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Too Much to Bear My Love

Chapter 901
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Chapter 901 Arrested

“Don’t assume I’ll offer you my gratitude even if you send me home, Amelia. I do not want charity from you,” spat

Isabella angrily.

Accepting charity from Amelia felt worse than cutting a blade through her flesh, for she looked like even more of a

failure when compared to Amelia’s elevated status.

Amelia looked at Isabella dispassionately, her lips curling into a mirthless smile. “Don’t worry, Ms. Walker. I will have

someone send you back later. I only brought you to a hotel because I was concerned that your body might not be

able to take it while you drag yourself on the ground.”

“I don’t need your help. Drop your act.” The smile on Amelia’s face melted away. “Jolin, call the police in a bit. Tell

them that Ms. Walker was abandoned here by her family, and help to remove her is requested.”

Jolin already came up with a statement for the police upon hearing that. All the while, Isabella’s face contorted with


Tiffany gave a thumbs up appreciatively. Amelia sure is discreet while toppling others over. She might look harmless

while remaining silent, but her words sting so badly if she chooses to speak.

Sure enough, Jolin called the cops to retrieve Isabella. Upon hearing that, Isabella grabbed a pillow from the bed

with her uninjured arm and cast it in Amelia’s direction while cursing in frustration, “F*ck off! All of you!”

It’s my biggest misfortune to meet both Amelia and Tiffany in my life! Amelia dodged the pillow and bent over to

pick it up.

“We’ll leave once the police arrive,” Amelia promised. Isabella’s chest heaved as she yelled in the loudest voice she

could manage, “F*ck off!” Tiffany couldn’t help but cover her ears as the woman bellowed.

Yet, Amelia merely observed Isabella’s manic behavior with much calmness, starting to pity the latter all of a

sudden for having come to such an end after all the hard work she had put in.

Isabella’s wretched state had her lamenting about the fact that the lowliest of people were also often abominable.

“Calm down, Isabella. You’re degrading yourself by lashing out like this,” Amelia stated.

Isabella panted vehemently, her chest heaving. “Drop the act, Amelia. I wouldn’t have been in such a state if it

weren’t for you. Your husband was the one who broke my limbs, and my wretched state is all your doing!” Isabella


She couldn’t stomach the grudge of Amelia keeping the honorable position as the matriarch of the Clinton family

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while she had become incapacitated. Before that, she had assumed that all that belonged to Amelia was hers, only

to be robbed of them all in the end.

Tiffany had mixed feelings when she heard that.

She’s just playing the blame game.

“Instead of being reduced to a beggar on the streets, you would still be the beloved daughter of the prestigious

Walker family if you didn’t try to steal what belongs to others, Isabella. You brought this upon yourself. There’s no

one else to blame.” Tiffany found her ridiculous.

Isabella glared at Tiffany resentfully.

As the two of them were at a stand-off, Tiffany cracked her knuckles, itching to punch Isabella.

Amelia shook her head at Tiffany.

The police arrived quickly. Nobody opened the door when they knocked, but the door opened the moment they

turned the knob.

The two police saw Isabella lying on the bed alone when they entered.

“We have received orders from the chief to send you back home to the Walker family, Ms. Walker. Please come

with us,” said one of the police.

They went out of their way to come to the hotel after getting a call from their chief. None of them dared dally when

they heard it was a special request from someone.

Meanwhile, Isabella wished she could choke both of the police while staring at them intently.

No one dealt with her case when it was reported to the police that she got incapacitated, but the chief stepped in

when Amelia was the one who made the call.

“I’ll be in your care, Sir.” Despite her feelings of bitterness, she dared not offend the police while in such a wretched

state. She feared being left to fend for herself on the streets.

After the police sent her back home, they also issued both Carol and Noah a warning. If they were to leave Isabella

on the streets ever again, they would be detained for two weeks.

Carol had the housekeeper get Isabella upstairs before personally seeing the police off.

It wasn’t until after the police were gone that Carol and Noah exchanged glances before entering Isabella’s room


“Why did the police send you back, Isabella?” asked Carol.

