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Tsundere Wife And Kawaii Kid

Chapter 42
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Chapter 042
The Car Crashed into the Sea Molly was so scared that her soul was out of his body. Her heart was beating rapidly as if almost jumping out of her chest. If they
had collided with the truck in front of then just now, even if they had a safety belt, they would have been dead for sure at such a fast speed. It didn’t matter if she
died. But what about her three children? Molly didn’t dare to shout at Iván anymore. Instead, she begged in horror, “Ivan, i beg you. Don’t be like this...” Vroom!
The car started up again. Like a wild beast that had lost control, it roared and rushed into the traffic. “Ivan, stop! bee you!” Ivan seemed to not hear her, and kept
accelerating. The car kept overtaking in the traffic, Every time Ivan overtook a car, it was extremely thrilling. Fortunately, his driving skills were excellent. Every
time he seemed to be about to collide, he passed by. “Ah! Ah!” Molly was so scared that she closed her eyes several times. Even though she was wearing a
safety belt, her hand still tightly grasped the
safely tabin the car. She must not die For the sake of her three children, she must not die “Ivan, don’t be like this...” Molly grabbed Ivan’s arm and kept begging
Ivan was very irritable in his heart Hedid not know what he was coing to do. He only knew that he was so alunoyed that he was about to explode He just wanted
to drive fast and vent. “Ivan, stop the car! I’m begging you!” Ivan drank wine and now he was driving. This was a very dangerous act. The speed of the car was

getting laster and faster, and it had already reached a speed of 140 kn/h Moreover, this was a winding road.
There was not much distance to go before the big turn. With the speed, it was very easy to get intodanger. “Ivan, stop the car!
What the hell is wrong with you? Ah! Ah!” Molly was scared out of her mind. If this went on, there would be a car accident. She
wanted to jump off the car. But with such a high speed, jumping off the car would be even worse. “Ivan, stop right now!” Molly
tried to stop Ivan from speeding up. All of a sudden, a car came from the opposite side. Ivan was driving too fast. He quickly
turned the steering wheel. But it was too late In a moment of desperation, Ivan suddenly turned the steering wheel in the
opposite direction Thud! Bang! The car crashed into the puardrail beside the road and plunged into the sea. “Ah!” Molly cried out
in shock and shut her eyes tightly. Bang! Plop! The car smashed heavily into the sea. The huge impact caused Molly to lose
consciousness for a moment, and her mind went blank Ivan slammed his head heavily on the steering wheel. Then the safety
alrbag popped out... Five minutes later Molly wadually wokr up She opened her eyes slightly and instantly broke out in a cold
sweat. The car had begun to uke on water, and it had already drowned haltway Ivan fairted. “Ivan, wake up! The car is in the
Ivan did not react at all. It was dark in the car and it could only be vaguely seen by the streetlights on the shore. Ivan’s lead was
injured and his entire face was covered in blood. Molly was so scared that her heart trembled. She shook Ivan in panic. “Ivan,
wake up...” More and more water flooded. Molly panicked and did not care to call out to Ivan. She quickly pushed the car door.
Unfortunately, there was water in the car. Under the strong water pressure, the car door could not be opened at all. “Where is the
salety hamuner?” In the car, there would usually be safety hammers. In case the car fell into the river, it was used to smash the
window However, even after searching the front of the car, there was no safety hammer. The water had already reached Molly’s

chest. Molly didn’t have time to think. She quickly took off her high heels and smashed crazily at the weak spot on the edge of
the car window. Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!
After a few dozen more crazy smashes, the car window finally loosened. Molly smashed it a few more times, and the window finally broke. She climbed out of the
window. At this time, the car was full of water. Molly waited for the car to balance and swam to the other side. Fortunately, the water pressure in the car was
balanced. Molly opened the door and wanted to drag Ivan out. However, Ivan was strapped in, and it was dim in the water. Molly searched for a long time, but
still couldn’t find the safety buckle, She couldn’t hold it in anymore and had to come out of the water to breathe. But she didn’t dare. If she did, the car would
probably sink into the water. Ivan was still in the car, and he was unconscious. If Molly didn’t save him, he would die. In fact, at this time, Molly could give up on
saving, Ivan and escape on her own. Molly held her breath and used her last breath. Finally, the safety buckle was unlocked. Molly dragged Ivan out of the car.
Splash! They finally emerged from the water. Molly took a few deep breaths before she could breath more easily. “Ivan, wake up...” Ivan was about 18 meters
tall. It was almost impossible for Molly to drag him ashore. However, Molly did not give up. She wrapped her arms around Ivan’s armpits and struggled with all
her might to swim to the shore. Ivan was soaked in water, and his consciousness was slightly restored. He was half awake and half dazed. Vaquely...
Ivan seemed to have returned to the situation when he was drowning ten years ago. It was also at this moment that a thin and delicate ligure appeared. Tluat
person drapped his heavy body and struggled to swim to the shore His sealed memories seemed to be opened up.