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Too Much to Bear My Love

Chapter 492
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Chapter 492 Apology

The next morning, Carol instructed her maid to load the car with gifts before getting into the car with

Noah and Isabella.

Noah was driving while Carol and Isabella were seated at the back of the car. Carol then started a

conversation with Isabella. “Isabella, please be nice when we’re at the Clinton residence. Since Olivia’s

impression of you isn’t too bad, perhaps you could cheer her up with some nice words so that she’d

forgive you for what happened to Tony. Anyway, just please watch your temper, okay?”

“Don’t worry, Mom. You don’t have to nag at me. I know what to do,” Isabella answered.

Carol heaved a sigh and appeared weak to appeal to her daughter’s good side. “Isabella, I’m sorry for

the harsh words I said to you last night. I was just on edge. However, you’re going to get married soon,

anyway. So why don’t you consider helping the Walker family while you’re still here?”

Isabella was heartbroken upon hearing that. How could she say that? How could she be so biased?

Am I not her daughter?

Despite how she felt, Isabella answered obediently, “You’re right, Mom. Once I’m married into the

Clintons, I’ll definitely help the Walker family. As for Stephanie, she’s going to get married to another

family, eventually. By then, I’m sure I’d have more say than her. In that case, I do wonder why are you

not helping me instead, Mom? Everyone in the upper-class society knows I’m about to get engaged

with Oscar. If that doesn’t happen in the end, wouldn’t the Walker family be embarrassed? Mom, you

don’t want that to happen, do you? This would ultimately affect Noah’s reputation as well. If the Walker

family turns out to be the joke of the town, do you think Stephanie would still be willing to marry him?”

Carol immediately gave her an intense stare upon hearing that.

Isabella stared back at her innocently and added, “Mom, it’s not that I’m hoping for that to happen. But,

why don’t you put some effort into me as well? Even if Noah ends up marrying Stephanie, what’s the

point? The Walker family’s fortune would end up being shared among all the members of the family.”

Carol sank into deep thoughts.

Silence then ensued in the car.

Before they knew it, they had driven into the Clinton residence.

Upon getting out of the car, Isabella held Carol’s hand and made their way toward the entrance. As for

Noah, he had to carry all the gifts on his own.

Carol felt bad and asked, “Can you manage, Noah? Do you need my help?”

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Before Noah could respond, Isabella hastily said, “Mom, let him be the gentleman he’s always

portrayed himself to be. Mrs. Clinton might even like him more if she sees that. If you help him, Mrs.

Clinton might think he’s so weak that he has to ask us women to carry for him. Am I right, Noah?”

In response, Noah merely glanced at her. “I can manage, Mom.”

Carol kept silent after that.

Upon walking into the house, Olivia and Owen were nowhere to be seen.

Instead, a butler greeted them, “Welcome, Mrs. Walker and family.”

“Where’s Olivia?” Carol asked nicely.

“Mr. and Mrs. Clinton have gone to the hospital. Apparently, the red spots on Mr. Anthony weren’t

getting better. They were worried about him and decided to pay him a visit. They did instruct me to let

you guys wait for them. They should be back soon,” the butler said.

Carol immediately got anxious as well. “Is Tony okay? Perhaps I should go and pay the boy a visit as

well. It saddens me to know that he’s suffering. After all, it’s Noah and Isabella’s fault that this is


“It’s all right, Mrs. Walker. Mrs. Clinton said you guys should just wait here instead,” the butler replied

with a domineering tone.

Without a choice, Carol and her kids could only sit on the sofa and wait.

Just like that, five hours had gone by.

By then, it was already lunchtime. Surprisingly, the butler didn’t prepare lunch for the guests.

Instead, he approached them politely. “Mrs. Walker, it’s almost twelve. Would you guys like to head

back for lunch before coming over again?”

Carol’s expression changed instantly. Is this how the Clinton family treats their guests? Olivia didn’t

even tell me she wouldn’t be around. Worse still, the butler didn’t even prepare a meal for us! Are they

trying to humiliate us?

The more Carol dwelled in her thoughts, the angrier she got. Right at that moment, Noah held her hand

and shook his head slightly. Only then did Carol manage to regain her composure. If she were to lose

her temper, her efforts over the past two years would’ve been wasted.

“It’s okay. We’re not hungry.” Carol smiled.

Initially, Carol thought the butler would prepare them some food out of courtesy. However, he said

indifferently, “All right. Please wait here then, Mrs. Walker. I’m going out for a while.”

With that, the butler left.

The three of them were left alone in the spacious living room.

Isabella’s face was filled with annoyance when she grumbled, “He’s crossing the line, Mom. When Mrs.

Clinton returns, we should report him. How could he treat the guests this way?”

Although Carol was fuming, she knew things were not as simple as they seemed to be. “That’s enough,

Isabella. Can’t you see he did it under Olivia’s instructions? Do you think he’d dare to treat us so badly

on his own accord? It seems like Olivia really is pissed off at us. Please cheer her up with some nice

words later, Isabella.”

