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To Be Yours Again by Taylor

Chapter 1384
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Chapter 1384 Gilbert and Marigold (59)

For the next few days, Marigold stayed in Jenny's house. Gilbert had not come to visit

once. It made her notice that something was amiss.

But every time she thought of it, Jenny would comfort her and say that she was sending

Gilbert pictures of Caleb every day, which was why Gilbert didn't come to see him.

Although Marigold knew that something was up, she didn't press on. She believed that

Jenny would not hurt her. If she still held a grudge about what happened the last time, she

would have taken her revenge long ago. She would not have waited until now.

But Gilbert's non-appearance was still making her worried.

Her worries quickly became a reality. She soon found out on the Internet.

That day, she was going through her phone after a play session with Caleb. Suddenly, a

news article appeared on her main page.

"Bradshaw Operations Heir’s Rumored Marriage with the Silveras."

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Bradshaw Operations heir?

The headline attracted her attention. If she was not mistaken, Gilbert was the one who

was probably going to be the Bradshaws' successor. She wasn't sure, but her heartbeat


She comforted herself, thinking that it was just false news. But when she saw the pictures

in the news article, she turned pale instantly.

Who could it be if it wasn't Gilbert?

There was a woman next to him, and they were standing close to each other. One of the

photos clearly showed Gilbert holding her close to him. Marigold bit her lip, turning as

white as a sheet. It was Gilbert. She would never mistake him for anyone else.

Was he really going to marry that Silvera girl?

What about her, then? What was their romance from before? Marigold thought that they

were going to be together at last. Did she read too much into things?

Once she found out the truth, Marigold understood instantly why Gilbert told her to move

to Jenny's place. He was afraid that her presence in his villa would affect his marriage with

the Silvera girl.

They had lied to her.

Marigold's heart turned cold.

She wanted to save the pictures and use them to question Gilbert. Even if he didn't like

her, he had to make things clear to her; he owed her that much. She didn't like being kept

in the dark.

But when she looked at her phone, the news article had vanished.

Was it gone?

Or was it deleted?

Marigold suddenly understood why she hadn't seen anything related to the Bradshaws

lately on the news. They were all deleted, which was why she hadn't seen anything and

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was lied to for so long.

"Marigold, the weather is fine today. Let's take Caleb out to play." Jenny came in from

outside. She'd come back early from work so that they could take the little one out to play

in the good weather. She didn't know how long Gilbert was going to take. The news of the

marriage was already out. It would probably take just a little while longer.

They just didn't know what it would take for Esther to believe Gilbert. She wouldn't want

him to actually marry that Silvera girl, would she? If that were the case, things would

become difficult.

When she snapped out of her thoughts and looked at Marigold, she realized that Marigold

was even deeper in her thoughts. She didn't seem to have heard her at all.

Jenny walked over and patted her on the shoulder. "Marigold? What are you thinking


Marigold snapped back to reality and looked at Jenny with a pale face, her eyescold.

Jenny's heart thumped hard. "What's wrong? Are you feeling unwell?"

Marigold said nothing, unable to express how she felt. She should have known that since

Jenny was Gilbert's sister, she would be helping him out, so she teamed up with him to lie

to her.

She was such an idiot