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Turning Of The Tide (Natalie and Trevon)

Chapter 470
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Chapter 470 Early the next morning.

Rose skipped down the stairs, while Frank followed behind, carrying two suitcases. His gaze was fixed on his sister's feet.

“If you don’t want to go to Haililand and prefer to stay in the hospital, then keep jumping around,” Frank remarked.

Sure enough, in the next second, Rose walked obediently.

She had made a complete outing plan with Edward. Nothing must go wrong.

When they arrived downstairs, Mr. and Mrs. Roberts instructed, “Be careful. Rose, do you have enough money? If not, Daddy will give you more.” Before Rose could speak, Frank said teasingly, “Someone is paying.” “That won't do. Edward and | are different. How can we be the same?” William glared at his annoying son, Frank.

Frank disregarded William's gaze and pushed the suitcase out to the car.

Rose said, “Daddy, | have enough money. | received some pocket money from Frank last night. If it’s not enough, I'll ask him for more.” Grace said, “Have fun.” “Okay, Mommy,” Rose said playfully as she hugged Grace, William, and Frank before walking out with a hint of disdain.

When she arrived at the courtyard, Edward was already waiting there. Upon seeing the Roberts couple, he politely greeted, “Mr.

Roberts, Mrs. Roberts.” William put on airs and spoke unhurriedly, his hands behind his back, resembling a dean. “Yes, take good care of Rose,” he said.

If anything went wrong, it would be disastrous.

Edward replied, “I will.” Compared to William's fake attitude, Grace was much more polite. She calmly replied, “Hello.” After the Roberts couple left, Frank handed the suitcase to Edward. “Take it.

he said.

Edward smiled and took the suitcase. He opened the trunk and placed it “e’re going different ways. Carry it yourself,” “I'll protect her,” he promised.

“Remember what you said. Protect her well,” Frank emphasized, with only one request in mind: for Rose to be happy and safe.

Rose thought, “We're at the same airport. Why are we taking different routes?” Ignoring his sister’s doubts, Frank got into the car and started the engine. Rose was left puzzled, but Edward understood her concerns. “Perhaps your brother boarded the plane at a different time than us.

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et's go,” he reassured her.

Frank was heading to Sapphire City on a private plane, which could be accessed at any time without any issues. On the other hand, Rose and Edward were purchasing tickets. Although the Landor family also had a private plane, Rose was different from other girls. She enjoyed actively participating in life.

She felt that on the private plane, it was just her, Edward, and the captain, which made the journey quite dull. Buying tickets for commercial flights, on the other hand, offered the possibility of encountering interesting experiences. After all, wasn’t the beauty of life often discovered during various journeys? After getting into the car Rose automatically buckled her seatbelt. Before Edward started the car, he apologized, saying, “Rose, | have a business meeting with a client at noon, so...” Rose interrupted, saying, “Then go ahead. | won't get lost, anyway. Are you going to talk in Haililand too?”, “Yeah. | might be a little late. I'll come back as soon as we finish talking. | apologize for any inconvenience,” Edward replied.

“Well, it's just a small matter. It's not like you're going to another country to discuss something. It's fine. Go ahead and don’t worry about me. I'll wait for you in the room,” Rose replied, reassuring Edward.

Edward was taken aback by Rose’s words, sensing a deeper meaning behind them. “Okay,” he froze and replied.

When he arrived at the airport, Kyle was already waiting.

Seeing Rose, he nodded as a greeting. Kyle looked at the two of them with their fingers intertwined and had an expression of satisfaction.

A few hours later, the three of them arrived at the hotel in Haililand. Kyle walked in front of Rose with the luggage and went to the front desk to get the room cards.

After a while, Kyle came back with the room cards and handed one of them to Edward. “Business in this hotel is quite good. We can only book two rooms at the last minute. The presidential suite is already not available.” 1/4 15:51 Chapter 470 Rose didn’t mind. When she was traveling in Artroyland, she also slept in a suite. It was just two rooms.

On the other hand, Kyles thoughts were not simple. He knew that Edward was too well-behaved. He could guarantee that their relationship was still pure and did not go any further.

After entering the elevator, Kyle pressed the button for the floor. The elevator slowly went up to the 12th floor.

Kyle's room was next door to Edward's. Before entering his room, he said, “I'll meet you downstairs in the hall at twelve.” Edward nodded and swiped the key card to enter the room. The room was very luxurious, but it was not a suite with many rooms. It was like a bachelor apartment with everything, including one room and one bed.