She didn’t believe for a second that the police would be enthusiastic enough to assist Isabella without questions.

“It was Amelia who had them send me home. She mentioned that she wouldn’t hold me accountable for my past

deeds and that I could call her for help if you ever bullied me again,” Isabella lied through her teeth.

There was a flicker of hope in Carol’s gaze.

On the contrary, Noah studied Isabella suspiciously.

“Is what you said true, Isabella? Was it Amelia who had them send you home?” Carol questioned fervently.

If Amelia was indeed her savior, we could still have Amelia put in a good word or two for us in Oscar’s presence and

have him spare us.

“Mom, do you think the police would be as nice to send me back if that wasn’t the case? I was lucky that they didn’t

take me for a lunatic.” Isabella intentionally bent the truth.

Carol seemed to have found her saving grace.

“Ask Amelia for mercy, Isabella. Oscar obeys everything she says. You were the one who caused all of this, so you

should be the one to deal with it.” Carol grabbed Isabella’s hand. “As long as you’re able to get Amelia to spare us, I

will hire the best doctors to fix your limbs, and you will still be my dearest daughter.”

Isabella looked at Carol impassively, a hint of mockery in her eyes.

So this is the true character of my immediate family.

“Mom, I think it’s a good thing that the Walker family went bankrupt. With me in such a state, it feels nice to be able

to have you fall with me,” Isabella ridiculed.

Having been discarded by the Walker family, she couldn’t help but mock them.

Carol’s expression changed drastically after she heard that.

“What did you just say, Isabella? If it weren’t for your presumptuousness, the Walker family wouldn’t have come to

this! I’ll incapacitate your right arm and turn you into a useless person for scoffing at us instead of lending a helping


“I already am one, even without you doing that, Mom. I’m waiting for the time when all of you descend into

misfortune as well.”

“You’ll really have to beg on the streets if misfortune befalls us.”

“I was left on the streets even before the Walker family was officially bankrupt. It won’t be a surprise if that

happens again after the family actually is bankrupt.”

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Boiling with hatred, Carol choked Isabella by the neck.

“Let me just choke you to death lest my heart gives out from this frustration!”

Isabella was still smiling despite her face being all red from being choked.

“Watch out, Mom. You’ll be sent behind bars for killing your daughter. Now that I’m already a cripple, it sounds like a

nice idea to be able to drag you down with me before my death,” Isabella quipped with difficulty, her face still


In a fit of rage, Carol clutched her fingers even tighter around Isabella’s neck, so much so that Isabella’s face

turned crimson.

Noah stepped forward to pull Carol away.

“Calm down, Mom,” he urged.

Carol glowered at Isabella in chagrin, her chest still in pain from the exertion.

Meanwhile, Isabella was coughing violently but burst into laughter as she did.

Both Noah and Carol turned to check on her, unaware of what triggered the outburst.

Isabella carried on with her laughing fit, only to burst into tears later on. She wailed loudly as if venting all of the

feelings of helplessness and melancholy that she had experienced.

Carol furrowed her brows, having lost all hope for Isabella.

My daughter is too far gone, and so has the Walker family reached its demise.

There was a knock on the door before a housekeeper’s voice came through. “Mrs. Walker, the police have arrived

and are looking for Mr. Walker.”

Panic fleeted across Carol’s face as she held Noah’s arm.

“Why are the police here, Noah? Haven’t they already taken your statement?” questioned Carol in distress.

“Don’t get all anxious. Let me check on the situation. I guess I’ll have to help with another case. I am definitely

innocent. I haven’t done anything, so the police wouldn’t do anything to me without reason.” Noah managed to

speak with some composure.

During that time, he had been extra cautious while doing anything. Even when word came out that he had been

evading tax, the police released him after taking his statement due to the lack of concrete evidence.

He assumed that things would more or less be the same that time around, but he was too self-conceited. It wasn’t

until when the police handcuffed him that he realized things were going south.