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Too Much to Bear My Love

Chapter 153
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Chapter 153 Choosing Bodyguards 3

“It’s me. Hiring a bodyguard is also a last-minute plan,” Amelia said, her tone slightly distant and

perfunctory. She was naturally guarded against strangers and tended to give off an aloof vibe. Only after

truly getting to know her would they find out her real personality was actually rather adorable.

Gary Laird was in the business of security services. Though he looked intimidating on the outside, he

had a keen eye for details. It was pretty apparent to him that Amelia was deliberately distancing herself

from him.

“I’m guessing your husband’s family should be quite well-off?” Gary held back on his admiration. He and

Amelia weren’t close enough yet. Besides, she was also a married woman. If he were to express his true

feelings for her, he was afraid they wouldn’t even be able to be friends then.

Amelia smiled faintly. “I suppose it’s not bad. At the very least, there’s no need to worry about my next


Tiffany chimed in, “Gary, is it necessary to check on our backgrounds when choosing a bodyguard?”

Gary chuckled. “Please don’t misunderstand. I wasn’t checking on your backgrounds per se. It’s just that

ordinary families wouldn’t usually hire a bodyguard nor have the means to do so. Since you’re looking to

hire one, I assumed your family must be rather well-off. Amelia’s husband is likely either a businessman

or a government official. Only people with power would deem this amount of money insignificant. To

ordinary families, it is almost equivalent to daylight robbery.”

Tiffany made a thumbs-up gesture and praised, “You’re indeed an accomplished businessman. Your

insight is superb.”

“This is merely basic evaluation. Moreover, your dressing style alone says a lot about you. You exude an

aura that ordinary people don’t usually have. It only takes one glance to tell the difference,” he explained.

A flash of admiration flickered in Tiffany’s gaze. She could sense that the man before her wasn’t as

intimidating as he seemed. Perhaps in certain aspects of life, he could be aggressive. But when it came

to working, he was very detailed and prudent. It was no wonder his security firm was renowned. It

wouldn’t have been possible without an equally capable owner.

As the famous quote went—Do not judge a book by its cover.

Gary continued, “Are you encountering any difficulties, Amelia? Although we’ve only met twice and are

merely acquaintances, I’m a man who values friendship. As long as I’ve acknowledged someone, I’d give

my all to that person should they require my help.”

“It isn’t that serious. My husband’s side of the family is prominent in the business industry. Tiff was just

concerned that there would be people who’d be blinded by greed. That’s why we thought of hiring a

couple of bodyguards as a safety measure. After all, I’m heavily pregnant. I can’t afford to get into any

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Gary nodded. “I will pick three suitable candidates based on your criteria. If you’re satisfied with them,

then we can sign the contract.”

Tiffany’s fingers were tapping a rhythm on the table. “Gary, you said not to talk about payment, but we’re

not freeloaders either. What is the market rate for bodyguards? We’ll pay the same price as what every

other customer does. We may be easy-going folks, but if you’re insincere, then we can forget about this


“Tiffany, I must say, I’ve never met a woman like you. People who try to get close to me are more or less

hoping to gain some advantage for themselves. You, on the other hand, are so insistent for me not to

offer you a discount.” He laughed. “It seems I made a good judgment in friends indeed. Rest assured.

The price will be reasonable.”

Lifting her glass in the air, Tiffany said, “Then I’ll thank you on behalf of Amelia.”

Gary took a glimpse of Amelia. The latter raised her glass as well and said, “Here’s to you, Gary.”

The trio clinked their glasses against one another, toasting with water instead of alcohol.

Soon after, their food arrived. There were a total of seven dishes, a soup, and a specially brewed broth

for pregnancy. The sheer amount of food laid out on the table resembled a delicious buffet spread.

Gary pointed at the broth he specifically requested the chef to make and said, “Amelia, I told the chef to

prepare this. It’s very beneficial for the baby. You have to drink more of it. Your arms and legs are way

too thin. If it weren’t for your bulging belly, nobody would believe you’re carrying a baby.” Gary’s earnest

tone sounded more like a loving husband.

The women found it odd.

Tiffany hastily interrupted, “You’re such a considerate man, Gary. It’s a total contrast from your

appearance. Whoever gets to be your wife will be living in bliss. Amelia, drink more of the broth. Gary’s

so kind to you. You mustn’t let him down.”

Amelia merely nodded, maintaining her neutral stance.

With Tiffany leading most of the chats during the meal, Gary’s chatters gradually lessened.

When they left the restaurant and got in the car, Gary asked, “Amelia, Tiffany, how was the meal?”

Amelia nodded and smiled. “It was delectable. It wasn’t too greasy and was suitable for my palate. The

soup was thick and creamy. I’ve lived here for so many years and have never discovered this hidden


Tiffany couldn’t help but compliment, “The food was indeed out-of-this-world. We just had breakfast at

half-past ten and weren’t hungry at first. However, the food in the restaurant was simply too mouth-

watering. One bite and you’ll be addicted to it. I’m now so bloated from it.”

Gary chuckled. “I’m glad to hear that. If you guys would like to dine there in the future, simply mention my

name and you’ll be able to dine free of charge.”

“You’re a generous man, but as I said earlier, we’re not freeloaders,” Tiffany said.

