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Too Much to Bear My Love

Chapter 330
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Chapter 330 They Finally Met

Since Amelia and Tiffany were moving, Derrick saw to it that they had everything they needed. As for

Rory, she did not know if she should leave with the ladies or stay back. After all, she was on Jeremy’s

payroll and was hired to take care of Amelia in the first place.

She was utterly dumbfounded when she saw Derrick for the first time. Never in her life had she met

someone so charming and handsome. He was so perfect it was as if he walked straight out of a fairy

tale. The man took her breath away when she first saw him. She could hardly conceal the admiration in

her eyes. In fact, she was so taken over by her infatuation Tiffany had to glare at her to ward her off.

Standing beside the car, Rory took another look at Derrick before turning toward Amelia. “Do you want

me to go over and take care of you?”

Rory had her own hidden agenda. She was enthusiastic and dutiful, not because she actually felt

reluctant to leave Amelia. It was because she knew working for them was the only way for her to see

Derrick again. Since Derrick would choose someone who looked average, just like Tiffany, Rory figured

she stood a chance with him as well. She told herself she just needed to put in some effort to attract his

attention. Ultimately, her goal was to make it to the doorstep of a wealthy family and enjoy a good life.

She wanted a life of material gratification.

She had worked hard her whole life for the day when she could finally realize her dream. In the later

part, she met all sorts of rich people while she was serving Amelia. She first fell for Derrick, and then

Oscar. She pulled many ridiculous tricks just to gain their attention, but she ended up making a joke out

of herself every single time. After everything she went through, she came to the realization that

marrying into an affluent family was not the only way to attain happiness. A plain and simple life could

also bring happiness.

She understood this lesson late, but it was better late than never. She eventually married someone

ordinary and enjoyed her simple family life with the people she loved. If she had insisted on staying in

the circle of the rich, she would lose herself for wealth and materialistic pursuits, but all this happened

much later.

Before Amelia could answer Rory, Tiffany beat her to it. “Rory, you’re a college student. You can do

much better than just being a caregiver. I already got Derrick to find you a job in Beshya. It’s a

secretary position at a huge advertising company. You’ll be working for the general manager. What do

you think? I think this job is the best fit for you. Besides, the compensation is agreeable too. Six

thousand a month is just the initial salary. It can only increase from there. And there will also be annual

bonuses and other employee benefits. I can see you flourishing in this career if you try your very best.”

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Tiffany thought Rory would gladly take up this appealing offer. After all, this was not a chance that

would come by easily. Rory had just graduated, so a job like this would be a much-coveted opportunity.

To Tiffany, there was no reason why Rory would turn her down, but to her disappointment, the girl

rejected this job without even a second thought.

Tiffany was appalled at Rory’s decision. She was no idiot, and she knew exactly what plan the young

girl was brewing in her mind. It was conspicuous what her intention was, but Tiffany did not want to

expose her. She knew someone like Rory would turn out to be crooked if no one taught her a lesson.

Someone should let her understand that her beauty should not be exploited as a tool for her to charm

other men for the wrong reason.

Those successful men out there were not dimwits. They had seen a lot of women with the same tricks.

“I really appreciate your kindness, Tiffany, but I would rather stay with Amelia to take care of her.

Besides, we have already signed a contract, and I haven’t even served my term. So, I can’t just leave

and take up a new position with another employer. It has not even been a month, and I need to, at

least, be professional,” Rory said with a straight face, but to Tiffany, she sounded like she was writing a

drama script.

Despite Rory’s attempt to make everything sound reasonable, Tiffany squinted her eyes and looked at

the girl carefully.

Rory quickly went over to hold Amelia by the arm, talking to her endearingly. “Amelia, I like you a lot,

and I’m willing to go wherever you go. Can I follow you?”

Amelia, of course, knew from the start what Rory was playing at. She did not want to judge Rory at first

because they had not known each other for long, but now that Rory had rejected Tiffany’s offer, she

understood everything. After all, she had spent so many years living among the Clintons. There was no

way she would not see through this ploy.

She might have lost her sight, but she was still clear-headed. Even so, Amelia thought the girl had not

done anything to harm her. Although Rory might have impure intention, she had not acted on it, so

Amelia decided to just turn a blind eye. At the end of the day, Rory had just stepped into society, so it

was understandable that she had her own naive thoughts and immature fixations. Amelia thought she

would change her mind after experiencing the real world, that she would soon realize seducing men

with her looks would only end up hurting herself.

Even at this point, Amelia still wanted to give Rory the benefit of the doubt. She did not want to make

her into an utter villain because living like those people would be too pathetic.

“Rory, I think you should really consider taking up this job. The remuneration is good, and it’s a

prospective job. You know it’s impossible for you to score a job at a company like this given your

qualifications and work experience. Tiffany asked Derrick for a favor to help you land this job, so I do

think you should just accept it. You’re already in your twenties, and you can’t be a caregiver your whole

life. You’ve been responsible and dedicated in your service to me, and I really like you too. Hence, I

hope only for the best for you.”

