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Too Much to Bear My Love

Chapter 300
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Chapter 300 Good Impression

Immediately after Oscar had left, Tiffany handed Tony over to Kurt and entered the bedroom. When she

noticed that Amelia was lying on the bed in a daze, she quickly went to her bedside and called out

softly, “Amelia… Amelia…”

However, Amelia merely blinked her eyes and looked at her like a doll without a soul.

Seeing this, Tiffany sat down and patted her on the shoulder. “Are you all right?” she asked with


With a slight shake of her head and a bitter smile, Amelia replied, “My heart hurts, Tiff. Despite being

aware that he has someone else, I’m still easily led on by his every move. I hate myself for being so

weak. If only I didn’t love him so much, then I wouldn’t feel so awful.”

Tiffany held her hand and pulled her up while saying encouragingly, “You’re the best, Babe. You just

can’t move on from it yet. It’ll get better after a while.”

Amelia’s eyes were still blank and empty even after she heard what Tiffany said. It was as though her

soul had left along with Oscar.

“Babe, if you can’t bear to leave him, just go and get him back. I can tell that he still has feelings for

you, so you’ll definitely succeed if you make the first move.”

Amelia glanced at her best friend before getting down from the bed. “I’ll go and pack my bags. The

flight is at midnight, so there isn’t much time left,” she said softly.

Tiffany also got down from the bed. “There’s still a few hours till midnight. Besides, I already packed

your bags yesterday. Our flight to Saspiuburg will take only an hour and a half. There will be a private

car taking us to the city when we arrive there. Our purpose to fly there is only to confuse the Clintons

who intend to investigate us. Once we’ve left the city, let’s take a boat and settle in a small town in

Jazona. How about that?”

Amelia threw her a sideways glance. “Haven’t we decided on this previously?”

“I’m just confirming our plans with you. My only worry is that you’ll change your mind when the time

comes,” Tiffany commented with a shrug before reaching out to pinch her best friend’s cheeks. “Smile

for me, Babe. You should have seen the look on your face just now. It was as though you had lost your

soul. My heart ached for you when I saw your expression.”

Amelia forced a smile upon hearing that.

Seeing how miserable her best friend was, Tiffany tried to cheer her up by cracking some jokes. After

some time, she finally said seriously, “I asked Derrick to create two fake identity cards for you and Tony.

Due to your special statuses, Oscar’s men will be able to track you both down if you used your real

identity cards to board the plane. However, you need not worry, as the information on the cards is

recorded on the household registration website. In other words, the name is real, and the person was

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merely changed to you.”

“Thanks for helping me out, Tiff.”

“There’s no need to thank me. Smile for me, and I’ll take that as your act of gratitude.”

Hearing this, Amelia offered her a smile.

Tiffany smiled back. Her smile had a healing effect which was very comforting to the receivers.

“You and Oscar are already divorced, Babe. Technically speaking, you don’t have the right to care

about who he is with at present. Despite wanting to beat him up, I don’t have a good reason to do so. I

understand that you’re upset and can’t let go of the feelings you have for him during these five years.

But let bygones be bygones. You still have to consider your own life, especially your eyes. The medical

knowledge here is very advanced, which is why I don’t want you to leave. The medical supplies in the

small town we’re heading to cannot be compared to the ones here. It could be detrimental to your

treatment if you were to be treated there. Despite knowing that, you still insist on taking your health


Listening to her nagging, Amelia merely turned around and pretended to fold her blankets.

Seeing her reaction, Tiffany knew that it was probably best for her to stop talking.

The visit from Oscar earlier on made Amelia depressed, and as a result, the entire apartment was filled

with a dreary atmosphere.

She ate very little during dinner. Although Tiffany kept piling her plate with food, she only took a few

bites before placing down her silverware. “I’m full. Carry on with your meal, Tiff, Kurt. I’ll go for a walk

for better digestion.”

Tiffany frowned when she noticed how little her best friend ate. “Is that all you’re eating, Babe?”

“I’m full now.”

“Have it your way. I’ll heat the leftover food and leave them in the pot. You can have them later if you

get hungry,” Tiffany replied after some time.


After the meal, Amelia went to the nursery to play with Tony. She spent two hours playing with him

before returning to her room to rest.

As soon as the clock struck ten, Amelia got up and left the guestroom with her two pieces of luggage.

Kurt and Tiffany were already waiting for her outside.

“Babe, are you all ready?” Tiffany asked.

Amelia nodded her head in response.

“Let’s go, then. Otherwise, we’ll be late.”

The three left the apartment along with Tony. Before entering the elevator, Tiffany kept looking back at

the home she had lived in for many years and only withdrew her gaze when the elevator door closed.

As they walked out of the apartment lobby, they noticed a tall figure leaning against a bright red BMW.

Amelia and Tiffany did a double-take, assuming that Oscar had found out about their plans to leave.