When he saw the layout of the room, Edward had already guessed Kyle’s motive. However, he could not expose it. He could only turn to Rose and ask for her opinion, “Rose, there's only one room and one bed. Why don't | go downstairs and ask if there are any other rooms?” Obviously, Rose was also stunned. However, she quickly accepted the situation and was not a pretentious person. She had met the parents of both parties with Edward and had been talking to them for a long time. “So be it. There are two outcomes to sleeping on the same bed. We can sleep together without anything happening. Our hearts are calm and pure. Edward, you candoit.” After saying that, she even patted Edward's shoulder like a friend, acting like a big boss. When she was done, she even nodded to express her encouragement.

Edward was not confident at this moment. Perhaps he was not as pure as Rose said.

After packing her luggage, Rose prepared to sleep in the room. She was too awake on the plane just now and did not fall asleep.

She wanted to catch up on her sleep so that she could enjoy her time later.

The assistant beside Edward was quite good-looking, but he spoke very little. He couldn't say anything more than Edward. It was unclear how the two of them usually communicated.

As she thought about it, Rose fell asleep. When Edward came out of the bathroom after changing his clothes, he saw Rose sleeping on the pillow. The blanket was not covered, and her phone was pressed under one side of her face.

Edward walked closer and gently turned Rose over. He covered her with the blanket and turned her phone to silent mode. He placed it on the head of the bed and rubbed her cheek. Perhaps it was a little itchy, and Rose touched her face with her hand.

Edward stood by the bed and watched for a while before quietly leaving the room.

Kyle was already waiting downstairs. Edward said to him, “You did it on purpose.” Kyle naturally understood what Edward meant because he indeed did it on purpose. He hoped that Edward and Rose would not stop there. It would be better if they could take their relationship further and get married. “You've been stagnant for a long time.

You have to move forward,” Kyle said.

Edward smiled.

Kyle guessed that Rose did not object to his arrangement. Otherwise, Edward would not have such an expression and attitude.

“If she did not object, it means that she does not dislike you,” Kyle said.

Edward didn’t know how to respond to this, so he simply remained silent. He believed in letting nature take its course. As long as Rose wasn't willing, he wouldn't make any advances towards her.

At night, Kyle helped the half-drunk Edward to the door and rang the doorbell. After ringing for a long time, there was no response.

Just as Kyle was about to turn around and go to the next room, the door to Edward's room opened. Rose, still wearing her morning dress, rubbed her sleepy eyes and squinted at the two people in front of her.

At that moment, Edward's cheeks and neck were red. He leaned against Kyle in a daze, a strong smell of alcohol emanating from his body. He was quiet and would not make a fuss even when drunk. Rose, already half awake, yawned and asked, “Is he drunk?” Edward's entire weight was on Kyle as he mumbled in a daze, “Go to your room. Rose doesn't like it.” Ignoring Edward’s drunken instructions, Kyle continued to speak to Rose, “Yes, the contract has been negotiated. He had a few extra drinks. I'm sorry.” Rose also heard Edward's words. Even in his drunk state, he was still concerned about whether she liked him or not. Her heart ached slightly, but she was also deeply touched. Edward had always been considerate of her feelings. “It's okay. Then... um...

give him to me,” Rose said, referring to taking care of Edward.

“Let me help him inside. I'll assist him in getting settled before coming out,” Kyle said, showing his meticulous nature, afraid that Rose would be disgusted.

Rose did not refuse but looked concerned. Previously, when she accompanied Edward on a business trip to the countryside, Edward also experienced stomachaches. It seemed that he had consumed alcohol at that time. “Would he be like this every time he discusses business? Isn't it very harmful to his body?” Rose asked.

2/4 15:51 Chapter 470 Kyle replied, “No, he’s not much of a drinker. Miss Roberts, could you please help me bring his clothes over? I'll assist him in changing.” She was his girlfriend, so it would not do if she let the assistant change his clothes. Rose’s heart ached for Edward. “I'll do it. Just help me get him onto the bed,” she said, determined to take care of him.

“Edward's fractured leg was worth it,” Kyle said, exaggerating a bit. In reality, it was just a fractured bone and not a broken leg, but he didn’t feel the need to explain it further.

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Hearing this, Rose looked at Kyle in confusion. “Edward’s leg was broken? When did that happen?” she asked.