“Mom, do you think Mrs. Clinton is that petty?” Isabella wasn’t convinced.

Carol threw her a glance and chuckled coldly. “Olivia might seem harmless and innocent on the

surface. But, don’t take her as a simpleton. Not only did she manage to butter up the late Mr. and Mrs.

Clinton, but she also made Owen fall head over heels for her. Besides, can’t you see how much a man

as capable as Oscar respects her? She’s good at getting what she wants. Naturally, whoever gets on

her good side will definitely get to enjoy endless benefits. Besides, she could stop both of you from

having a relationship with her kids with just one word if she’s provoked.”

Upon hearing that, Isabella couldn’t help but feel her mother was exaggerating. “You’re being dramatic,

Mom. You’re giving Mrs. Clinton too much credit.”

Carol cast her daughter another glance. She’s still so immature and gullible. She doesn’t know how to

look beyond the surface.

“You’re still too young and naive, Isabella. You’ll finally realize how influential she is once you’ve

married into the Clintons. One thing is for sure, Olivia is the one who has the final say in all of the

Clintons’ affairs. Although Owen and Oscar are very business-minded, they’d still follow her instructions

out of love.” Carol pondered for a while before adding, “Isabella, the reason I’ve asked you to fawn over

her is so that you could get married to Oscar sooner. However, it seems like you have yet to capture

their hearts. To be honest, I’m quite disappointed in you.”

Isabella was speechless upon hearing those words.

After five hours of waiting, Owen and Olivia finally returned.

“Olivia, the butler told me Tony’s condition isn’t getting better. Is he all right?” Carol rushed over to greet

them. “Olivia, I’m sorry for what happened. Noah and Isabella are very remorseful as well. I’ve brought

them here to apologize to you.”

In response, Olivia cast an emotionless glance at them. Unlike before, she was cold toward them.

After Owen and Olivia had sat down on the sofa opposite, Olivia said gently, “The butler told me you

guys have waited for us for five hours. I’m so sorry for that. It’s just that Tony’s condition didn’t improve

at all. Although the doctor said it’s not a big deal, Tony has been complaining about the itch. As his

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grandma, I feel so heartbroken because there’s nothing I could do to help. If only he didn’t drink the

yogurt, such a thing wouldn’t have happened.”

Based on what she said, it was obvious that Olivia was holding grudges against the Walkers.

Carol shuddered for a bit when she heard that. However, she continued to act apologetic. “This is all

Noah and Isabella’s fault. They’re not even that young anymore. They should’ve been more careful. I

feel so bad after I heard what happened. That’s why I brought them here to apologize formally.”

With that, Carol threw a glance at Noah and Isabella. “Go on then, apologize to Olivia and Owen now.”

Noah and Isabella abruptly stood up. They walked up to Olivia and bowed respectfully. “Mrs. Clinton.

We’re so sorry. This is all our fault. We just wanted to have a taste of the yogurt in the first place.

However, we’ve given it to a boy in the residence when we decided not to drink it. We had no idea Tony

would end up drinking it. If we knew, we wouldn’t have bought it. We’re very sorry.”

Olivia’s expression eased up. “Noah, Isabella, I’m not an unreasonable person. I know you guys didn’t

mean to hurt Tony. However, he’s my grandson. It hurts me to see him suffer. That’s why I couldn’t help

but blame you guys. Please don’t blame me for acting this way.”

“Mrs. Clinton, it’s our fault, regardless. My brother and I won’t hold it against you. Honestly, you’re like a

mother to me, Mrs. Clinton. I would hate myself if you end up not loving me the same way again

because of this incident, Mrs. Clinton.” Isabella lowered her head apologetically.

Olivia couldn’t help but sigh as she looked at her intently.

“I’m very sorry, Mrs. Clinton. I didn’t mean for all of this to happen,” Isabella added with an obedient


“Sit down, both of you.” Olivia pointed at the sofa and added, “Both of you are my nephew and niece,

respectively. I won’t be too harsh on you guys. However, I think Noah and Stephanie should stay apart

from each other for a while. I don’t think Stephanie is ready to be a daughter-in-law yet. She’s as

stubborn as a mule. I need her to better herself in the meantime. Otherwise, she wouldn’t be a good


Hearing that, Noah trembled a little. However, he calmed himself down immediately and asked politely,

“Are you asking us to break up, Mrs. Clinton?”

“Don’t misunderstand me, Noah. I just want the two of you to spend some time apart. Since she’s so

stuck in her ways, she’ll only trouble you.”

“I don’t mind that, Mrs. Clinton. In fact, I find Stephanie’s strong-headedness personality cute. No

matter what she does, she’d still be adorable in my eyes.”

Olivia’s eyes flashed with a hint of anger at that.