However, upon closer look, they discovered that they were mistaken.

Tiffany’s mouth gaped with disbelief. “Why are you here, Mr. Hisson?”

The man was none other than Derrick.

He straightened his back and flicked the non-existent dust off his clothes elegantly before walking

toward Tiffany.

“I’m your boyfriend. How can I not send off my lady?” he said to her with a smile.

Tiffany felt a blush creeping up her cheeks. She was not used to being pampered by a man in front of


She instinctively looked at Amelia to observe her reaction. Her best friend had a faint smile on her face

as she held out her hand graciously. Derrick did the same and shook her hand politely.

“May I address you as Derrick? It’s a pleasure to meet you this time as Tiffany’s boyfriend,” said Amelia

with a chuckle.

Derrick smiled back at her. “I’m also happy to greet you as her boyfriend. Tiff has explained your

situation to me. Don’t hesitate to look for me if you need help. I won’t object if it’s within my means.”

Amelia put on a gracious smile. “It seems I have Tiff to thank for this.”

Derrick took the luggage from Tiffany and wrapped his other arm around her waist. “Let’s go. I’ve

prepared a private plane for you both,” he said.

Tiffany immediately blushed upon hearing this. Her tone instinctively turned warm and loving as she

replied, “D-Derrick, we’ve already bought plane tickets.” As the two had just made their relationship

official, she was still not used to addressing him affectionately by his first name.

“I’ll send someone to check in for you all. Don’t worry. I’ll make it seem as though you’ve all boarded

the plane to Saspiuburg. The Clintons will surely be misled by the false trail,” said Derrick confidently.

As soon as he heard that, Kurt began to scrutinize the other man discreetly. He had to admit that

Derrick was a flamboyant man. He was tall and well-built, and he had delicate facial features that did

not make him seem feminine. He would definitely stand out among the crowd.

Kurt silently remarked as he sized Derrick up. This was no ordinary man.

While he was doing that, the man turned to look at him and asked politely, “May I know who this person


“He was sent by Oscar to protect Amelia and can be considered her private bodyguard. He’s

professionally trained and very skilled at fighting. He’s amazing, so I’ve chosen him to be the prototype

of the main character of the action I’m writing!” It was hard to tell if Tiffany was doing this

intentionally as she kept heaping praises on Kurt.

This time, it was Derrick who began scrutinizing Kurt. “You’re good at fighting? Let’s find a time to spar.

If your skills are truly impressive, I can hire you as an instructor, and you just need to tell me your

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desired salary.”

“Okay,” replied Kurt briefly. He never spoke much in front of strangers, which gave others the

impression that he did not get along well with people.

Derrick drove them to the location of the private plane and parked the car. “We’re here.”

Amelia got out of the car with Tony in her arms, followed by Tiffany from the front passenger seat. Kurt

was the last to get out.

A small private plane that was two meters high was parked not far from them.

“Let’s go. I’ll show you around the plane,” Derrick said as he put his arm around Tiffany’s waist. At that

point, the staff members had already taken out all the luggage from the trunk of the car.

Tiffany had always known that Derrick was rich. However, it was only when she got on the plane and

looked at the lavish interior that she realized his family background was more prestigious than she had

imagined. Although she was proud to have such an outstanding man as her boyfriend, she could not

help but feel pressured at the same time.

Can I really hold on to such a good man?

She was afraid that the pressure from his family would stress her out after being with him for a long


“Do you like it? I had it decorated to suit your preferences.”

Tiffany tried her best to sound normal. “There’s no need to do this for me.” Having written romance

s about domineering CEOs spending money on their ladies for many years, she had never once

thought that she would experience it in person.

“You’re my girlfriend, so I’m happy to pamper you,” said Derrick sweetly. After saying that, he turned to

address Amelia. “Have a seat, Amelia. The plane will take off soon.”

After the four of them sat down, Amelia asked, “Where are you sending us to, Derrick?”

Derrick replied, “I own a villa at Beshya. You can settle down there. I heard from Tiff about your eyes

and thought that it would be better for you to settle down in an upscale area like Beshya instead of a

small town. Firstly, in Beshya, there is good medical equipment to treat your eyes, and secondly, Tony

will be able to receive proper education here when he grows up. Don’t worry. The security system in

the villa is very advanced and won’t disclose your personal information. I can guarantee that Oscar will

never find this place.”

Amelia did not expect him to plan everything out in such a short period.

“Although I owe it to Tiff for such a good treatment, I would like to thank you for your help.” She did not

refuse Derrick’s offer, as she knew full well that living in a big city would be advantageous for Tony’s

future education.

“We’ll be a family in the future. Since Tiff cares a lot about you, your well-being is important to me as

well,” he replied.

Amelia could not help but think highly of Derrick. If this isn’t an act, he’ll be the perfect man for Tiff.