A mysterious sheen glimmered in Rory’s eyes, and a sweet smile quickly followed. “Amelia, nothing

can sway my decision to stay by your side. Looking for a job can wait. It’s not too late to start in two

years’ time. I know you care for me, but I really do want to be here for you. You’ve been so nice to me.”

Seeing Rory’s insistence, Amelia had no choice but to let her stay. Amelia could not pinpoint exactly

what Rory would want to gain from staying with her. She was not part of the Clintons anymore, so there

was hardly anything the girl could attain from her.

While the women were talking, Kurt had already got on the driver’s seat, and Derrick sat beside him.

Meanwhile, Amelia carried Tony and went into the car along with Tiffany and Rory after that.

The car pulled off from the villa with Kurt driving toward the city center. About half an hour later, they

arrived at a neighborhood. This happened to be where Oscar and Julian came not long ago while they

were looking for Amelia. It was not long before Kurt’s car arrived that Oscar and Julian left.

Once the car stopped, Tiffany got off first. She turned around to help Amelia and carried Tony with her

other hand. “Careful.”

“Just take care of Tony, Tiff. I can manage. Rory’s here to help me anyway,” Amelia said, stepping out

of the car warily.

“Alright. You watch out for yourself,” Tiff replied before turning toward Rory. “You look after her.”

The latter nodded submissively. “Sure. I won’t let anything happen to Amelia, so don’t worry.”

The three women headed off toward the house while Derrick and Kurt stayed behind to get their bags

and luggage off the car.

Rory shot Derrick a cursory glance as she helped Amelia to the house. Just a look at him was enough

to make her cheeks flush and her heart flutter, yet she reminded herself that it was still too early for her

to make a move on him.

Come on, Rory, you’re a nobody. You don’t deserve someone as flawless as Derrick. Wait, I shouldn’t

be thinking like this. Tiffany is not super pretty herself. Well, it’s not that there’s anything wrong with her.

It’s just that she’s way too common compared to Derrick. He should be with someone of equal

standing. He’s good-looking, successful, and rich. Tiffany, on the other hand, is just a regular girl. She’s

not from an ultra-rich family either. She’s just another Cinderella. If someone like her is able to get

Derrick’s heart, I should have an equal chance as well. I’m younger and prettier than her. I should

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believe in myself. Yes, I, Rory Sanders, deserve a man like Derrick.

For a moment, Rory seemed to have forgotten that love was not just about looks or ability.

While Rory was counting Tiffany’s flaws in her mind, the latter was busy helping Tony and Amelia get to

the apartment. She pressed the button on the elevator and waited for the door to open patiently. When

it finally did, and two people walked out, Tiffany was startled. One of them was equally shocked when

she laid eyes on Amelia.

Never in her life had Tiffany seen someone who looked so similar to Amelia. She leaned closer, asking,

“Amelia, you have a sister?”

“Huh?” Amelia’s gaze darted around aimlessly. “What are you talking about, Tiff? It’s not like you don’t

know about my family. I don’t have a sister.”

Then who is this girl? She looks so much like Amelia!

When the two women walked out of the lift, Tiffany took the liberty to take a careful look at them. In fact,

Oscar and Julian had met these two ladies before.

The one who resembled Amelia approached Amelia and spoke first. “Nice to meet you. I’m also

Amelia, Amelia Hutton. I heard they say I look a lot like you. Now that I see you in person, I’m afraid I

have no choice but to agree. Are you staying here as well?”

Amelia could not attest to what the woman said since she could not see anything. All she knew was the

woman’s voice sounded soothing and melodious.

Though Amelia was apprehensive, she still replied politely, “Hi, I’m Amelia Winters. I can’t believe we

have the same name! This must be fate. I’m sorry, but did you say we look alike just now?”

Amelia Hutton perused the girl before her, and a sense of pity rose in her heart. What a fine face if it

wasn’t for her blindness. Anyway, now that we’ve met, I can only say that it’s meant to be. Who knows

we might actually be related?

Of course, something this unusual could only happen in dramas.

“Indeed. We look identical. Do you mind if we exchange phone numbers? We’re neighbors anyway, so

we should hang out sometime. Besides, I really wonder if we’re actually related to each other,” Amelia

Hutton said with a cheeky smile.

Amelia smiled and agreed to give her her phone number.

“Alright. I’ll give you a call one of these days. Make sure you join us!” the new girl said.

“Sure thing.”

“All right. I won’t delay you two any longer. We’ll get going,” Amelia Hutton said before leaving with her

friend. They bumped into Derrick and Kurt on their way out. As expected, Amelia Hutton was amazed

by Derrick’s looks, but she was purely impressed by his unbelievably exquisite appearance, unlike her

friend, who squealed in excitement when she saw the men. Her friend was flabbergasted when she

saw both Derrick and Kurt.