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To Be Yours Again by Taylor

Chapter 1385
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Chapter 1385 Gilbert and Marigold (60)

' Say something, Marigold. Don't scare me.” Jenny was panicking now. Marigold looked

upset, yet she was saying nothing, which greatly concerned Jenny. She didn't know what

was happening, but because of this, she was very worried.

Marigold scoffed. She didn't want to beat around the bush. "You didn't make me come

here because you wanted to see Caleb, did you?"


"It was Gilbert's idea, wasn't it? He wanted to marry the Silveras, so he got an excuse to

send me away, didn't he?" Marigold felt as though she had seen through everything.

Jenny's face grew solemn. When news of the Bradshaws and Silvera's marriage came out,

Gilbert had gotten someone to delete them immediately for fear of Marigold seeing them.

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They had done this for the past few days, and it was a pretty good trick. However, she still

saw it.

She placed a hand on Marigold's shoulder and said, "Marigold, do you think my brother is

the type to fall in love easily?"

Marigold said nothing. Her emotions were in turmoil, and she couldn't think properly.

"If he truly wanted to send you away, he wouldn't have sent you here. He would have told

you to go away. Why would he go to all this trouble?" Jenny continued.

Marigold wasn't convinced. "Of course, he wants me to go, but he wants the child to stay.

So this is the only option." In her eyes, Gilbert was only doing this to keep Caleb.

Otherwise, he would have gotten her to leave a longtime ago.

"With Gilbert's abilities, Marigold, what would you be able to do if he forced the kid to

stay?" Jenny asked.

"I'd fight him with my life!' Marigold said.

Jenny said nothing as she looked at her. They both knew very well that this didn't mean

anything. If that ever happened, Marigold wouldn't even be able to see him, much less

fight him.

She took a deep breath and asked, "What is all this about?"

Jenny sighed. She didn't want to lie to Marigold anymore and told her everything.

Once she learned about everything, Marigold was speechless. "So, in order to gain

Esther's trust, he has to marry the Silveras?"

"Isn't it hilarious? That woman has never been a mother to him, but she wants to control

him like this." Jenny thought it was hilarious. If she were in Gilbert's shoes, she would have

caused chaos in the Silvera family. She wouldn't have taken the time to scheme like


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However, she understood Gilbert's decision. His company was not considered very large,

and if he were to fight against the Bradshaws, he would only lose. He wasn't wrong for

choosing to gain Esther's trust.

Marigold began aching for Gilbert once Jenny explained everything. Someone as cold and

arrogant as him would definitely be miserable listening to Esther's every order.

Jenny could tell that she was miserable and quickly said, "So give Gilbert some time,

Marigold. Once he has settled everything with the Bradshaws, I believe he will give you

and Caleb a happy ending."

"Really?" Marigold didn't know what to say. She didn't seem to have a choice. Was she

really going to part with Gilbert like this? She didn't have the courage nor the heart for it.

She sighed and said, 'I want Gilbert to tell this to me personally."

’Alright," Jenny agreed. It would be best if Gilbert said this himself