Trevon’s smoking habit. At the rate he was going, he would either die of a concussion or smoke himself

to death.


A person’s death could be earthshakingly momentous or totally insignificant. Smoking oneself to death

was a little too


In reality. Trevon had instructed Jim to investigate the matter about Trevon’s wife and child that Natalie

mentioned in the morning. However, Jum could not say this Trevon was already struggling alone in his

quest to win back his wife Jim could not impede his progress

There was no change in Natalie’s expression and she was very professional “Sure The nurse at the

nurse station will go over to check on him.”

“Thank you. Mrs Dr. Foster”

Sherri looked at Jim’s back profile and could not help but sigh. “Sigh! It’s really tough to be a scumbag’s

assistant. What right do you think he has to have such a loyal assistant?”

Out of the blue, Natalie said, “I guess those whose names have the letter J are all loyal

Sherri immediately thought of her biological brother’s assistant, Kyle Jenkins. He seemed to be very

loyal too. It seemed that she had to look for people whose names contain the letter J if she wanted to

hire an assistant in the future

The weather in February was seemingly not bad. It was another bright and fresh morning, and small

white fluffy waves appeared in the blue sky Rays of sunlight scattered on the ground, making the

ground appear as if it was covered in a layer of gold

Maintaining a good mood every day was the only way to not let down this good weather.

Today, Jasper woke up very early and pestered Natalie Mommy, don’t earn money. Go out and play”

Natalie thought that this new phrase must have been taught by the domestic helpers. She slowly

squatted down, picked up the small bundle of joy from the floor, and kissed his little face. “But Mommy

has to go and earn money to buy delicious food for you.

To her surprise, her son shook his head. “Don’t earn money. Go out and play”

Natalie pouted and tried to act cute as she said to her son. “But I can’t Mommy still has to go to the

hospital to help other people When you were sick, didn’t you also ask Ms Rose to help you get the little

bug out? Then Mommy also has to help other people get the little bug out too. Otherwise, they will feel

very awful”

The little fellow didn’t nod at all. He simply hung his head and wasn’t in a very good mood.

At this moment, the nanny came out and said with a smile. “Mr Jasper might be feeling bored. He stays

at home every day and doesn’t go out much. Miss Ruby isn’t around either, so its inevitable that Mr.

Jasper wants you to accompany him. In the past, when he was in Sapphire City, Miss Turner and Mrs.

Turner played with him. Now that he’s in such a quiet place, he’s not very used to it.”

Natalie had also thought about this problem. It was also possible that the child had played too wildly

when she had brought him out for the weekend and now he couldn’t sit still. She thought for a moment

and said, “The weather is quite good today Why don’t you bring him to the children’s playground at the

edge of the neighborhood district to play? There are many activities for children there. It’s indoors as

well so there is no need to worry about the sun. I’ll tell my elder cousin to get someone to drive you

guys there

“Mm-hmm Okay” Jenny and the others didn’t find it strange that the Turner family would send people to

protect Natalie This was because it was the same when she was in Sapphire City. Now that she had

returned to Athana, the Turner family would definitely still do the same

Natalie handed her son to Jenny “Jasper, Mommy will call Uncle Joseph and ask him to send someone

to bring you out to play, okay?

At the mention of going out to play, the little fellow’s dull little eyes instantly lit up. His little mouth curled

up as if his scheme had succeeded. He kept nodding like a chicken pecking at grains. He held the milk

bottle and gurgled happily, his little eyes glued to his mother

Natalie walked to the balcony and took out her cell phone to call Joseph Turner. The call was answered

immediately. Joseph, are you awake?

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A voice as gentle as a warm breeze rang out from the other end “When has your older cousin ever

slept in? What’s wr Did something thorny happen?

Based on Josephis understanding of his younger cousin, she wouldn’t call him so early in the morning

for two region unlo involved something she really couldn’t resolve.

“It’s just that over the weekend, I brought Japer out and we had a wild time. Is the end, today, he

couldark si

need to rush to work o 1 cart bring him out to play. I’m worried about the two helpers driving be

get the people following the to help drive the car and bring them out to play?”

There was a pause on Joseph’s end and there was no immediate answer. Uncle Daniel’s voice then

rang out from the other end of the line. Joseph’s phone must have been snatched away. “Natalie, are

you too busy? Why don’t I send a private plane to bring Jasper over and let your aunt take care of him?

We’ll send him back again on Memorial Day. We kind of miss him when he’s not around.”

Natalie burst out laughing. “No need, Uncle Daniel. It’s good enough to just take him out for a walk.

Maybe he got addicted to having fun over the weekend.”

When he heard Natalie’s rejection, Daniel Turner on the other end of the line did not force her. Natalie’s

wishes were the top priority above everything. He would never compel or pressure her.

“Alright. Let us know if you’re too busy.”


Joseph picked up the phone again. “Why don’t I buy you a new car? That way, it’ll be easier for you to

go to work. It’s safer to drive. That vehicle of yours is too fast.”

Natalie couldn’t help smiling. “Joseph, I still like two wheels. Four wheels get caught in traffic jams too

much. The jam can be so bad that I’m starting to doubt whether this is real life.”

The person on the other end of the line laughed. “Then you take care of yourself. Pat came back

injured a few days ago. I’ll get Ethan to be your driver so that it’ll be easier for you guys to take Jasper


Natalie had met Joseph’s personal bodyguards before. Pat and Ethan followed Joseph closely

wherever he went and never left his side. Before her older cousin left, he actually left his most

important bodyguards for her.

In an instant, Natalie’s heart felt warm all over. People who were surrounded by love were always

blessed and contented. After breakfast and after the little fellow finished his milk, he was carried

downstairs together with the helpers. Joseph acted very fast. There was already a tall and strong man

standing downstairs and he appeared very vigilant. He looked to be in his thirties and his hairstyle was

the simplest buzz cut.

Ethan called out politely, “Miss Natalie.”

Natalie nodded slightly. “Sorry to trouble you.”

“It’s my responsibility. I’ll protect Mr. Jasper well. Don’t worry.”

“Thank you. Jasper, Mommy is leaving. You have to listen to Jenny and the rest. Also, when Mr. Ethan

says that you

to certain places, you mustn’t go, understand? Otherwise, we won’t be able to go out to play next tim

After Natalie issued instructions for everything, the few of them parted ways and went to their