Rose wondered why she didn’t know about Edward's leg injury, especially since he would come to pick her up in advance every day. If he had been injured, it must have happened before they started spending time together.

She hadn't heard Edward mention it either.

Kyle, this time, was smart and spoke up for Edward. He explained, “Previously when Edward was overseas, he bravely saved a girl. Later on, he discovered that the person he saved was you, Miss Roberts. At that time, he fought against several individuals alone, who were armed with knives and wooden sticks, just to protect you. Unfortunately, he ended up fracturing his leg during the altercation. He had to hide overseas for two months, lying to his family about working with the business. He only returned to Athana when he was able to walk again.” Upon hearing this, Rose's heart felt heavy and aching. She was deeply touched by Edward's selfless act of protecting her Tears slowly welled up in her eyes, and her hands clenched into tight fists, hanging by her sides.

Kyle said again, “Sorry.” Rose shook her head and forced a smile. “Thank you for sharing this with me. I'll take care of him. You should go and rest.” “Sorry to trouble you.” Rose replied, “I'm her girlfriend.” As Rose was left alone in the room with the unconscious Edward, tears continued to stream down her face. A single teardrop rolled down and blurred her vision. She squatted by the bed, her hand trembling as she reached out to touch Edward's legs.

However, she realized that she had forgotten to ask the assistant which leg had been broken.

Edward seemed to be in discomfort, covering his stomach with one hand. Rose guessed that his stomach was bothering him and called softly by his ear, “Edward, is your stomach hurting?” After sleeping for a while, Edward felt a little better. He placed the back of his hand on his forehead and frowned. “Yes.” Rose helped Edward sit up, placing a pillow behind his back for support. She gently touched his face and said, “Are you awake a bit? Can you sit up?” Edward, with a splitting headache, frowned slightly as he saw Rose taking care of him. He couldn't help but feel a sense of guilt.

“Didn't | tell Kyle to take me to his room? How could | have burdened Rose with my drunken state?” thought he.

Still not fully awake, Edward opened his eyes and shook his head, attempting to clear his mind. Meanwhile, Rose rummaged through her luggage and returned shortly after.

In her palm, Rose held four small pills. She extended her hand towards Edward and spoke gently, “Take these hangover and stomach medicines first. I'll get you a towel to wipe your face.” Edward, half-awake, reached out and grabbed Rose's hand, stopping her from getti shower after | fully wake up,” he said.

He smelled of alcohol all over, busy. “Don’t go. I'm going to take a him. The towel wouldn't get it off. Edward realized that he had been relying on Rose’s care and felt a sense of guilt. He understood that it was not fair for her to always take care of him in such situations. He wanted to be the one to take care of her, as he had promised to bring her here to have fun. However, he found himself needing her assistance once again when he was drunk.

Rose, being more sensitive to alcohol and having a low tolerance, usually avoided drinking. She didn't particularly enjoy the taste of alcohol, but she didn’t mind taking care of Edward. “Alright then. Let me know if you start feeling unwell.” Seeing Edward propping himself up, Rose assumed he wanted to go to the bathroom. “Do you need to use the restroom? | can help you.” Edward was speechless.

“No, I'm going to sit on the sofa and try to sober up. Could you please call the customer service and ask them to change the sheets? It smells like alcohol, and | don’t want you to be uncomfortable sleeping at night,” Edward replied, concerned about Rose's comfort.

As there was indeed a noticeable smell, Rose didn’t object and called customer service directly. Edward, half-lying on the sofa and awake, could see the concern in Rose's eyes. “Are you still feeling unwell? Should we go to the hospital?” she asked, genuinely worried about his well-being.

Despite his own discomfort, Edward's concern for Rose’s comfort and well-being was evident. His selflessness and thoughtfulness made him more than just a warm person; he was truly a remarkable and caring individual.

3/4 15:51 Chapter 470 Edward pinched his eyebrows and neck with his fingers, trying to alleviate the discomfort. “No need to go to the hospital. I'm feeling much better now. Just give me half an hour.” “Alright,” Rose replied, her worry evident in her voice. She had never taken care of a drunk person before, so she was unsure of what to expect. She made a mental note that if Edward still felt uncomfortable later, she would take him to the hospital for further assistance.

A few minutes later, customer service arrived and cleaned the room, changing the sheets as requested.

She even placed a refreshing fragrance in the room.