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Triplets’ Mighty Mom

Chapter 89
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Chapter 89 Fake Woman Camila panicked. Silas hated it when someone insulted him, and she could imagine what he would say,

so Camila quickly told her, “Miss Jones, of course he can court me if he likes me, but consent is

important. Your cousin came to my house and forced me to date him. When I refused, he asked his

men to subdue me so he can rape me. They trashed my house, and he said he would f*ck me until I

die. Is this how your family’s men court women? If it wasn’t for Mr. Nolan’s timely arrival, I couldn’t have


sitting here now.” Aleena looked at her with fury. “I don’t know how he courts you, so why are you

telling me that?”

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Camila looked at her. “Nothing. Maybe he took your advice the wrong way, or maybe he took your

orders the wrong way.” “You suspect me of being the mastermind? I already told you, no.” Aleena

frowned. Before Camila could reply, Silas said, “And that’s why you’re here instead of the hospital. I

called you over to tell you that I roughed your cousin up, so if you want an explanation, come to me.”

Camila looked at the tearful Aleena with no sympathy. Crushing on someone wasn’t wrong, nor was

curbing a bad habit, though she felt annoyed getting caught in this crossfire. Camila didn’t believe it

when Aleena denied playing a part in this, so she wouldn’t sympathize with her. I’ve already let last

night’s matter slide, so this is all on her.

Silas stood up. “I’ll send you back,” he told Camila. Camila nodded, but then she refused him. Silas

didn’t allow her to refuse. “Come with me. I need to talk to you about something.”

Camila grunted and left with him, then Xavier and the man with the mask followed. In the end, only

Aleena and Robin were left.

Tears fell down Aleena’s cheeks, then she lay on the table and cried. He’s so cruel. Doesn’t he know I

like him? How can he do this to me?

It wasn’t until Silas had left did Robin make a sound. Because his mouth was sealed, everything he

said was muffled. Aleena looked at him in disgust and wiped her tears away before tearing the duct

tape away from his mouth. “Aleena-” “Don’t talk to me!” Aleena snapped. “Are you dumb? Why did you

sell me out?” Robin said sadly, “Aleena, you have no idea what I went through. It was hell, I tell you.

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Look at my wounds! I thought I would be dead!”

Aleena’s dark look was a stark contrast to the crying mess she was a moment ago.

“But did you die? No! You almost killed me though! You had one job, and you blew it! How hard is it to

bed a woman?! Don’t follow me from now on!” She wanted to leave. Robin panicked, and he held on to

her leg while begging, “I did my best, Aleena! That woman knows how to fight, and she beat all three of

us!” Aleena shook her leg to break free from his grasp. “Then f*cking get more men to do the job! Just

get her enemies! Right, there’s someone you can ask for help from.” On the other hand, Ben and Lyla

had come out from Ruby Palace and gone into their car for a while. The more Ben thought about it, the

angrier he was. I’m not going to take that lying down. Lyla glanced at him. She knew Ben might be a

flirt who sweet talked everyone easily, but the guy was a chauvinist. She knew Ben didn’t necessarily

like Jessica, but her crying scratched his image, so one thing led to another, and this happened.