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Triumph Above All novel

Chapter 874
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Chapter 874 Shut Up

Jeremiah's heart was almost in his throat when he overheard their chat.

The Hernandez and Miller families both observed Skylar arriving from a distance.

Skylar was carrying a child and was accompanied by two women his age.

Easton became enraged when he saw Skylar strolling leisurely.

The Hernandez family had put on such a magnificent show for today's battle, and Skylar not only arrived late but

also brought his family and friends, which was obvious disdain.

He had little regard for the Hernandez family or Jeremiah, a master on the List of Legendary Beasts!

When Skylar and Yulia arrived, Easton couldn't wait to take a step forward and snarled at Skylar, "Skylar, I didn't

expect you to show up!"

Rhett and those behind him sneered as well.

"Did you get your head caught in the door, Skylar?" You want to die; that's good, but you took your family and

girlfriends with you; do you want them to die with you?"

"Or are you afraid of being alone on the road to the underworld, so you enlisted the help of others?"

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Adriel, who was standing next to Rhett, didn't say anything, but he was ecstatic in his heart.

Jeremioh's heort wos olmost in his throot when he overheord their chot.

The Hernondez ond Miller fomilies both observed Skylor orriving from o distonce.

Skylor wos corrying o child ond wos occomponied by two women his oge.

Eoston become enroged when he sow Skylor strolling leisurely.

The Hernondez fomily hod put on such o mognificent show for todoy's bottle, ond Skylor not only orrived lote but

olso brought his fomily ond friends, which wos obvious disdoin.

He hod little regord for the Hernondez fomily or Jeremioh, o moster on the List of Legendory Beosts!

When Skylor ond Yulio orrived, Eoston couldn't woit to toke o step forword ond snorled ot Skylor, "Skylor, I didn't

expect you to show up!"

Rhett ond those behind him sneered os well.

"Did you get your heod cought in the door, Skylor?" You wont to die; thot's good, but you took your fomily ond

girlfriends with you; do you wont them to die with you?"

"Or ore you ofroid of being olone on the rood to the underworld, so you enlisted the help of others?"

Adriel, who wos stonding next to Rhett, didn't soy onything, but he wos ecstotic in his heort.

His gaze was drawn to Yulia, and he couldn't help but think about how, if Skylar died, he could take advantage of the

circumstances and completely win her over.

If something happened to the idiotic lady, Jacinta, who had just stood solidly by Skylar's side, he wouldn't move a

finger to save her.

Skylar's heart didn't flutter in the face of Easton and Rhett's ridicule.

He couldn't care because they were just ants.

At the time, he fixed his focus on Jeremiah and mockingly asked, "Jeremiah, really?"

"I turned a blind eye to you the last time I was in Syldavia." What, you're not going to give up till you're dead at my



Everyone in the room stared at each other as soon as Skylar's words were spoken.

Did Skylar imply that he had not only met Jeremiah, but that he had nearly killed him?


Jeremiah was a legendary beast master on the List of Legendary Beasts.

Skylar was just a random country bumpkin.

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"Shameless!" rebuked Easton immediately. Jeremiah is a top master on the List of Legendary Beasts; dare you..."

"Stop talking!"

Jeremiah walked forward and bowed to Skylar before Easton could finish his sentence, "I, Jeremiah, pay my

respects to Mr. Stone!"

"Mr. Stone, I had no idea the Hernandez family wanted to deal with you before I arrived here. I would never dare to

have any ideas if I knew it was you, even if I was given a mountain of gold."

"My admiration for Mr. Stone is limitless, like a raging river."

Jeremiah didn't care about his face at this point.

After all, the man in front of him might order the annihilation of the Perez Clan, which had been rooted in Eastern

Alvonia for hundreds of years, with a single order.

Even a top-tier master like him, who could summon a hundred thousand dragons at will, couldn't provoke.

Jeremiah's booming voice rang out throughout the venue.


Everyone was stunned and unable to talk.

They couldn't believe what they were hearing or seeing.