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To Be Yours Again by Taylor

Chapter 1387
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Chapter 1387 Gilbert and Marigold (62)

At night, Gilbert drove to his villa. He got out of the car and went straight to his room.

Then, he took out his phone and called Jenny.

When Jenny called him earlier, Esther was right in front of him. He did not pick up for fear

of arousing her suspicions, which was why he had waited to come home before calling her


She picked up quickly. Gilbert learned that Marigold already knew about everything, and

instantly, he felt a headache coming.

'Alright. I'm coming right now. Keep an eye on her. Don't let her leave the house." Gilbert

knew that it was dangerous for Marigold to be alone right now. Esther had not given up on

targeting her. It was only because she was in Jenny's house that the woman had no

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chance to strike.

After the call, Gilbert went downstairs. But before he got to the door, he paused in his

footsteps. If Esther was suspicious of him, she would undoubtedly have someone spying

on him. If he went to Jenny's place, it would further increase her doubt.

It was no easy feat coming this far. He was about to become the vice president of

Bradshaw Operations. He wasn't going to give it all up.

But he couldn't leave Marigold hanging.

He turned and went back to his room. He turned off all the lights in the villa and looked out

from the balcony of the second floor.

As expected, he saw a car parked outside the villa. It hadn't left since he'd come home. He

was almost certain that this was a spy that Esther had sent out to watch him.

Thankfully, the spy was only at the front door. Gilbert could leave through the back door.

However, he couldn't drive. Thus, he had to get someone else to pick him up.

In the end, he called Alec. As of now, only Jenny and Alec knew of his plan. If Jenny were to

keep an eye on Marigold, Alec would be the only one available to drive him.

As for Zack, Gilbert had yet to tell him about what had happened with the Bradshaws. On

the one hand, he didn't want Zack to worry, and on the other hand, he didn't want Zack to

be involved.

Gilbert was already waiting when Alec's car quietly drove up to the backdoor. He got in the

car quickly, and they sped off.

Gilbert looked at Alec a little awkwardly. "Sorry for the trouble.”

’It's no trouble at all.' Alec didn't mind. He and Jenny were married. If Gilbert was Jenny's

brother, he was his, too. On top of that, he wanted Gilbert to get together with Marigold,

too. He missed Jenny.

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They arrived quickly at Alec's villa. Because of Gilbert's arrival, Alec and Jenny finally had

time to themselves. He took Jenny away from the villa, leaving Gilbert and Marigold alone.

Marigold sat on the sofa in the living room. She knew Gilbert had walked in, but she

refused to look at him. She was obviously still angry.

Gilbert was exasperated, but he sat next to Marigold. ’So you know everything."

"Of course. How long were you planning on lying to me?" Marigold was upset when she

spoke about it. She looked at Gilbert, eyes flashing with anger.

Gilbert did not mean to make any excuses for himself. "I'm sorry for lying to you."

Marigold was stunned to hear him admit it. Was that all? Wasn't he going to explain


While in a daze, Gilbert continued, "I know you're really angry right now, but I don't have

any other choice. If I don't destroy the Bradshaws, it won't just be me in danger. You and

Caleb will be in danger, too. That's why I have to do this."