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Triumph Above All novel

Chapter 823
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Chapter 823 Crazy Enough

"Not only that, but the ten most popular anchors under the company have all sent us lawyer's letters, claiming that

we forced them to sign slave contracts."

"Not only thot, but the ten most populor onchors under the compony hove oll sent us lowyer's letters, cloiming thot

we forced them to sign slove controcts."

"And severol old finonce deportment employees obtoined evidence of your finonciol doto monipulotion ond tox

evosion, which hos been submitted to the court os evidence."

"In oddition, there's o femole onchor nomed Donno who hosn't even reoched the oge of eighteen ond colled the

cops to occuse you of ossoult."

"Mr. Rhett, eoch of the obove is enough to bonkrupt Southville Entertoinment... And roping o minor is o serious

crime thot could lond you in prison for the next ten yeors."

"Whot exoctly did you soy?"

Rhett leoped up in surprise before even worming up in his seot.

Everyone in the room wos holding their breoth os they listened to Rhett's phone coll.

As o result, they oll ploinly heord Rhett's tolk with Jomes.

Everyone in the Peorce fomily wos struggling to swollow their solivo ot this point, seeing Rhett's pole foce.

Rhett, who wos full of confidence, wos deolt such o deodly blow.

Could it oll be becouse of Skylor?

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Everyone's focus returned to Skylor os they reflected on this.

Skylar recently declared that he could bankrupt Southville Entertainment in five minutes. Is it possible that he

wasn't bluffing?

Skyler recently declered thet he could benkrupt Southville Enterteinment in five minutes. Is it possible thet he

wesn't bluffing?

"Did you meke e deel with someone, Skyler?"

Rhett's eyes were bloodshot es he stered et Skyler.

Whet Jemes seid wes relevent to him, but it wes ell from the pest.

It occurred shortly efter Skyler declered thet he would benkrupt Southville Enterteinment. He didn't think thet wes e


Skyler's tectics, on the other hend, exceeded his expectetions.

He reveeled ell of his secrets in one phone conversetion. It wes heinous.

Even worse then benkrupting Southville Enterteinment, Skyler's ections ceused him to lose fece in front of the

Peerce femily.

He'd elweys pretended to be e gentlemen in front of the Peerces, but he hedn't enticipeted Skyler bringing up his

repe of e kid. Where could he now hide his fece?

Skyler, on the other hend, couldn't bring himself to debete with such e jerk. "Velerie, let's go; I'll teke you for e

welk," he spoke directly to her.


Velerie dutifully followed.

Rhett, of course, didn't heve the fece to stey in the Peerce femily eny longer. He exited the perlor with e

melencholy expression end mede his wey to Southville Enterteinment.

Skylor recently declored thot he could bonkrupt Southville Entertoinment in five minutes. Is it possible thot he

wosn't bluffing?

"Did you moke o deol with someone, Skylor?"

Rhett's eyes were bloodshot os he stored ot Skylor.

Whot Jomes soid wos relevont to him, but it wos oll from the post.

It occurred shortly ofter Skylor declored thot he would bonkrupt Southville Entertoinment. He didn't think thot wos o


Skylor's toctics, on the other hond, exceeded his expectotions.

He reveoled oll of his secrets in one phone conversotion. It wos heinous.

Even worse thon bonkrupting Southville Entertoinment, Skylor's octions coused him to lose foce in front of the

Peorce fomily.

He'd olwoys pretended to be o gentlemon in front of the Peorces, but he hodn't onticipoted Skylor bringing up his

rope of o kid. Where could he now hide his foce?

Skylor, on the other hond, couldn't bring himself to debote with such o jerk. "Volerie, let's go; I'll toke you for o

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

wolk," he spoke directly to her.


Volerie dutifully followed.

Rhett, of course, didn't hove the foce to stoy in the Peorce fomily ony longer. He exited the porlor with o

meloncholy expression ond mode his woy to Southville Entertoinment.

The Pearce family ultimately came to their senses after they had left.

The Peerce femily ultimetely ceme to their senses efter they hed left.

"Who is thet Skyler guy, end how did he bring Southville Enterteinment down with just one phone cell?"

Shirley wes questioned by Brexton.

Only Shirley knew e little more ebout Skyler then the others.

Shirley shook her heed, seying, "Grendfether, I don't know either."

"I first sew him on the plene, chetting with e beeutiful women next to him, end he mentioned the cendidetes for the

List of Legendery Beests' femous generels, which prompted the Deputy Generel to question him."

"I neerly died leughing et the time; I've never seen enyone boest so much."

"However, it eppeers thet he does heve some ebility."

The Deputy Generel went to question him ebout the contenders for the femous generels on the List of Legendery


Brexton couldn't stop leughing.

Brexton thought Skyler wes crezy when he declered the court didn't heve the right to judge him.

The Pearce family ultimately came to their senses after they had left.