Gary merely smiled in response.

When they returned to the company, Gary led Amelia and Tiffany to his office. He picked up the

telephone and dialed a number. “Queenie, tell Howard, Riley, and Xander to come in.” Without waiting for

a reply, he put down the receiver.

There was a knocking on the door in less than a minute. “Come in,” Gary called out.

When the door pushed open, two men and a woman entered the room. Both men were tall and lean with

relatively good looks, wearing short-sleeved T-shirts. Although they looked thin, their arms were rather

muscular. As for the woman, she stood at approximately 168cm. Her features were delicate and pretty—

her dimples especially eye-catching whenever she smiled. It made her feel approachable.

“Gary,” all three of them greeted respectfully.

Gary nodded slightly. He pointed at Amelia and Tiffany and said, “They are the clients—both with the last

name Winters. If they’re satisfied with the three of you, you’ll work under them from today onward. You

are all here to get to know one another.”

They were surprised because Gary hardly attended to clients personally. That was the job of the

company’s manager. After all, the security firm was merely one of Gary’s many businesses. He wouldn’t

have turned up unless the employer was of VIP status.

Ignoring the bewildered expressions on the trio, Gary continued, “Amelia, Tiffany, let me introduce you.

They are Howard Powell, Riley Hope, and Xander Erikson.”

Amelia stretched out a hand and said, “My name is Amelia Winters. It’s nice to meet all of you.”

Howard and Xander both stretched out their hands at the same time. They felt rather flattered as she

was a beautiful woman. “Ms. Winters, nice to meet you.”

On the other side, the woman named Riley Hope was seemingly sizing up Amelia with a guarded look in

her gaze. She questioned, “Ms. Winters, don’t mind me asking, what’s your relationship with Gary? He

typically never personally receives a client, unless they are his close friends or of VIP status.”

Amelia could clearly sense the blatant hostility from the young lady. She could more or less guess why

that was so. “I’m married. Your boss and I are ordinary friends,” she clarified.

It was then that Riley noticed Amelia’s bulging stomach. Her face flushed in shame. She had only been

focused on Amelia’s face earlier. As she had worked with Gary for several years, she naturally knew

what sort of woman he was attracted to—a pretty face, voluptuous body but never skimpily dressed—all

of which fitted Amelia. That was why she behaved rather defensively.

But when she realized Amelia was pregnant, she gradually let down her walls.

Riley clutched onto Amelia’s hand enthusiastically and said, “So, you’re Gary’s friend. I rarely see him

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bring a female friend to the company. You must be a very important friend to him.”

Amelia shook her head on the inside. She’s indeed a young lady who wears her emotions on her face.

With her delicate looks, who will believe she’s a bodyguard?

Gary coughed twice to interrupt. “Riley, don’t be cheeky. When you’re at the company, you ought to

behave austerely. Otherwise, who will want to employ you?”

Riley stuck out her tongue childishly. The next second, her face changed as if she could perform magic

and turned stern. She said in a serious tone, “I’m sorry. I forgot my manners earlier.”

Gary waved a hand at her. “You won’t be excused the next time. You’re one of the company’s

employees. Every action of yours reflects our professionalism. Should you behave inappropriately and

leave a bad impression on the client, then our company might as well shut down our business.”

With her gaze unchanging, Riley replied seriously, “I’m sorry, Gary. There won’t be a next time.”

Tiffany could no longer stand to watch. “Gary, we’re not outsiders. There’s no need for you to be this

strict with the young lady,” she interrupted. “Aren’t you afraid she’ll cry if you lecture her this way?”

“Young? She’s already twenty-five,” Gary said, shaking his head.

Tiffany chuckled. “I knew it! She’s a millennial. You could tell she’s a girl in her youth based on her

appearance alone. I can’t help but feel old.”

Looking at Tiffany, Riley felt guarded once again. After all, Tiffany was another attractive woman.

Although she didn’t give off the alluring vibe, her shapely figure and good looks were relatively close to

Gary’s taste.

“Gary, may I know which one is the client?” Riley asked. “Or are the both of them hiring?”

“Amelia is your employer. That is if she’s satisfied with the three of you. We may sign the contract on the

spot,” Gary said.

After hesitating a little, he turned to Amelia and said, “Amelia, even though they look like pretty faces and

aren’t sculpted like bodybuilders, they are skilled in martial arts. Riley is proficient in kickboxing, close

combat, and shooting. Howard is proficient in reconnaissance, shooting, and mixed martial arts. As for

Xander, he’s proficient in his protection skills, shooting, and close combat. They’ve learned almost every

type of martial art in the world. These three are the ones I’m most proud of. They have all undergone

professional training and will certainly make good bodyguards for you.”

Amelia and Tiffany exchanged glances for a while, their gazes filled with doubt.

“If they’re that extraordinary, isn’t it a pity for them to be my bodyguards?” Amelia asked.

“Even if I don’t assign them to you, they’ll have to go on other missions regardless. But since they’re so

outstanding, their prices are slightly higher on the chart too. Of course, I trust that you’ll be able to afford

them. I know it’s hard to believe me without proof. How about witnessing it for yourself?” Gary suggested.

Amelia was feeling eager. After all, it was her first time witnessing someone fire a gun. Even though she

was a woman, shooting was one of her interests.